
نائب الإمام المهدي عليه السلام

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Yes, we apologize for any inconeveniance as English speaking brothers and sisters kept sending questions after we stopped using this page for answering their questions. Please visit "The Righteous Way" Page on facebook at WWW.facebook/ImamMahdyfollwers and send your questions through the message system. We apologize for not being able to comment or answer any of the questions noted here and we request those who sent them to visit the Facebook Page of the Imam(p) to answer their enquiries and answer their comments.

هل يجوز دفع الأموال الشرعية للمراجع الذين لا يتواصلون مع الإمام المهدي(عج)؟

لا يجوز تقليد ولا دفع الأموال الشرعية إلا لنواب الإمام المهدي الذي يتواصل معهم لأن تقليد غير المهدي(ع) بوجوده هو لجوء للتيمم في وجود الماء وهذا حرام شرعا ودفع الأموال لغير الإمام(ع) عبر نوابه المتواصلين معه هو دفعهم لغير الله تعالى لأنه هو حجة الله وليس غيره.

الرجاء أن تطلب من الناس أن يقلّدوك ليصلوا للإمام المهدي بدل أن يبقوا مقلّدين مراجع لا يوصلونهم إليه

لا تقليد لغير الإمام المهدي(ع) في العقائد والأحكام وإن قلّدتني فيجب أن تكون نيتك هي تقليد الإمام المهدي عليه السلام وليس أنا لأنه ليس لي رأي من عندي فما أنا إلا راويا لحديثه.

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ما معنى أهل الجذب الذي إستخدمتها في الفيديو الموجود على الرابط https://vimeo.com/64457047 وما الفرق بينهم وبين الأنبياء؟

بسم المولى الرحمن الرحيم
أهل الجذب هم الأولياء الذين إختارهم الله تعالى لشرح رسالة رسوله محمد(ص). هم ليسوا أنبياء ولا يأتون برسالة جديدة إنما يوحي الله إليهم التفسير الجديد للقرآن في كل عصر مع تطور الزمن. عند الشيعة كل إمام من الأئمة هو من أهل الجذب. عند السنّة ولأنهم يعتقدون بتوقف الوحي من الله تعالى لا يوجد لهم وجود.

What you said makes sense.. But when we read from ahadith that Imam Mahdi (as) will come to fill the earth with justice as it was filled with tyranny, what must we understand from this ? Is it only about rectifying the correct message of Islam ?

Here where you need to redefine is what justice that Imam Mahdi(p) is going to bring and what is the oppression or injustice that he first needs to get rid off. It is not the materialistic justice that Imam will bring up or materialistic injustice that Imam will lift away, as this will stay since Adam's sons till the day of judgement and if it will not stay this earth can no longer be a place for curing people from their "spiritual" disorders that can never be cured without the need for the existence of materialistic injustice. Imam will get rid of injustice if this religion continues without human beings being able to cure their "spiritual" disorders if they follow it. It will be false truth if we think that Allah(SW) will leave such injustice in place and not send someone to fix it.

As Salamou 3aleykoum. You said that Imam Mahdi (pbuh) will not liberate al Quds. This is quite surprising for us... How will He then help the Palestinians? What will He do about the occupying state? What will he do about the arrogant and warmongering Americans? What will happen to capitalism?

Your love to your Imam(p) makes you allocate for him all tedious jobs. I would like to think about it this way. What is our job if everything we cannot accomplish we think that he is coming to do for us as if he is our servant? No we do not mean that you will say, but that is the reality. We think of him as someone who Allah (SW) does not know what to put for him an agenda so we are here putting for him the agenda when he comes around. This is wrong.
The Shia since the Martyrdom of Imam Hussein(p) and they made this plan, we cannot take revenge for this atrocious atrocity so let Imam Mahdi do it and he will come to do it. They have added words in Dua Al-Nodba that "where is the one requesting for the blood of who got killed in Karbala" This sentence is added to Dua Al-Nodba for people to be relaxed that Mahdi(p) will do the job. How could he do that physically where is Yazeed or Omar Bin Saad or the Amuyaat to take revenge? Where are they?
The same now we have with Quds. We failed to liberate it, let us give the job for Imam Mahdi(p) and if the situation is a bit different you will find Shibaa farms part of his job to do when he re-appears when we fail to liberate it miserably. Israel should not stay as it represents extreme oppression against the Palestinians, we could not lift the oppression; let us give its destruction to Imam Mahdi!!! Ha, Capitalism is there, the Americans Warmongers, let him give us victory against them, something that we could not do let us give him that job too.
Well simply the Israeli oppression and warmongering of the American and their ISTIKBAR are part of our exam to become better when we fight the oppressors whether they are in Palestine or Capitalism or elsewhere. They are like the presence of our NAFS that asks us to do wrong. They are like Satan who Allah has founded for us to fight him and he is not going to remove him to non existence as we become Allah's followers to the contrary his job is to keep believers away from Allah. Allah will never remove him, why would he send Mahdi(p) to remove Satan’s like forces that make tests for believers if they are good or bad? Why should HE do that? To give us victory so that we behave like people behaved in OUHUD with the Pprophet?!! He will not do it.
Imam Mahdi(p) has an agenda of correcting what went wrong in Islam and that is written and documented. He is not going to kill Satan nor he will destroy our NAFS that orders us to disobey Allah, why on earth he should do our job for justice?

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لماذا سيقوم الإمام المهدي (عجل الله فرجه) بقتل المراجع والفقهاء وهم حماة الدين ومصدر وصولنا إلى الله وكيف لنا أن لا نعتقد أنه ليس منحرفا عن الدين إن فعل ذلك؟

الأحاديث الثابتة في كون أعداء الإمام المهدي هم مُقلّدي المراجع الفقهاء والفقهاء أنفسهم. كلمة فقيه تعني من له رأي ويُعطي رأيه للناس لتسير على هدْيِه وليس فقط المرجع بل طالب الحوزة أو المثقف يعتبر شرعا فقيها.
1- في رواية عن الصادق (ع)
"ان القائم يخرجون عليه فيتأولون عليه كتاب الله ويقاتلونه عليه" غيبة الشيخ النعماني ص297
2- وعن رسول الله (ص) يقول عن اخر الزمان "فقهاء ذلك الزمان شر فقهاء تحت ظل السماء منهم خرجت الفتنه واليهم تعود" عن البحار الشريف ج52 ص190
3- " ...فاذا خرج القائم من كربلاء وارد النجف والناس حوله ، قتل بين كربلاء والنجف ستة عشر ألف فقيه ، فيقول من حوله من المنافقين : انه ليس من ولد فاطمة والا لرحمهم ، فأذا دخل النجف وبات فيه ليلة واحدة : فخرج منه من باب النخيلة محاذي قبر هود وصالح استقبله سبعون ألف رجل من أهل الكوفة يريدون قتله فيقتلهم جميعاً فلا ينجي منهم احد " كتاب نور الانوار المجلد الثالث ص 345
4- ونقلاً من كتاب فتوحات القدس لأبن عربي في كلام له عن الامام المهدي (ع) جاء فيه "... ويدعو بالسيف ويرفع المذاهب عن الارض فلايبقى الا الدين الخالص ، أعداؤه مقلدة العلماء أهل الاجتهاد ، لما يرونه من الحكم بخلاف ما ذهب اليه أئمتهم فيدخلون كرهاً تحت حكمه خوفاً من سيفه ... ولولا السيف بيده لأفتى الفقهاء بقتله " عن كتاب نور الانوار ص 354
5- وقد جاء في بيان الائمة عليهم السلام ج3 ص 99 :
" ... اذا خرج الامام المهدي فليس له عدو مبين الا الفقهاء خاصة ، ولولا السيف بيده لأفتى الفقهاء بقتله ، .... "
6- وايضاً على نفس المعنى في يوم الخلاص ص 279
".. اعداؤءه الفقهاء المقلدون ، يدخلون تحت حكمه خوفاً من سيفه وسطوته ، ورغبه فيما لديه ... "
7- عن أمير المؤمنين عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام " وينتقم من أهل الفتوى في الدين لما لا يعلمون ، فتعساً لهم ولأتباعهم ، أكان الدين ناقصاً فتمموه ؟ أم كان به عوج فقوّموه ؟ أم الناس هموا بالخلاف فأطاعوه ؟ أم أمرهم بالصواب فعصوه؟" عن بيان الائمة (ع) ج3 ص298
8- وفي سفينة البحار ومدينة الحكم والاثار ج2 ص57 وص58 ج4
عن الامام الحسن العسكري (ع) ، انه قال " قال لأبي هاشم الجعفري ، يا ابا هاشم سيأتي زمان على الناس ... علماؤهم شرار خلق الله على وجه الأرض ، لأنهم يميلون الى الفلسفه والتصوف ، ويضلون شيعتنا وموالينا ،فأن نالوا منصباً لم يشبعوا عن الرشا ، وأن خذلوا عبدوا الله على الرياء ، الا انهم قطاع طريق المؤمنين ، والدعاة الى نحلة الملحدين..."
9- عن رسول الله (ص) .. يا ابن مسعود "علماؤهم وفقهاؤهم خونة فجرة ، ألا إنهم أشرار خلق الله ، وكذلك أتباعهم ومن يأتيهم ويأخذ منهم ويحبهم ويجالسهم ويشاورهم أشرار خلق الله يدخلهم نار جهنم (صُمٌّ بُكْمٌ عُمْيٌ فَهُمْ لا يَرْجِعُونَ) يقول الله تعالى : َوْ تَرَى إِذْ فَزِعُوا فَلا فَوْتَ وَأُخِذُوا مِنْ مَكَانٍ قَرِيبٍ" . يعني العلماء والفقهاء.كتاب مكارم الأخلاق : ص 450-451
10- وعن أمير المؤمنين (ع) في خطبة طويلة يذكر اخر الزمان " ... وتميل الفقهاء إلى الكذب وتميل العلماء إلى الريب ... " إلزام الناصب في إثبات الحجة الغائب ج 2 ص 195
11- فعن الباقر (ع) " إذا قام القائم (ع) سار إلى الكوفة فيخرج منها بضعة ألف نفس يدعون البترية عليهم السلاح فيقولون له ارجع من حيث جئت فلا حاجة لنا في بني فاطمة فيضع فيهم السيف حتى يأتي على آخرهم ثم يدخل الكوفة فيقتل بها كل منافق مرتاب ويهدم قصورها ويقتل مقاتليها حتى يرضى الله عز وعلا" إرشاد المفيد ج2 ص384
أجارنا الله منها فتنة قبل وعند ظهور قائم آل محمد والحمد لله رب العالمين

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As Salamou 3aleykoum. What are the names that God taught to Imam Mahdi (as) in Quran? What was the debate with the angels about ?

To clarify first, you mean what did Allah taught ADAM who is Imam Mahdi(p) as stated in the verse 31:2 and what was the debate with the angels about in the same context. There is another debate between Allah and the angels concerning The ADAM who is our father and not the ADAM who is Imam Mahdi. To answer the quetion you need first to know that ADAM who is Imam Mahdi is stronger than ADAM who is our father. He is stronger in three areas: 1) ability to comprehend, 2) endurance to sustain posts and 3) ability to take initiatives. These three charateristics which ADAM who is Imam Mahdi had compared to ADAM our father were the debate among all people of the heaven once Allah presented the two ADAMs in one day. The fact that the angles were arguing against Allah's decision to make ADAM our father Allah's Succesor on earth was related to their knowledge that if some one is weak in the above abilities will make mistakes and will make mischief on earth and shed blood. Strange this connection between those abilities as it may seem but it is the heart of the truth.
Allah (SW) taught Imam Mahdi the names of Muhammad(p) Ali(p) Fatimeh(p) Hasan(p) and Hussain(p) and he told him that these people will despite their weakness in these three areas or abilities will be my true successors on earth in a better manner than any of you the type of ADAM who are like you Imam Mahdi (those of mixed angelic and Human nature). The debate that took place was that would any of the human beings who are purely Human like ADAM our father be a true successor of Allah despite those weaknesses in the nature of their creation compared to the mixed angelic human type like Imam Mahdi?
The angels stayed 12 weeks debating this among themselves and they came up that this is impossible. They were shocked that Allah brought infront of them 5 people of our type and asked them about their names and told them as you can see they will be able to be my true successors on earth. Only Imam Mahdi spelt the five names of Ahlul Bayt to them where the angels could not know who they are but ADAM (Imam Mahdi) was able to do so. The Quran states the story in verses 30:2-34:2.

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Continuation of the answer for the question below:

This meaning of the word “Waamilo” to mean intention of those people is embedded in the rest of the verse which states and those who will not be looser has also to be taking care of searching for the right and be patient in attending their deeds-i.e. it notes that such people are not ordinary people who can do good deed as the society sees it to be good, but they have internal abilities of watching themselves to be on the right side and patient in judging issues and seeing them. The latter abilities are internal ones and Allah cannot and does not reduce the level of Quran’s eloquence by making a sentence of several words where he puts four conditions in it, three of which are about “internal efforts” and the second of which about “results of the internal” efforts. To explain in details. In 2:103 said, human beings are looser except those who have four abilities as stated in 3:103 Believed (inside their heads or hearts whichever expression you like), did good intention inside themselves, were watching internally to follow the right path and were patient. All four conditions were about internal struggle or at least for the sake of discussion three of them were clearly about internal operation and not external one: 1) belief, watch inside themselves through an internal process to follow the right thing and in the same manner be patient. If the word “Amilo Assalihat” meant did good deeds as people see it, then it is not eloquent sentence and it is not from Allah. It cannot be from Allah if it meant anything other than “good intention”. You can work out the same issues on the other three verses.

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As Salamou 3aleykoum. You said that in the Islam of Imam Mahdi (as) only our intention counts and not our actions however good they are. What is the proof in Quran for this?

Our action is referred to in the Quran by the word “Amal” which literary translates to "work" in English. The word “Amal” in the Quran means "intention" or Niyah in Arabic. Any word “Amal” or its derivatives mean “intention” in each and every verse. This is the evidence in the Quran. There are 275 verses in the Quran which mention the word “Amal” or its derivatives. I will give you 4 which makes the meaning clear and firm. Verse 82:2, 141:2, 149:2 and 3:103. In those verses the word “Amal” should mean intention and it cannot mean anything other than intention otherwise the verses are not rightly narrated by the angels or they are not from Allah.
Starting with verse 3:103 which states in 2:103 that all human beings are looser apart from those (verse 3:103 continues) who believe and do “Amilo” (in plural) good. If the word “Amal” does not mean intention the verse is telling us that every person who does not do good deeds is a looser. Well how about someone who Allah has made him/her born in a war zone and once he grew up he knew nothing about good, but he knew how to kill and maim. May be this person is on the side of bad people on earth without his choice as he was born among them and they are in continuous struggle with others and their culture is so bad. What is the sin that this man made to be included as looser if he did not do good ? Nothing. If we believe that Allah is just, then the word “Amilo” in verse 3:103 can never mean except what his intention was behind his actions otherwise we are considering that Allah is unfair if it means “good deeds” as we know it. Second, if Allah looks at the heart of this man that he was brought up in the war zone and finds that his intentions behind the "bad deeds" that he is committing are good, for instance killing to help the poor, or killing to defend the defenseless or any other intention then he will give him reward for such intention even if the action looks bad in our eyes. On the other hand people who are brought up in a very well educated up to date manners and do good deeds, if their intention from such good deeds are to show off and to intend to gain publicity and other wordily gains will be looser regardless how nice their deeds are evaluated in society. Continued on next answer above

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Ok brother.. but I don't know how to find out if these two marjas are deputies of the Imam! How do I find out?

You ask the person who do you want to Imitate three questions in writing and you can do that in Twitter: 1) Do you communicate with Imam Mahdi and how do you do that? If no he fails being Marja3 in the first place but if he answered yes he does, you should ask him how. If he answered through Wahy (revelation) then it is right and you can pass him on this question, but if it is in any other way like talking to him personally or he sees him then it is not right and on this first question he fails, 2) Do you receive live Wahy (revelation) from Allah? if he said no then you can not imitate him and 3) Do you tell me your personal opinion when I ask you about any question or you give me Imam's opinion? if he answered his own opinion extracted from Imams, you can not Imitate him. If he said it is the Imam's opinion without adding his own opinion then you can imitate him.
Failing to pass any of the questions, he will not be fit to be imitated and that applies to any Marja3.

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Salaam. I asked the Q about taqleed of Shirazi and Modaressi. You can contact Imam (p) right? So please ask him for me if taqleed of either of these two individuals is ok for me. JazakAllah khair.

Brother, Allah put the rule for you in the previous answer whom you can imitate. You find whether or not these rules apply to them or any other person. This is Imam's final answer on the issue. He informs you of the rule and it is your responsibility to find whether such people are right to follow or not.

Is it OK to do taqleed of Sayed Sadiq Shirazi or Sayed Taqi Modaressi?

Taqleed of any person is allowed only if the person communicates with Imam Mahdi as he is the Imam of your era. Search for those who communicate with your Imam and see if he told them that they can allow people to follow them by Taqleed. You should see an evidence from Imam that he communicates with them. The first evidence that they should confirm to you in writing that they receive "wahy" (revelations) from Allah. The second is that Imam communicated with them giving them this authority. The third is that they are in the process of receiving letters from the Imam to distribute to people in his name and not in their name as Imam said that we should follow who tell us what he says in relation to current affairs "وأما الحوادث الواقعة فأرجعوا فيها إلى رواة حديثنا" why did he say this, as to stay in guiding people directly. Those people whoever they are who consider that they can tell people that they are deputies of the Imam without giving you such evidence above the Imam has never asked us to follow them or imitate them.
The Imam was clear, through his Hadeeth noted above when he said that He is 'THE' Imam of your era and you should follow him and not any other Imam: how? through those who narrate to you His sayings in current affairs. Not those who read what he said not in our times (the last time we know anything through them about what Imam said is more than one thousand years old) or what other Imams said in older times as each Imam had different approach to problems as you have only to look back how each one of them was different in dealing with the issue of Khilafa to see how much they are different and their orders differ in relation to circumstances and time and nature of people whom they dealt with and this is never taught to them (the Imams) but through revelation from Allah, orders differed accordingly. Fallible people can never lead you to Allah however great they believe their knowledge is. That is why Allah left an infallible Imam alive among us otherwise there was no need for him to be around

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I do not know why you are asking about Ahmad Al-Hasan rather than asking about Imam Mahdi(as) when he comes and how we could be with him?

Imam Mahdi is Bakiyatullah and that means he is the source of what represents Allah on earth. To be with him simply is to be with Allah according to what he says and not according fallible clergy men tell you that Allah wants to be to be with him. He is the source of every right piece of information that leads you to Allah. Others lead you to another place thinking that it is Allah while it is not otherwise there was no point in him existing and on earth.

Salam ... So does this mean that Ahmad Al-Hasan is a liar and kafir for this?

Neither Liar nor Kafir, he is mistaken.

Salam alaikum.. What does Imam Mahdi (ajf) say about Ansar Al-Mahdi and in particular Ahmad Al-Hasan?

Imam Mahdi(p) does not consider them as bad people but they are people who were mislead in their thinking. Ahmad Al-Hasan claims to be Imam's son and Imam is not married. He is sincere man but has some problems in his approach to the issue of the Imam. He does not receive revelation and thus can not be Imam's deputy or Imam's connection unless he receives WAHY which he does not as Imam in his complete disappearence state is in his angelic nature and can not be reached by talking to him except by Wahy (revelation). No one receives Wahy and considers Imam a complete human being of humane nature only. As Allah says in the Qoraan that he is of double angelic and human nature.

Ok, so the word Adam in Quran is NOT a name like Johny. It is simply a type of "Human" creation. And there are two types of "Human" creation: The 1st: 100% full Human = us + the first human being sent on earth known as "Adam" (our father). The 2nd: the 50/50 Human + Angel = Imam Mahdi and Jesus ?

It is not excatly a type of creation and it could be seen as that. Adam is a creature of God thus it can not be cancelled that it is a name of one of the creatures who can be of two or more types. It is exactly like saying ALI is a name of some one, but there are hundred ALI's. The fact that there are hundred ALI's does not mean that they share something except being humans. They may share other things too. In this sense Ali is still a name and it is a type of creature who shares with others some properties and differ with them on others. The fact that Adam is the name used for two different types of people and the same name was used to describe the first person Allah dropped on Earth, is made also in the Quran for the sake of Jinn's understanding. Otherwise God may have used different name to ADAM for the first Human creature dropped on Earth. This is as said is simiplicity for those of low IQ to understand and connect theings while with some clarification for humans it becomes clear why it was made.

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Salam. You said in facebook and twitter that Imam Mahdi is a mixture between Human and Angel like Jesus. You said that the proof in Quran is that Imam Mahdi is the Adam which the Angel debated with and prostrated to. Why did God call both our grandfather and Imam Mahdi Adam and make us confused ?

The Quran came down for both HUMAN and JINN. The Quran is made by Allah the simplest book to read after we know the meaning of its key words and idioms and how does it structure its sentences. The Jinn are told these while humans are not. If humans know these things, they do not need any one to make ‘Tafseer’. The Jinn I am told, are very simple naive creatures. To tell them there are two “Adams” one who is with double “envelopes” and another with single one is the easiest way for them to understand. But to call each one a different name is wrong as we are talking here about types of creatures and not specific people who all come under one title being Human. On the topic of how many types of creatures we have, it is ADAM who can be in two types. Why would it be called different names? They behave exactly the same and for Jinn they (who are very simple) one type of creature.
That is why they are called ADAM. For us we could easily after we understand the meanings differentiate between the two as we have higher level of IQ than other creatures in fact the highest level of IQ compared to any other creature. You cannot find a human being not being able to distinguish between two Adams after bringing those logical factors of Allah: 1) Not making angels compete with a creature that does not share with them the same abilities-being angel-i.e. Imam being containing the angelic envelope inside him and confining God the competition through this angelic envelope and not activating the human one when making the comparison or the knowledge of the names, 2) Not making a connection between Jesus and Adam unless that he is referring to the second type of Adam who would not make mischief on earth and will not kill other people and 3) Not making the resemblance between Jesus and an Adam who would not be like Jesus from being good and being a messenger of God while our father Adam is not like this.

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salam alaikum, how can I be close to Imam Mahdi (as)?

Wa Alaykum Assalam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh,
You can be closer to Imam Mahdi(p) when you do ten out of hundred things soon:
1) Pray the night prayers continuously each night for at least one and half years without breaking even for one night and if it happened you stopped for one night you start counting the one and half years from the night you break the prayers. You can do only for the night prayers the three Rukaa of "Shafea" and "Wattr". This is does not include the days that you are excused from praying, 2) To stop making "Ghiba" especially among close people to you, 3) to dress well and cover all parts of your body including your full hair, 4) Act as if Imam is re-appearing tomorrow and that means do not waste any minute without telling people about his deputies and to follow them, 5) Do not hasten your act of worship whether it was prayer or Duaa or supplication or Zikr, do all these things with full thinking of the meaning of each word you pronounce, 6) Do not listen to Music that has deep bumping, 7) Do not work at night when you are supposed to sleep as working at night destroys your energy, 8) Do not act as if you are a believer in Imam Mahdi (p) unless and unless you imitate one of his deputies in the region that you live in, 9) Imitating one of his deputies does not mean leaving your existing Marajea to follow them but keep doing what you old Marjea taught you and you followed till now in, and ask the new questions about what you should do from his deputies and 10) Do not and this is very strict do not sleep without making sure whether or not I am one of the deputies of Imam Mahdi(p). This very last point is vital for your closeness to Imam as if you ignore this issue, you would have reached to Imam and turned your back on him and you will die and be charged with treason to your Imam of your day. Wassalam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

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قلت في صفحة "الطريق القويم" أن الإمام المهدي(عج) سيرجع عندما يظهر السفياني والسفياني واليماني والخراساني تظهر دعوتهم في يوم واحد من نفس السنة، كيف تفسّر هذه العقدة التي من الممكن لأي شخص أن لا يستطيع التحقق من ظهور الثلاث دعوات في نفس اليوم وبالتالي يكذّبهم وبعدها يفقد إتباع الإمام(عج). كيف تحل هذا؟

إن كان فقدان إتباع الإمام المهدي(ع) هو الهم فإنك لن تفقد هذا الإتباع ما دمت تتبع أخبارنا وتقرأ ما نكتب. أما إن كان السؤال متعلقا بأولئك المتخلفين عن الإستبيان عن الإمام(ع) والسؤال عنه والذين سيصبح عندهم هذا الإشكال والذين يعتمدون كليةً على عقلهم وعلى بحثهم ومتى خسروا معلومة فقدوا التواصل وإنقطعوا عن كل الموضوع لأن عقلهم فقط هو دليلهم لكل شيء في الحياة، نعم هؤلاء سيكون عندهم مشكلة. فالحديث الذي حدّد ظهور الثلاث دعوات في نفس اليوم من نفس السنة كان مخصصا للمهتمين بموضوع الإمام(ع) أمثالك وسترى ذلك بشكل جليّ. أما من يكون موضوع ظهور الإمام(ع) على قفى إهتماماته فهو لن يسمع لا بالسفياني ولا باليماني ولا بالخراساني وسيعتقدون أنهم أناس وقادة عاديون يقومون بأدوارهم.

ما هذه الأزمة يا أخي، كل الناس الذين نسألهم عن الموضوع إن كان الإمام المهدي هو الذي يُحادثك لا يجيبون وكأن على رؤوسهم الطير. لا يقولون أنك على حق ولا يقولون إنك على باطل. فقط يسكتون . كيف لنا أن نتبيّن

بسم الله الكريم
لقد فصّلنا لكم سابقا أن اللجوء إلى الله تعالى هو الحل. إن عدم تعودّنا جميعا التوكل على الله تعالى والإعتماد على أنفسنا هو سبب عدم قدرتكم على الوصول إلى الحقيقة في هذا الأمر أو في غيره. نحن معتادون منذ الصغر على عبادة عقولنا والإيمان بها وبقدراتها وعلى ظنوننا بعد عقولنا. هكذا ربّانا المجتمع والدين السائد. نسمع منذ الصغر أن العقل هو أحد أسس التشريع ونسمع من المراجع والعلماء أن الأدلة التي يعتمدون عليها لإثبات شيء ما معظمها ظنية السند والورود والثبوت ومنها نأخذ عقيدتنا.
كيف يأ أخي سنتربى وهذه مسلّمات في رؤوسنا للوصول إلى الحق والحقيقة في أي شيء. لم يعلّمنا أحد أن نرمي عقلنا جانبا ونرمي ظنوننا جانبا ونتوجه إلى الله تعالى ونطلب منه العون مباشرة ودون واسطة.
نسمع هذا الكلام ولكن لا نجده مستخدما بشكل واسع بين الناس ولا يدرّبنا أحد على الأسلوب والطريقة التي يمكن من خلالها التوجه إلى الله تعالى والحصول على نتيجة منه. علّمنا المهدي ذلك وقال: 1) ما إن أردت التوجّه إلى الله تعالى فما عليك إلا أولا أن تثق أنك بدون التوكل على أية معلومة عن الموضوع الذي تقصد معرفته منه أن الله سيلهمك إن كان أمر تواصلي مع إمامك صحيحا أم لا، 2) إن علمت شيئا يُشككك في أني متواصل مع إمامك أو علمت شيئا يوثّقك أني متواصل مع إمامك، أخرجهما من رأسك وتعرف أنك أخرجتهم بمجرد أن طرحت على نفسك السؤال: ماذا لو كان هذا الشخص يتواصل مع المهدي، فراقب مشاعرك وأفكارك. هل تحزن لهذا، فإن حزنت يعني ما زال عندك ما يفرحك إن لم أكن وإن لم تستسغ الفكرة ووجدت فيها مشكلة ما، فإعلم بأن أفكارك ما زالت تختزن أفكارا ضد هذا الموضوع وجرّب هذا مرات حتى تصل إلى منطقة لا تحزن ولا تفرح إن كنت أو لم أكن ولا تشكل أي من النتائج مشكلة فكرية تزعجك. عندها وفقط عندها تكون قد أخليت نفسك من العوائق التي تضعها أمام إلهام ربّك بأن يكون المهدي هو من يتواصل أم لا و3) ثق بأن الله تعالى لن يخذلك في الوصول إلى جواب سلبيا كان أم إيجابيا ومتى أتى هذا الجواب صدّقه.

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May peace be upon you. Does it mean that the obedient servant is a good tool and the disobedient one is a "bad" one? So God uses the good tool often for His service and not the Bad one? And does He interfere in the life of disbelievers often (destined Job, spouse..) or does He let them on their own?

No brother, the disobediant tool (human being) is equal in the eye of God to the obediant one in as far as all are his creatures and HE is the one who made one live in a home or environment that will bring him/her as disobediant or obediant. This is in his eye and not in our eyes. HE may ask us (in our religion ) to fight the disobediant one and we have to fight them even they are his tools and we are his tools too. This act of fighting is programmed for our own benefit and for the disobediant's sake in as far as affecting our feelings and our thinking the issues that God wants to cure and rectify in us. ALL of US are his tools Bad or Good. As when Allah publicly and for the benefit of all his servants (bad or good) wants to use one of his tools to tell people about what HE wants from them, HE will choose the best of his tools to publicise His message. For this reason, prophets and Imams or Mursaleen are so far 124 thousand out of all these billions. In this sense yes Allah uses the "good" as his servants as far as the publicising the message is concerned. As for the second part of your question, God arranges everything apart from three things that (any) human being should initiate and God continues it: 1) initiate the search for RIZK-i.e. your source of income, 2) the work for preserving your dignity and 3) not to like to lie or say hat has not happened. Any issue other than these three issues or initiation of actions God do it for all people regardless of being believers or non believers, obediant or disobediant.

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Liked by: Habosh

Peace be upon you Oh patient one. Could you clarify for us the signs before the reappearance of the Imam? Who is the khurassani? Who is the sufyani? Who is the dajjal? who is the yamani? Who is nafs al zakia? And for how long will the Imam (Peace be upon him) rule?

The first sign before the Imam reappears is the ruling of the "sham" area (includes west of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, East of Jordon) by fathers of the Sufyani and that has already taken place and what is meant by fathers of the Sufyani are his spiritual fathers and these are the Western Governments. The second is the speard of the culture of the Imam among people so that people would clearly say this man is follower of Imam in "belief" while others are not and that applies among all groups of Muslims-i.e. Shias will split and so Sunnis and even Duruz will become factions who differ in belief and mainly their definition of "Tawheed" and "Masheeat". This is starting to take place slowly but surely where Imam followers will beleif that people are only tools of Allah and Allah will charge people for their intentions and not their actions while those who are not with the Imam will say that Allah will charge us for our actions and beliefs and intentions as well. Imam followers will put the belief of Ahlul Bayt as it was where Zainab would say for what happened in Karbala as "done by Allah and Beatiful" being the act of God while those who are not with the Imam will insist in thinking that God did not interfer and Yazid only did by his own will and without God's permission. Imam will rule for 19 years divided into 7 years then he will disappear for another 5 years then he comes back for another 7 and this total timimg is documented in Hadith by Imam Sadeq(p). Khurasani is Imam Khamenie. Sufyani is a man from South of Syria on the Jordanian border and the Iraqi border. There is no Dajjal brother, this is not true Hadeeth that Dajjal exists. Nafs Al Zakia is a man from Saudi Arabia who will be killed while performing Hajj one year before Imam reappears. No one will hear about it as it will be considered as an accident while it will pre-planned accident. Yamani is the only man who I am not supposed to say who is he and I am not allowed to disclose that and I hope that you understand.

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Peace be upon you oh truthful one, pious and sincere servant of God. Can we have an idea of when will the Imam reappear?

Sir, no one is allowed to give the timing of the reappearence of the Imam even if he knew it as the Hadith is clear from the Imam Himself (p)"Liars are those who mention a date for reappearence" or "كذب الوقاتون"

السلام عليكم سمعت أن المهدي سيظهر بعد ثلاث سنوات أو أربعة على الأكثر على برنامج تلفزيوني حيث يوجد شخص أسمه الشيباني يقول أنه يتواصل مع الإمام المهدي(ع)، فهل هذا صحيح

لا يوجد نائب للإمام المهدي إسمه الشيباني بل هناك مَن يعتقد أنه يتواصل مع المهدي وهم لا يتواصلون معه بل مع غيره. لا حاجة لسرد أسمائهم يكفي أن يحدد لك توقيتا للظهور لتعلم أنه لا يتواصل مع إمامك المهدي عليه السلام فالحديث واضح وثابت بأنه كَذب الوقاتون.


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