
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Whenever i try to alt-tab in game while using full screen in cutting edge, it just stays in the osu screen and i can't see anything else. Is this a problem just for me and is there a fix for it?

Programs in the background should pop to the foreground as you select them via alt-tab. Either way, you can change the behavior back to minimization by toggling "Confine mouse to full screen" on. The new behavior is to bring actual fullscreen more in line with borderless fullscreen which was previously not possible on DirectX.
Liked by: _bloo

In Cutting Edge, if I turn on letterboxing and fullscreen while my resolution is still 1440 x 900 it feels different from only have turned letterboxing on. What exactly is the difference? I thought input lag is already gone with letterboxing

Input lag is not gone if you use letterboxing without fullscreen mode. That's only borderless fullscreen + letterboxing.

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"Double Time: The OD value doesn't change, but the 1.5x play speed causes hit windows to be 33% shorter." -Wiki Does this mean that the OD value just multiplies by 33%? So 4 OD becomes 5,32 OD. Or am i misunderstanding something?

No. The HitWindow being 33% shorter does not mean, that the OD is 33% higher.

What is stopping opengl from being as fast as old DX? (almost half performance when there are a lot of circles and slider) Are GL draw calls that expensive?

Are you using cuttingedge or just the opengl renderer from stable? On cuttingedge I get superior FPS compared to directx both on my tablet PC and on my desktop one. (Exceeding even 5000 FPS at 1440p in some scenarios.)
Liked by: VnSoul DroppedBass

So if a name change cost double each time, does this go on forever? Could you theoretically continue until you were paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for a name change?

It caps. Don't know at which exact amount, though.

I can't help but feel you've been a bit slack considering how long mania has been out and the mods still don't work yet.

I said like 1000 (joke intended) times that stuff is implemented and only the switch needs to be made. This is not under my control.
Liked by: B1rd

Do you think you're way better than most people around your PP level? Seems like you were super clutch in that OWC compared to people way higher ranked.

Not necessarily "way" better. I do believe if I farmed pp I could reach somewhere in the lower top50, though. Lower meaning closer to 50, not to 1.

Is stuttering normal when capping frame rate?

As long as the custom cap is bigger than twice your screen's refresh rate there shouldn't be any stuttering. If there still is, please go on cuttingedge, press Ctrl+F11 and report your issue along with a screenshot in the help forums.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Can I use the idea of pp in some CS:GO game mode and also call it "pp/performance points" there?

I wouldn't mind. Name is general anyway.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/130077285070 why isn't reimu getting unbanned then? no idea how he should be even more apologetic

Firstly nobody said he isn't getting unbanned yet. I don't have any more information about this than any of you people.
I do however based on my own observations think the whole thing is fishy. You don't just "forget" about account boosting when making an apology. Having one such aspect (likely intentionally) left out suggests the person is dishonest and may try to hide more than that. This plays along well with the fact, that he suddenly rose ppv1 ranks super quickly all the way to #1 right before he got banned (with scores very untypical for him). I thus personally don't buy, that he just cheated to get banned.

Idk, Last Journey Home only has one real difficulty spike, the rest of it is so easy.

It's the same for Cry Thunder. The jumps really aren't that hard when compared to the stream part.

"osu!'s goal is not necessarily more exposure" actually it is. You along with the other devs are constantly trying to find better ways to attract new players to the game and make it more user friendly so people stay. One of you guys even mentioned that it's one of the goals with osu!next

I'm just echoing what I've seen peppy say often. I'm the wrong person to argue about this, since I do not decide which direction osu! is going. If you however have a more recent quote from him indicating something different feel free to link it. :)
Liked by: DroppedBass Noah

Im having this problem for a pretty long time now: When I go on any beatmap on the osu! page and click osu!direct, where something should open in osu! (which it did some months ago), it doesn't open anything. I also tried disabling every addon, still won't work :/ And yes I do have supporter

Please report technical issues in the help forums and not on my ask.fm page, thanks! :)

http://i.imgur.com/bdKMp20.png are those steps towards making ridiculously high fps not be required to make the game detect input accurately?

Yup. In fact I've worked through all components so far and by now updating the game state and input is completely separate from drawing the game. This means in the future it will be possible to have the input handling and the game itself run at for instance 1000 FPS while your graphics card only draws 60 FPS. This still incurs a visual latency averaging at 8.3333ms but there shouldn't be any accuracy penalties anymore.

I know i shouldn't be doing this but i really felt like this is the right thing ... ppy wrote on his blog that Cookiezi wont get unbanned because of his behavior and the stuff he wrote towards the staff but lets take this .. it was 2 years ago and its clearly that Cookiezi was really mad over smthin

Let's start this off by debunking some of the false information that has been going around everywhere.
1. I'm very confident the "rude" e-mails in question are not from 2 years ago but from very recent appeal attempts. peppy wouldn't be talking about "no apology, no regret" if it were otherwise. https://twitter.com/ppy/status/613473989860528129
2. Cookiezi is not barred from getting unbanned because of who he is or what he did 2 years ago. There is no preference here. https://twitter.com/ppy/status/613680804439330816 . He merely needs to appeal properly, actually apologize, convince us it won't happen again (which would be super easy assuming he indeed only cheated a handful of scores to get banned). Unfortunately, as said in (1.), it doesn't look like a proper appeal will happen. Or at least if it does, the previous half-assed e-mails will likely have a negative impact.
Now that this is out of the way, osu!'s goal is not necessarily more exposure, so the argument with his stream making it more visible on twitch is moot.

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