
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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G'day mate, https://redd.it/3lyr6a as you can see, most of the answers got upvoted 'n shit, I would like to know if you are, by any chances, in charge of that or not, as this is (of course, in my opinion) annoying, unless there is a reason, http://i.pomf.pl/fnlfdg.png this guy said everything.

You really should post feedback like that through the osu! forums. On ask.fm nothing is guaranteed to go through and chances are very low I'll even remember it a day later.
That being said, this was peppy's call, not mine.
Liked by: NotBen

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can openGL surpass the performance of DirectX in fullscreen mode? I have significantly more input lag while using openGL :(

Since both DirectX and OpenGL use the same hardware under the hood they ultimately have very similar limits. Various things you can find on google back this up http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/133824-valve-opengl-is-faster-than-directx-even-on-windows .
Sure the input latency you feel is not a placebo? Fullscreen doesn't work on systems with nvidia optimus. Try using your integrated graphics if you are on such a system.
And now GTFO of my ask.fm and post this stuff in the help forums. Next time no answer here. :p
Liked by: DroppedBass

I feel like osu! is loading storyboards enen though I've disabled them for a specific beatmap. Maps like this take seconds to retry. Is this true?

AFAIK osu! doesn't load storyboard if they are disabled. I can check the code again when I got time, though, to make sure.

The mp3 is just a few MBs, so having it whole in RAM should simple, and it should take a split second to read. Why does the game read the mp3 file during gameplay?

That's what osu! is doing now. Reading the mp3 in the background completely as long as you are not in song select where you frequently switch songs.

Psychological aspect: 1) Seeing a top play and pp disappear: NEGATIVE 2) Make a great score knowing it gets deleted for sure: NEGATIVE (many ppl won't even bother) 3) Hope that you GAIN pp if all goes well: POSITIVE

Only, that people easily figure out a scores' worth using things like tillerino basically turning case 3 into case 1.
In case 2, yeah, the goal is not make those who truly care about this not bother.

In the hypothetical case that all the osu! servers are destroyed, what would happen when someone tries to play the game with the current game client?

They'd play offline just fine.

Wollte nur sagen dass auf der deutschen Osu Seite in der list of noticable people Azer fehlt, musst hier drauf nicht antworten wollte das nur sagen dass man ihn vllt. hinzufügt ^^

Tu's doch selbst? Dafür ist eine wiki doch da. :)

Can I contribute to osu! if I know C++ and Java?

It's not like you won't be able to learn C# in the blink of an eye, knowing C++ and Java...
When osu! is open source you can try. Shouldn't take toooo long from now. If you can't wait drop peppy an e-mail with more info.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/132402254030 I updated my drivers and that didnt seem to fix the problem. Worth mentioning ive been able to change to cutting edge before i just havnt been able to recently. This is what happens every time i try to switch http://puu.sh/k3Nve/ac8f4679a0.mp4

Wow... yeah, this doesn't look like a driver issue. Can you post in the cuttingedge help thread in the forums? Pretty sure peppy will know better than me what's going wrong there. He generally does the updating code.
Liked by: DroppedBass

have you ever played beatmania or similiar to it games?

Only recently started playing osu!mania. I played o2mania for a few days a couple years back, but that wasn't anything significant.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/132399649742 I don't understand, EVERYONE (well, the majority) voted for them to be kept but only reward pp when ranked and yet you guys aren't doing it at all, what's the point of asking us our opinion if you won't use it lol

Because then there wouldn't be a point to not directly award pp. When a map would get disqualified people would bitch about the pp they would have gotten had it become ranked.
The only way to disassociate disqualification with pp is to not let any scores done during qualification give pp, ever.
Liked by: Shira Bonsai B1rd

Hello Tom! Well... I want to start programming. I found some youtube tutorials, but they are... meh. I don't know, how to start learning the programm languages, or how I even start. And what kind of programm languages do I need? And what is the best to start? Please help me, Tom ._.

There is no "best" way to start. Plenty of languages are good. They're often different tools for different jobs or just preference.
As a newcomer, C# would probably not be a bad choice, so I'll recommend that to get you started. Go download the free Visual Studio community edition and program a command line calculator or something. :P
Liked by: 文翰 Jin -Michie deetz

any fix for not being able to change from stable to cutting edge?

Install graphics drivers. If it doesn't let you switch you likely have an incompatible system.


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