
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Have you thought about adding a personal speed/aim slider that affects display? Some people are fast but can't aim well or the opposite, and for them the star rating is near-useless. Example: I can't pass https://osu.ppy.sh/b/152480 (4.82 stars) and HRHD FC'd https://osu.ppy.sh/b/164020 (5.46 stars)

I considered that, but the way difficulty is currently stored does not allow for sorting by the aim / speed components. (Need to switch to NoSQL to make that happen.)
Liked by: Leonie DroppedBass

What is the relationship between star rating and pp? https://osu.ppy.sh/b/297411?m=0 is 5.01 stars and it's 154 pp with 99.65% acc. https://osu.ppy.sh/b/360736?m=0 is 4.82 stars and is 159 pp with 99.02% acc.

Internally star difficulty consists of an aim and a speed part. When one of the two is very high and the other one is very low, then the map usually gives a bit more pp. In addition to that OD is not a part of star difficulty while it is relevant for the pp gained. The second map you linked has a higher OD.

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sooo... are you guys responsible for tp going to try to keep the website updating regularly?

I've always been very strictly against putting a donation button on tp - this is not something that should have happened. Donations that actually happened have been sorted out in private with the respective donators.
Liked by: DroppedBass

hey, mein kleiner bruder will auch osu! spielen aber ich hab keine lust ihn auf meinem account spielen zu lassen und ich wollte fragen ist es erlaubt sich dann für meinen bruder einen neuen account zu machen?

Für soetwas fragst du am besten den technischen support (auf englisch). https://osu.zendesk.com
Liked by: DroppedBass

No offence, ppv2 actually didn't bring much accuracy into ranks. You're basing your perception of skill mainly on speed and jumps and accuracy and it doesn't seem like anything else. No HR, HD or just really long maps which test endurance. I'm ranked 7k and most people near 10k are better than me

I am not basing ppv2 off my perception but off what most people in the community want.
Aside from that - HD does already give a fairly large bonus and HR does nothing but increase accuracy and aim. Looking at for instance thelewa's best performances I only see HD and HR.
But yes, you shouldn't expect large bonuses from mods if your performance on a map suffers. It would be a lot more constructive if you could tell me which scores scores are rated wrongly in your opinion and explain why. Chances are, that the players you are referring to just didn't do as many good scores as you did while they are capable of achieving better ones.

Would it be possible to add an option to refresh the map select screen upon mod change? HR and DT affects each map differently, and it messes with the difficulty sort a bit.

The right approach would be to get dynamic sorting into the song select screen - which is planned.
Liked by: Wat DroppedBass Kynan

Why did peppy revert so many fixes you did? (according to the changelog)

Some weird bug occuring only when using wine to run osu!. Slipped through osu!test - nobody noticed.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Have you considered rebalancing how combo and length affect pp calculation? Right now there seems to be a huge penalty for missing combo, and a very small bonus for map length. For example, a FC (226) in https://osu.ppy.sh/b/380646?m=0 gives much more pp than 1100 combo in https://osu.ppy.sh/s/36569

Map length already is indirectly represented in the map's difficulty and thus does not give such a large bonus in pp. Combo was treated a lot more lenient back in early tp times, but I increased the strictness due to many requests. The general opinion seems to be, that combo is very important.
Liked by: DroppedBass ???

Don't you think Talent Shredder is a bit undervalued? I know you don't have to be able to click super fast, and it's mostly sliders, but 0108's difficulty being under 5 stars still seems very wrong when WubWoofWolf is the only one who's managed to HD HR it.

Thomas Surlykke
As mentioned quite a lot in my ask.fm, low-spaced singles are underrated and I am aware of that. The issue is, that many other maps would get very broken if I changed this in the current situation. It is not a very high priority since it doesn't affect that many maps.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Shouldn't HD be calculated a bit higher and not only increase the aim-pp but scale with accuracy too? Right now BPM and DT are kind of overrated, while using HD is totally underrated and useless for people that don't have great accuracy

HD shouldn't have an effect on how much accuracy you get if you play with the rhythm. The system is intended to only reward mods if they can actually be performed decently.
Liked by: DroppedBass

When I selected "recommended difficulty" in the beatmap listing (with mode: all) this song appeared as one of the first ones in the list: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/137393 Is it based on the osu! standard pp, regardless of the mode of the recommended map? (I can barely play 2-star taiko maps).

Yes, if you select "All", then it will take your standard pp and recommend for all gamemodes based on that pp. This is a current limitation which might go away at some point. It's recommended to not choose "All" while looking for recommended beatmaps.
Liked by: DroppedBass

It could be subjective and it really depends on the music, but I think BPM is the least thing you should care about.

I'm just talking about "BPM", because that's the jargon. Internally no mapper-defined arbitrary heuristics like actual BPM are used. Time difference between notes is used for instance.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/114500255950 you think there is a way to properly reward low bpm acc? It's much harder than the higher bpm points but since there are less objects and maps are slower paced it doesn't give nearly as much. It's so much harder to ss a 150bpm map than a 190bpm one (OD10).

The accuracy aspect of pp already doesn't care about BPM. Finding low BPM to be harder to acc on than high BPM is something, that I found is very subjective judging from a lot of people's opinions.

does useing "spun out" effect only the score or also the pp gained?

Also the pp gained - see the wiki. It has a multiplier of 0.95.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Are You sure decimal AR settings are good idea? They aren't really necessary and players will have to learn how to read even more AR's to reach decent acc..

Why would you have to learn ARs? Being able to play at a certain AR also encompasses a similar skill with similar ARs. It's not like AR9 and AR9.1 would require totally different learning.
I personally think things like AR9.5 will benefit many maps in the 200-230 BPM range.

Could you implement the rank up and down arrows like osutp has for the performance rankings page?

That's more tricky than it actually sounds like. Anyways, I can add that to the list of low-priority things, fair request. :)


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