
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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Do you like anyone right now? For how long? What's the longest time you've liked someone for?

I'm ... not sure if I like someone at the moment? So I can't give you an estimate ^^; I have been happier in the last 8 months compared to last year, though.
& the longest time I've ever liked someone was for about ... ... five years, LOL.

In what ways do you think AP helped you for uni?

... I guess it prepared me to deal with college work
but at the same time I'm still salty that I didn't earn the credits I wanted to get over with >:(

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Wew I just subscribed to u and made ur 10k subscribers :D So I went looking if u had an ask and u did :o I've actually been looking at ur works since a long time ago and was surprised I wasn't subscribed ! U deserve it and keep singing x:

.... This ask actually prompted me to check my YouTube and OH MY GOD YOU'RE RIGHT -- thank you so much for your subscription! Past that, thank you so much for the kind words!! It's really heartwarming to know that people were able to see me grow as the years go by -- so thank you! I'll definitely keep singing for as long as I can ;v;)9

I really enjoyed DJ-Jo's Kimino Shiranai Monogatari with you featured in it. Do you plan on doing an original cover of it? Maybe even an English cover?

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! ;w; Mm ~ as for original cover, do you mean singing with the original arrangement? If so, I'm not too sure! I'll have to see if I have time to do so ;w; I'll definitely keep this in mind, though!

Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance the most?

Oh goddd I dance all the time around the house. EDM & the like, usually!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyHJbsPohuo Everytime I listen to your voice in this music, I feel really happy. Your voice is so cute. But deep inside i feel sad because i know i'll never get a girl with a perfect voice as yours :c

I'm glad my voice brings you some joy - but you gotta stop thinking like that! I bet you're a great person but how are you gonna get all the ladies with that mindset ???
Anyways I'm sure she'll come around but you gotta keep your chin up ok :)

I see you too have the wanderlust...what is the place you wish to go see the most?

I'd love to go back to Toronto :c Or maybe visit Cali one day!

Your animations are so nice! But may I ask how do you get Japanese characters/symbols for video making (and different fonts for it?) I really have tried looking everywhere and I don't even know ):

Thank you! That means a lot ;; Ahhh, well -- the reality is, good Japanese fonts are really hard to come by? (At least ... the ones you can get for free) because there's so many characters? Honestly, I just google "japanese fonts" and the first few searches come up with sites that are dedicated to logging & listing JPN fonts!! Good luck in finding the one!

What's the 'best' frequency for uploads? Are multiple uploads in a day good? Should it be every other day? Once every week?

Hm ... not too sure if I know of the "best" upload frequency. I think the safest answer would have to be weekly or bi-weekly. I tend to do monthly uploads myself ... or bi-monthly, depending on how busy I get.
If you're just starting out, I'd definitely try to shoot for weekly uploads! You're all about getting more exposure - so the more you post, the more likely it'll be for people to find you!
As for multiple uploads / every other day - this is just my personal opinion, but I don't really like that as much?? So I try to refrain from doing that, haha. Unless if the uploads are related or connected to one another, then yeah ... but if they're two separate things I'd like to wait until the first upload gets some attention before posting another. I know there's some people (like myself) that are kinda the "one-and-done" type of viewers = they'll see one video but probably won't bother to check out another, unless if I'm /really/ invested in the current thing I'm watching, haha.
Wow this got really long @w@; Really sorry about that!

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Liked by: Kitasato Shin

Can you put a link to Underwater promenade by reol? I can't seem to find it ;w;

Ah -- the song is actually found on her solo album! It's the 4th track on that list ` v`)b

What was the greatest moment of your life?

HMM. Tough question there. I think the latest was getting to see all of these long time internet friends in real life? Yeah

hi alleah~~ i'm only lvl 20 on league but is it okay if i add you? ;w;

YEAH GO AHEAD my ign is still Kerosene Mafia I think


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