
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

... Blue. Because why not.

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What is it you most dislike?

Uuu that can be a lot of things ... I guess I don't like people that purposefully use others too much? :C

When did you first fall in love?

Oh god. My first "love" was this kid in my pre-kindergarten class. He didn't like me though. :C (Tbh, I think his name was Kevin OTL)

You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose?

I'm gonna be smart and say water, yee

What's the furthest from home you've been?

Uh. Australia? Although I guess that doesn't count anymore, but when I first moved to America I felt serious homesickness haha

Favourite Vocaloid composers?

YOU ARE ASKING FOR A NEVERENDING LIST-- Camellia, umetora and wowaka will forever be my favorites. Other Ps I like are out of survice, rerulili, baker, MuryokuP, DATEKEN, powapowa, treow/ELECTROCUTICA, jin/shizen no teki-P... mm .. and then like .. 100 more ...

Among your Youtaite friends, who would you want to be your waifu/husbando the most?

Um I already have AquAngel as waifu & Chiika-babe as husbando. Idk there's a lot :C

k-chan, where is the best place to download good free autotune ?

Uh. If you're talking about plug-ins you can google them? I primarily use G-Snap haha

Where and when do you get your best ideas?

Oh gosh that really depends. Sometimes I'll be in the bathroom taking in a shower, or maybe taking a test. It's so weird

Among your straight Youtaite friends, which one would you want to become gay?

Um. Idk who I'd /want/ to become gay? Nor can you "become" gay in the first place? Idk if someone came out to me then sure, congrats mate /o/
Liked by: Ciel

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

Sociable idiot, I guess. ;w; Being a genius would be nice but I love people too much so uh yes


Language: English