

Ask @AlyaaHz

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Do u know any good Arabic translator? not google or bing!

Noo sorry, twitter can translate tweets though LOL
Liked by: E.

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In learning, is punishment (negative feedback) or reward (positive feedback) more effective?

It honestly depends on a situation! Reward when you know they'd keep up and punishment to push them to change

You are beautiful the way you are, and don't ever stop smiling, I love your smile

Thaat made me smile! Thank you x!

What do you hope to accomplish in your life?

i like your question. Other than my required religion duties, i guess finding something I'm truly passionate off.

You are awesome. Screw people who believe whatever they hear about you

haha thank you, im sure youre just as 'awesome' x

I know you love me, and you miss me. I know you have finals now too. I know a lot about you. Is that creepy?

haha do i now? whatever makes you sleep at night

How can you not miss me?

Yal confidence :p let me know who you are and ill tell you If i did or not

If you could own any building in the world, which one would it be?

Any building with a penthouse in the big apple would be great


Language: English