
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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What is your Song of the week?

LUVORATORRRRRY!!! - Giga feat. GUMI & Rin. Somehow, it always finds its way into my music playlist :7

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

/l a ughs .. no idea. I think I'm a solid 8. Little more, little less depending on the day

When you feel sad, what cheers you up?

Talking to friends, listening to music or just working my sadness away ahahah

Are you happy with the amount of information in your head?

No, never happy. I always feel like there's so much more to learn ..!

What is your favorite type of sushi?

Nigirizushi ~~~ Specifically salmon nigiri!! I can eat that for the rest of my life.

would you secretly marry Nami behind beato the bin's back and elope w/ pho

omg what NO THEY JUST GOT MARRIED and already the adultery questions ??? b-but hmm the pho tho


Language: English