
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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I heard you're a Filipino *A* How often do you speak in Tagalog? *O*

Yep! & sadly, I barely speak Tagalog LOL ;; If anything, I know more of Bisaya xD

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any tips for mixing?

ahhh, I'm not much of a mixer myself so um idk if I can give you awesome tips ahah ;w;" Um. I guess for one thing; when working with the volume levels, try setting the tracks to mono first before switching them back to stereo? Rest your ears when you can! o)-< Listen to other mixes before going back to work on yours. Try not to overdue the effects, too.

How did you meet your best friend?

Our dad's met through a mutual friend. They talked over cars for a while before I was invited over to their house. 13 years later our friendship is still strong. :')

If there was a show on YouTube that had a panel of 3-4 youtaites, what would you find interesting/funny to watch? (Bear in mind that it would only be the people's voices as everyone lives too far apart to do IRL videos.)

I assumed it wouldn't be irl lmao ... but idk. It really depends on the people themselves if it'll be interesting or not?

If you are a boy would you be the 'seme' or 'uke' search it up the net if you don't know what it is. This a multi- person question so some of the people I asked are boys

Seme, duh. I don't even need to be a boy :|

What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

Your heart and sou- I don't know. I think it was my phone. I dropped it while I was on one of those rides that shoot you up and down LMAO ;

How did you started singing in youtube?

I was inspired by a World is Mine cover a long, long time ago! So I pulled up my rockband mic, recorded on Windows Movie Maker (I know, don't give me that look ... gosh ...) and slapped it up on YouTube! :'>
Liked by: aimi

why dont you record on adobe audition?

I ... DON'T KNOw lmao ; My adobe audition is weird. I mean I'll have my hardware installed, a track armed for recording yet nothing .. comes up ... so I just turned to Audacity, LOL.

k-chan, can I know the software you use for recording?

I use Audacity. It's free and you can find it with a quick search on google!

hey kchan!! do you know where i can get the tv size off vocal for daze? your voice is so nice btw omg

The producer uploaded it to his piapro account, a jap site where a lot of the producers upload their off vocals for free use. xD (you'll need an account though ;)

Should students be allowed to bring their phones to school? Why or why not?

Yes. More and more schools are allowing the use of phones in classes for educational purposes. On top of that, in cases of emergency, and the school office may not be able to call for help on time, students can be the ones to :o
Liked by: Jhonella Maceren

What would you do/How would you feel if you said "I love you" to someone and they replied "ikr i love me too"

LMAO this has happened before and I just kinda laugh before slapping them


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