

Ask @andinakukaj

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How long have you known this girl Kristi G ?

I've known her for a freaking while since we always lived in the same neighborhood but we became best friends in 9th grade and have been literally like sisters ever since

Who is the person you trust the most in this world??

Myself the most but also my close family members and Kristi G.<3

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How old were you when you got your first computer??

Well I was a baby when we got a family computer lol

If you knew you had one day to live, how would you spend it lol ?

I'd get plenty of tattoos and just do reckless shit lol

If you could have any question answered, what would it be? :)

Umm let's seeee I have a lot of questions lol but one would be why do people have a limited amount of time on Earth?

All right tell you what, i'll write one per day if that's okay with you.

Haha that's sweet man

You are as beautiful as a blazing sunset and as brilliant as heavenly sight of light. :)

Aren't you tired of writing these little quotes? lol

Well i got the ones for the multiple choice and the 3 essays in english.

I doubt it brethren but good luck to you on the test lol

Hell yeah i'm so ready for this, i have all the answer keys in my mind.

Hahah nice bruhh, which one do you have the "answer keys" for?

If you stand in front of a mirror with 11 roses, you'll see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world.

Hahahah awwwwwww :') :')

It must have been a rainy day when you where born, except it wasn't really raining. It was the sky who was crying because it lost his most beautiful star, YOU.

It actually was raining when I was born...that's weird lol

Yes but this is my secret side that no girl knows.

Damnn I have the privilege of witnessing this little poetic side of yours? Now I need to know who you are lol


Language: English