
Panggil Aku Jo

Ask @AliefLuthfi

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Where have you been ?

Meli NM
I've been busy these days, lol. But i miss you so fucking much.
We should definitely go watch a movie or something.
And working on the web as well.

what is your favorite song? #dubtrackFM

My favorite song this time would be Love You Like The Movies by Anthem Lights.

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i want to kill u tell me the best way to do it

The best way to do it, is probably, kill yoself first, then you'd be a ghost. Then you'd go after me. That would make a story.
Liked by: Ervian Raditya

So if you could pick 3 songs that make you don't wanna live anymore, what would they be?

This is a very strange question. But let' see...
First would be Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
Second would be Everybody Hurts by R.E.M
And third, would be Mad World by Gary Jules.

yooo my man :) always tell me awsome movie now its weekend its fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tell me one more awsome movie preferably comedy one but if u have a better one of other genre that will count too

you really love comedy movies don't you mate? lmao.
have you watched 21 Jump street and 22 jump street ? if you haven't , go for it.
If you want to watch 2014 movies, i suggest you to watch Interstellar. it's a 3-hour-movie that you won't be regret watching it.

setau kaka, jurusan apa aja yg ada diunair? jurusan ipa maupun ips tlg dijawab serius ya ka aku bimbang soalnya makasih ka

walah yah banyak dek kalo itu. Aku juga gak hafal. Perfakultas aja ya,
FEB - (ekonomi dan bisnis) ada Akuntansi, Ekonomi Islam, Manajemen, Ekonomi Pembangunan.
FISIP - (ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik) Admin Negara, Ilmu komunikasi, hubungan internasional, dll.
FF - (farmasi) farmasi dll.
FH - hukum
FPsi - Psikologi
FST - (sains dan teknologi) ada biologi kimia fisika dll.
FKM - Kesehatan masyarakat
FK - Kedokteran
FKG - Kedokteran Gigi.
FKH - Kedokteran Hewan
VOKASI - disini tempat mahasiswa d3, ada manajemen perbankan, manajemen pemasaran, dll
kalau mau lengkapnya monggo di buka aja web www.unair.ac.id

10 facts about

Habiba Sainah
1. Namamu Habibah
2. Nama panjangmu Habibah Sainah
3. Kamu cewek
4. Dulu anak X-7
5. Anak Remas juga
6. Anak SMAN 1 Gresik
7. Anak basket (?)
8. Sekarang masih berada di SMAN 1 Gresik
9. Anak Gresik
10. Sedang menempuh masa akhir SMA.

strategi biar dpt jalur undangan dan bisa tepat sasaran itu gimana? makasih.

Klo aku,
1. Tentukan jurusan yg bener2 kamu senengi biar gak nyiksa.
2. Tentuin universitas yg sesuai sama kemampuan km. Mulai dr kemampuan ekonomis, kemampuan akademik, dan juga keadaan keluarga (kesehatan dll)
3. Restu ortu. (Walaupun klise tapi kenyataan, tanpa restu gk akan berjalan lancar)
4. Gausah ngikuti temenmu masuk mana.
5. Klo masih di kelas 11 atau 12 awal, sekolahnya di seriusin biar nilaimu cukup buat masuk di univ.
6. Perbanyak prestasi.
7. DOA.

once again a real good movie to watch comedy one :) i mean the movie that i can watch with snacks and coke and enjoy in real

Try We're The Millers. It's pretty funny to me.

lho aku kepek belum move on dari hukum wkwk bener kok lief kamu baca primbonku seh

apaan itu kepek? haha. Kalau memang berarti kenapa kamu harus move on lak?
mending sekarang seriusin semester satunya dulu aja hahaha

imdes aku dong lief

Melati Anggraini Putri,
cewek feminim, tapi anaknya asik,
seneng nyanyi, suara bisa diuji.
punya cita - cita yang tinggi, tapi kadang tidak percaya diri.
Suka nonton anime, korea, atau apalah yang berbau asia (iya ta?)
Masih belum move on dari yang lama (iya kan?)
Jangan takut melangkah nak (ini nasehat)

because i donot have a official account i leave no traces behind :) haha just its just my nature i like it this way remain hidden

that's a very mysterious of you mate. But also clever. I'd probably do that sometimes in the future. So no one could ever possibly track me on internet.

i am from pakistan but its just a Id to ask about movies i mostly make it deactive after asking some question like movies sports and other stuff

hahaha i get it. But why don't you use your official account to ask people about movies and stuff?
i mean, that would make everything easier. lol
Anyway, feel free to ask me anytime.

ok i am following u now i will keep asking one every weekend where r u from

Thank you for following me, i appreciate that.
May i know who you are mate? you could uncheck the anonymous button if you want to, you know. Haha
I'm from Indonesia and you my friend?

is that hollywood production what is it about crime war comedy ??

yes it is. It's an old movie from 2007. I don't know what genre it is, but i'm pretty sure it's about friendship.
If you're looking for comedy i suggest you to watch Grown Ups, the first and the second.
and Walk of Shame or 22 jump street. Man, there are dozens on my list.

what is ur most favorite movie ??

It's probably Bridge to Terabithia, for now.
Cause i just re-watch this movie like 2 days ago.


Language: English