
Evan Hashimoto

Ask @Wonder_Chef

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If i was considering switching to a stick. What stick you recommend?

For a small entry level stick, the Qanba Q1 is really great, maybe switch the buttons and stick to Sanwa parts if you want. I own that stick and think it would be the best beginner stick (it's cheap too!) or if you want to go all out, Qanba Q4 is my favorite, but Madcatz TE is a good choice too.

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Favorite non-major venue you've been to?

Phat Collectibles maybe? That comic store is soooo cooool.

What's your favorite stick?

Qanba Q4. I've used and owned a lot of them, but this one feels the best.

Do you own a Dreamcast or any other older systems?

I think I own every major system. Some of them might not work now though.

Favorite "area" from each Souls game?

Demon Souls - World 1
Dark Souls - Ash Lake
Dark Souls 2 - Heide's Tower of Flame

awwww are you hype for MKX and will you main reptile

Yup. I'll have to try it out to see who I'll main, but I like Noob and Reptile the most along with Sindel and Kano probably.

What's your take on Derptile?

He's a pussy because he ducked me at NCR two years ago. He also plays Yugioh.

dude hes hella cute does cage know his name is jojo

He totally does. Here is a picture of Jojo enjoying pants.

Can i see ur cats

It won't let me upload two pictures on here, but there's one of my cats named Jojo. He's a cool dude, dude.

What's your take on Art B Killer?

Been trolling the same troll game for way too long, needs to change it up, but boring until then.

Would you rather shtoop a woman with one teat or one leg?

I only know one person who uses the word Shtoop. The master of DiGiorno.


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