

Ask @Aliciaelly

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hi. how do u remove ur underarm hair? does it leave black stumbles? if yes, how u clear it?

Hello. Yes I do remove it. I don't shave, I pluck! Yes mine does leave black stumbles :( I use Milk Bath Salt scrub and whitening lotion everyday :)

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What two animals, if combined, would make for an awesome animal?

Dog and rabbit HAHAHAHA OMG me trying to imagine it, is weird as fuck

when did u first had at your first r/s? how old?

If you were to count a r/s as me bringing the guy home to show my parents or made it officially to my family, then it would be my current boyfriend, Zack. And he's the first:) I had other 2 but they are not even considered boyfriend because none in my family knew except for my friends hahahahahahahaha

what is ur highest education? what are u currently doing now?

Scroll down for the answer! I've actually answered this before.

I thought you're previously in RP? Was shocked to see that you're no longer schooling. How come so did sudden ;((

Yeah I was!!! Ahahaha why are you shocked??? I'm still pursuing my studies but just a little late hehehe

What kind of shoes do you usually wear?

I'm more of a sneakers than heels girl hahaha but rn I love my slip ons!

Do you get to earn any money by joining mousetrap?? Just asking!!!

Idk if I'm allowed to say it on social platform, sorry!!

What's the largest amount of money you've ever lost?

$50. I wanted to buy ice cream then it slipped off my hand and flew away LOL

How do you think of girls are no longer virgin??

If you gave it to your lover then it's not a big issue. Yeah? Hahaha

sorry to disturb you in any way or form. but did pretty frown leave mousetrap? ;-(

It's alright! Yeah sadly she did..


Language: English