

Ask @WolvesGoRawr

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Which website or app do you use first in the morning?

I check my Instagram, Facebook, Kik, CS, & DA

Eloise; "Hey, to all of you Plummies here, what is the one thing in the world that is your reason for living? And why?"

Chester - That is such a deep question, hm.. My answer is Phasian of course. He is my love, my rock, my reason for being on this earth. I don't quite know what I'd do without him, honestly.
Rory - Gin of course! Who knows where I'd be if it weren't for him and his various teas coming into my life. He is what keeps me going. There's no one out there I would rather have by my side.
Zelda - Music. That's my passion in life. It makes me feel a multitude of emotions and always makes my days better. I couldn't live without it.
Liked by: assergit

Looking for RPs for Laurel

WolvesGoRawr’s Profile Photokitten
Female, Homosexual, Single, Young Adult
Personality is here: http://wgrcanines.weebly.com/laurel.html
I wrote it when she was a baby so it needs some updating definitely
But overall it's still quite similar
I would like to find an RP or two to do with her
Looking for Friends and/or Romance
Males or Females, doesn't matter for friends
Females only for Romance CX
I can do it through ask.fm, Skype (preferred), CS PMs, Threads, etc
Whatever you want to do I don't mind :3
Just be aware I am currently in college
I may be slow to reply because of this so please be willing to be patient if you'd like to RP with me
I am looking for around the length of about 5-8 sentences per reply
I can do more or less if you like, I just don't have time for like 5 paragraphs a post ^^"
So, if you're interested, shoot me a message!
Either here or on CS or note me on DA
Whatever you like it doesn't matter I check these all daily XD
Thanks! <33

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Looking for RPs for Laurel

Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Why?

Which do you think?
I don't need to explain my reasoning, just know I am very strongly biased towards Pepsi and yes there /IS/ a taste difference. If you drink both Coke and Pepsi maybe you can't tell the difference but if you drink just one of them for a long time and then have the other, you can definitely tell there is a big difference. Pepsi is sweeter in my opinion and I like that. I will explain no further reasoning because I don't feel like it. I just can't stand it when people say they're the same :U
Do you like Coke or Pepsi Why

Do you have a fursona? If so, post a picture!

I do indeed http://wgrcharacters.weebly.com/ches.html
She is a hyena named Ches
You can see her << there on my profile actually x3
Pretty good timing for me to get this question too, as I just received some art of her <33
There's a small marking issue on her tail that is in the process of being fixed,
but I want to show this piece of now anyway hehe
I love it so much <3
By Rakkun on CS
Do you have a fursona If so post a picture

Have you ever been in a situation where you really had to pee outdoors somewhere but been unable to because a guy wouldn't leave you on your own for a minute?

Eh, no, can't say that I have XD

What are your worst secret santa experiences? (considering you took part in any)

I've only done a few and they've all been pretty good so ^^;


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