
Ally MacCormack

Ask @Allymaccormack

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Which is your favorite dessert?

CHOCOLATE. I actually don't get sick of it I can eat 1kg of chocolate and feel fine and that's what i'm doing tonight (-;
Liked by: Jared Stephenson

how are you feeling right now?

but at the same time i'm like worried I'll get diabetes from all the junk food lol

thoughts on the one and only taytay morris

She's fab, but i'd love her even more if she liked cats (; really sweet girl xx

Whats your plans for this week?

Well i went shopping yesterday and had a friend sleepover, she went home at 6:30pm. Then tomorrow at like 4ish louise is coming over and we're having a MASSIVE feast like legit the biggest one anyones ever seen and then friday if we're not to tired we'll go into northbridge/city to go vintage shopping and op shopping c: here's a photo of the food list (not even finished yet)

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Probz jail for killing all the bitches i hate. Jks jks but um idk living alone with cats because im like never gonna have a boyfriend lol, and i'll eat like cake all day everyday.


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