

Ask @WolvesGoRawr

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So I guess I'll do Video Responses?

WolvesGoRawr’s Profile Photokitten
Everyone else has been doing them, so I guess I will too XD
So, ask me stuff and I'll answer with a video!
Questions directed at my characters will be answered with text still,
but any questions for me will be answered with a video response while I'm sitting here playing Skyrim ^-^
This will continue throughout the week until I get bored or annoyed with it lol
I don't usually get many questions anyway but yeah
Ask away c:


WolvesGoRawr’s Profile Photokitten
So this morning when I woke up and ran downstairs I heard like this jingling noise and I couldn't figure out what the hell it was, for a moment I thought it was the charm on my bra but it wasn't and then I sort of forgot about it until I just ran down the stairs again and heard it. i was standing there fumbling around for like 10 minutes trying to figure out what it was until i gave up and went and got some tea. AND THAT'S WHEN I REMEMBERRRRED, /MY FUCKING BELLYBUTTON RING/. I feel so dumb. I just got this one and it has two charms so it clinks together when you move fast and I guess I forgot that too but its not just the two charm thing - i completely forgot about having a bellybutton piercing all together so i never even thought to check if that's what the jingling was >3< it's not like it's new. ive had it for a year now. and i just bought like 5 new rings for it yesterday
i am so fucking stupid

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Phasian: Ch-Chester, what do you fear the most?

Krexxa’s Profile Photomars ✨
Chester;; *quiet giggle* You have the cutest stutter. Fear.. I fear the loss of those I care the most for, through either my making a mess of things and being left or through some tragic accident resulting in death.. I've lost before. My greatest fear is experiencing that again.

I'm so upset right now

My brand new doctor who tardis phone case just broke ;3; I literally just got this last Monday

I need a motto thing for my Xbox profile with a 21 character limit and everything I like goes over the limit

Any ideas, guys?

If you were able to color-in or have someone color-in your Kiamara(s) into the new lines, would you?

I'm not sure. I really like the new lines, but I don't have a problem with the lines my kias are currently on either. I might, if it were free. Otherwise, probably not as, like I said, I have no problem with the lines my babes are already on.

If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

My best frand Brittany :U
I have seen her in over a month because I've been in another state with other family
I miss herrrrrr

What is your relationship status?

Single ish
Technically single
But I'm sort of talking to someone
Highly doubt it's going any further though
So let's go with single pringle

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

actual questions
questions that arent the question of the day from ask.fm
questions from people

If you could bookmark just 5 websites, which 5 you would choose?

CS, FR, Tumblr, FB, DA
//didnt read off whats already bookmarked on my toolbar

If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

Krystals :U

What's the worst thing you have ever done?

I... would rather not discuss it ;3;
It was pretty terrible of me to do and I've never regretted anything more than I regret that
Let's just leave it at that, m'kay?

Who is the boss in your house?

Well it's not me..
oh wow what terribly quality :U
I'd get a better one but he moved
He's pretty done with my shit today ~

Do you keep your room clean or messy?

Somewhere in between? :U
I tidy like once a week or so, but I never put my clothes or games away, whoops
It's like my chair and the floor surrounding it is the new dresser
And the floor in front on my xbox is the new shelf
And my books?
Pfft, screw the bookshelf five feet away
Let's keep all those in a pile in front of the nightstand beside my bed

the family tree is getting so bigggg

WolvesGoRawr’s Profile Photokitten
I remember the first tree I got and there were only like 4 kias on it like wow ;3;
the family is growing and expanding so much, i love it <33


Language: English