
Clint from Alcohollywood

Ask @alcohollywood

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How'd you and Grant meet? It doesn't seem like there's much overlap between alcohol-based movie review podcasts and Internet Video Game Commentators.

Short version: I knew Grant since we both post in the movies subforum of Something Awful.
Long version: I started working with his wife (then fiancee) on a show in Chicago, Grant and I both ended up talking about the show on SA, and we connected the dots that I was working with Ms. Ironicus. We met up, hung out, became friends, and the rest is history.

You could do a meta-movie month. Meta-March or Meta-May or whatever. Every week a movie from a different genre which examines that genre. That way you can have a unifying theme while every movie is different. Scream would probably be the best horror movie to use simply because of all the horror movi

That might be an interesting one; we'd probably want to throw a meta-drama or comedy in there, more overt examples of which elude me at the moment (with the exception of movies like Inception being secretly about filmmaking and all that).

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Next October should be a meta-horror month. Scream, Detention, Cabin in the Woods, and at least two other horror movies which are aware of what horror movies are and that the characters are in one.

It'd certainly be a way to get Detention in there, and boy do I have some words for Cabin in the Woods. Still, we want to make sure that all the entries don't get too samey, which is why we pick some pretty objective criteria (Stephen King films, Universal monster movies/remakes, Part 3s). I fear we'd start to get tired of talking about the exact same element of each film (how they comment on horror movies) through the entire month. That being said, it's definitely not a bad idea, so we'll keep it under our hat.

Re-Animator or Dead Alive? Any plans for Fouror Octorbor?

If you're asking which one to choose, it's a toughie - I actually haven't seen Re-Animator yet, so I'll have to pick Dead Alive.
As for Fouror Octorbor, we're always taking suggestions! We've got one or two ideas we've come up with/have been suggested to us, like having a 'kid-friendly' Octorbor with Hocus Pocus, Nightmare Before Christmas, et al.

You should add a link here on the main site. Or make it easier to find if it's already there.

Done and done - there should be a handy widget on the site's sidebar. Thanks for the suggestion!

Yo this isn't really a question but you tell that fucker to use tequila more often because tequila is fucking great and it's all i ever have around my place.

Done and done - now that we've got quite a few cocktails under our belt, we're trying to figure out what alcohol gaps need filling (besides the 'alcohol gap' I like to call my mouth), so this is good to know.

Jared has mentioned that he absolutely hates every movie set in a high school. We've yet to see him budge from that position. How do you think he'd react to Detention?

I'm honestly not sure; it's in the mailbag, and I'd like to get around to it since i have a giddy, guilty-pleasure love of it. However, seeing as it's one of those VERY polarizing movies you have to be patient with, I'm not that optimistic.
I genuinely think that Brick would be the movie that could break that tradition, since a) it's a great movie, and b) his love for film noir might just override his hatred for the high school setting. After all, it's a noir flick that happens to take place in a high school rather than vice versa. We'll just have to see, though!
Liked by: Ryan Bond

I think there's an issue with your iTunes page where it only keeps the 30 most recent episodes.

Tanner McCarthy
We have a cap on the max results of our RSS feed to make sure it doesn't get too big to run through Feedburner; otherwise, iTunes won't show new episodes. All of our episodes are still streaming or downloadable at alcohollywood.com or tindeck.com/alcohollywood, though. It's dumb, but I'm at a loss as to alternate solutions (in case anyone has any ideas!). As I understand it, RSS feeds aren't meant to be an archive of all of your podcast episodes, but just a way to systematically update your content through platforms like iTunes and Stitcher.
Again, if people have solutions to this particular problem, I'm a newb so I'd love to hear suggestions on how to get more episodes up at a time on iTunes.

name a favorite horror movie and why please?

An oldie but a goodie that I recently discovered is Jack Clayton's The Innocents (1961) - a wonderfully atmospheric chamber-room ghoul flick starring Deborah Kerr as a governess who starts to experience weird things in the huge mansion in which she must take care of some creepy kids. It's an adaptation of Turn of the Screw, and a nice spiritual predecessor to The Others, a simply beautiful movie with some nice performances and hella chilling atmosphere. Criterion just came out with a Bluray of it, and I know I'm gonna pick it up next time those go on sale.
As for a more modern, slashery one, I thought You're Next was quite good, and I always have a soft spot for The Thing.

What's your stance on American remakes/adaptations of foreign films? I recently re-listened to your "Oldboy" review and since you seemed to really enjoy it, I was wondering how you reacted to Spike Lee's version.

You really have to get it right, but I do think it's possible to do a good American remake/adaptation of a foreign film. For example, I hold Let the Right One In and Let Me In in equally high esteem, since they both took significantly different stances on the material and ended up both being pretty good, so I'm not one of those who shakes his fist in the air complaining about remakes/sequels/etc./"Why can't people be as smart and cultured as me??".
As for Spike Lee's Oldboy, I wasn't too taken with it - the weirdly over-stylized hammer fight felt clumsy, and something about the very Korean sensibilities the original's themes highlighted didn't translate to an American context. Add to that Sharlto Copley's unfortunately hammy Dr. Evil performance and the tame anti-climax, and it all ended up limp.

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If all of the people who have guested on the podcast fought to the death in Thunderdome, who would be the last guest standing?

Craig (guest for She/Conan/other episodes), definitely - he's a big, scrappy fellow, and is not averse to ripping out a few throats, Swayze-style. A common occurrence during our mutual film-watching is his punching me hard in the shoulder when something ridiculous happens. Based on that information, I believe he is most qualified to kick some ass.

How large is your current backlog?

Mailbag-wise, it's pretty substantial - we've been lucky in having a lot of great listeners give us some pretty cool movies to try out, so we've got at least a few dozen suggestions we have to work through. We are trying to be more discriminating with what we'll do for an episode, as we're trying to find a better balance between interesting, obscure films and crowd-pleaser episodes that will get more listens. We've even got some mailbags from 2012 we still haven't done, usually because we've placed unofficial, contrarian moratoriums on them (The Room/Troll 2/Birdemic/The Avengers 2012/etc) or they're really hard to get ahold of (Town & Country). We might get around to those someday, but for now we're content to try to find something new to say about other films.

What movie had the simplest drink to go with it?

Bubbawheat’s Profile PhotoBubbawheat
I'd say our 12 Angry Men review (http://www.alcohollywood.com/12-angry-men-1957/) has the simplest drink, with the "12 Angry Blend" - it's basically just a Jack and Coke, but the joke/gimmick is that it's 1 part each of 10 different whiskeys titled with names (Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Elijah Craig, etc.) and 1 part each of Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb. So basically just drink a whiskey and Coke.

Were you raised by penguins?

No, but I was raised by a nice family of polar bears, which explains my current addiction to Coca-Cola.

You guys have done North American movies, Asian movies, and some European movies. Ever thought about setting aside a month to do a South American, African, and Australian movie? Just so you can say you've represented every inhabited continent.

I'd definitely be open to it; we just need to find the right movie that we think people will be interested in having us do. I'm not as familiar with South American and African film, but I've thought about doing some Australian flicks (like Walkabout, The Proposition or Wake in Fright). Priscilla, Queen of the Desert would probably also be awesome.

Chronicles of Riddick vs Pitch Black?

Pitch Black is the better movie by far, but there's a lot of cool stuff in Chronicles of Riddick I appreciate (killer production design, turning Riddick into Space Conan, etc.).

You are on death row for killing Jared. What is your last drink and movie before you meet The Chair?

Since the crime is killing Jared, I'll add an extra layer of spite by drinking a Lemon Drop (Jared hates lemons) and watch Starship Troopers (the movie he hates the most).

What is the drink-making process?

Jared's the mixologist, but he'll usually have a good idea of what he wants to do/bring any extra materials needed to Alcohollywood Labs. There, he/we perfect it, take the pictures and come up with the drink name. This usually happens before we see the film; if we're going in completely blind, he'll do some research before making the drink, but admittedly there have been times where the perfect drink idea comes during the film that we wish we'd come up with.

Which film got you the drunkest?

I can never bring myself to listen to the Vampire's Kiss, Neverending Story or Popeye episodes again, because those are the ones where I really let the night get away from me. The first two were due to the Vampire's Kiss drink being a wine/liquor cocktail (which fucks you up right good), and I'd had a REALLY bad day when we recorded for Popeye, so I had started the day slightly earlier than I should have. Anymore, I admittedly cut back quite a bit for the sake of being cogent and hosting the podcast.

How do you choose your guests? What are the qualifications?

It's a combination of factors, the primary overlap being that Jared or I know them. Jared and I are both active in the Chicago theatre community, so that's where we get a lot of our guests; I know a few more folks in the film critic community here, which is how we usually get other film podcasters on board. We tend to favor people who are a) passionate or curious about the film in question, b) good at talking about film, c) have something of their own to plug, and d) can hold their liquor. (That last one's a recent rule we've unofficially started instituting.) Or, if you're Nathan Rabin, we badger you till you find time in your legitimately busy schedule to accommodate us 'cause we're fans.

What is your favorite "bad" movie—one that you know is terrible writing-, cinematography-, and acting-wise, but which you love despite (or because of!) its faults?

Ooh, there are a lot of those - my favorite we've covered on the show is Starcrash (1978), a completely stupid (and totally earnest) Italian Star Wars cash-in. Highlights include 'robot chauvinism,' space being a cardboard box with holes poked in it, David Hasselhoff in a leather fetish suit, Christopher Plummer stopping the flow of time, and "these deadly rays will be your death." A fascinating trainwreck I could watch over and over again.

Has Jared ever considered changing his name to Howard so you guys would be "Clint and Howard"? Maybe get Clint Howard to guest star? Clint Howard is pretty great right? Clint Howard?

Fun fact: Someone a couple degrees removed from me got knocked up by Clint Howard after a guest speaking engagement at their local university.


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