
Airin Aditya

Ask @airinaditya

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kak , di isi ambil konsentrasi apa kak ? denger denger piano itu klo uda semester 5 bukan konsentrasi kita lagi ya ? Terus kak, kalo mau masuk konsentrasi harus pake ujian dulu ya ? maaf banyak tanya.

emm bahasanya itu piano atau instrument lain kayak violin, viola, dsb. itu mayor kita. jadi udah jelas kita harus menguasai dong instrumen mayor kita.. kalo di isi itu, ga cuman piano/violin/viola/saxo/dsb. doang yg kita pelajari... kita belajar juga ilmu musik kyk teori, sejarah, psikologi, fisika, dll yg berhub. sama musik .. trs d smster 5 kita bakal di kerucutin.. lebih interested kemana konsentrasi kita, mau musik pend, musikologi, pertunjukan atau komposisi..

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kak mau nanya dong, skrg kan udah zaman internet , message uda pake bbm, line, kakao dsb. masih ga, message pake sms ?

masih pake .. sosial message kan buat chat sama temen2 .. tapi kalo buat yang resmi , lebih seneng make sms sih, meski ad beberapa yang abg dan mereka punya bbm , tp q lbih suka pake sms.. :)

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Teleportation -- the ability to transport myself, along with nearby people or objects, to another place.
Of course, there would be some limitations on this ability. Firstly, I would only be able to teleport to somewhere I had been before -- and then only if I can recall what the place looks like. Secondly, there would need to be some form of physical contact between all of the people that are being teleported. Thirdly, I can only teleport objects if they're being carried or controlled by a person (so no teleporting vans or travel trailers across country). Finally, if there's any object that's in the area that I'm attempting to teleport to, the teleportation attempt fails and I'm knocked unconscious. The larger the object, the longer I'm out, at the rate of 5 minutes per 50 pounds.
Liked by: thasya

ga eman2 po cik? dah ganteng, anak kedokteran, isa maen musik, ngalahan ma cc, eh malah diputusin gtu .. padahal pasangan idaman *tear*

belom jodoh.. ya ampun eman2 coba --" . anw ini siapa sih ? tau privasi ga sih ?
Liked by: thasya

cik minta piano score nya goodbye baby miss a dong cik.. arr jazz nya keren...

yang itu ga ada piano scorenya nih.. cuman iseng2 aja buatnyaa :'D
Liked by: thasya

lha ?? sama kokoh ee anak KU ugm itu gmna toh cik?

hweee -___- . dah putus sejak kapan coba.. TT. kmu kurang update ee mey... :')
Liked by: thasya

ce sekarang kok ga pernah bales pertanyaan di ask.fm sih ce?

ini dibales .. :) . Beberapa minggu ini sibuk ngelesin , kuliah, ngajar , magang... Oh no..... tapi tetep semangat kok. Disyukuri aja :))
Liked by: thasya

what is in your mind when somebody told you to open your heart?

Open my heart bout what? Love? No thanks, i have my own love :)
Liked by: thasya

kak , kalo ngampus itu bareng siapa sih kak? sama cowo , ganteng ihh kak, titip salam ya kak ... :D

OMG Agas ganteng?? hha itu sohib q dde.. meet up aja ntar q kenalin .. :DDD
Liked by: thasya


Language: English