
Evan Hashimoto

Ask @Wonder_Chef

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What's your favorite fried chicken joint?

For non sit down restaurants, probably Church's Chicken. KFC Original is super good, too. Popeyes is good but the chicken they use is really small and kinda whack. Also don't underestimate Fried Chicken from supermarket Delis, that can be really good too.

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Didn't Cage Redfield use Catsuki on Twitter before? Way to be original Wonderchef.

Fuck you. I'm done changing. Also I like Satsuki (and cats) more than Cage does!

What made you decide to choose Sagat for sf4?

I know like no setups, and I guess Sagat can be played pretty simply.

Are you a brony? Please don't be a brony.

I am not a Brony. That My Little Pony fighting game is tight as fuck though.

How deep is your love?

You know the door to my very soul.
You're the light in my deepest darkest hour.
You're my savior when I fall.

Martian is totally unbeatable for several members of the cast. That's why Injustice sucks, no?

Pretty much every fighting game has some near unwinnable matchups, that's nothing to freak out over.

Who do you think is highly overrated right now in INJ?

Martian. People are acting like he's totally unbeatable, when he isn't. Still top tier as fuck though.

are you friends with Jivan the Carpet man?

If by friend you mean "someone who beats you with Superman lasers every week" then yes.

aside from you, who is the most underrated nrs player?

I think West Coast Jeff is the best NRS player that people know almost nothing about. I think he was nervous at SCR and could have easily made it into top 3.

Who are the top 5 characters of Injustice? (in order).

1. Aquaman
2. Superman
3. Martian Manhunter
4. Wonder Woman
5. Raven

once you said Aquaman wasn't as good as everyone thought, that he had a lot of holes, do you still stand on that? If so, why Theo switched from broken tier best character in the game Superman to Aaaaaaaaaaaaquaman?

I definitely still stand by that FOR THE TIME. Pre patch Supes and Bladam made Aquaman look like a fuckin low tier, and they both beat him really bad.

would you rather have Daigo's execution or SonicBoomBrad's hair and shirt?

Daigo's execution ONLY because I can't rock the hair and shirt nearly as well as Brad.

What happened to parakeet Lao?

I released him from his cage and let him be free. I'm sure he's somewhere out there, even now, teleporting at an unsuspecting Kenshi. LIVE ON PARAKEET LAO. LIVE ON.


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