
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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If tp is about FC difficulty only, why Within Temptation - The Unforgiving [Marathon] has lower level than Within Temptation - The Unforgiving [In The Middle Of The Night]?

Most likely because the map got unranked multiple times and some older, harder version of In The Middle Of The Night stayed inside. At least it -should- never happen, that part of a map gets rated higher than the whole map.

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I think average note difficulty and FC difficulty should be separated. Your current algorithm gives a number that feels generally "right" as a measure of some sort of difficulty, but that can't accurately measure either of those things, even though it's used as both things in tp calculations.

tp doesn't measure average note difficulty at all. If you map 10 seconds of uber-madness, copy that diff and add 50 seconds of easy shit to the second diff. The second diff will still be considered harder than the first one, because it has the same uber-madness plus some other easy, irrelevant, stuff.
While the average note difficulty would obviously be way higher in the first diff.

How would be your own top 10 german player list?

It would be awful. Because don't know shit about currently active players.

What do you think of the german player Michi? He is knida good and he good that good REALLY fast.

He totally good that good faster than anyone good think he good. But seriously, he has been playing for quite a long time already. He is an amazing player nevertheless.

Can you not make some sort of score simulator that would tell us the score of any map with any mod? :(

It's been planned for a long time and theoreticly is not that hard to make... I'm just barely working on tp and mostly focusing on my private project right now. So don't expect new features to come to tp soon. I can understand that many people use tp, but I have something way bigger in mind atm, and I have to set my priorities somewhere. Sorry.

How about taking spinning into account in your tp system since it's also a part of osu! gameplay? Maybe list it as an individual item parallel to aim, speed and accuracy?

I wouldn't create a new category for something people value so small. It indeed would make sense to include spinning in some way, but I still never had an idea about how to do it that satisfied me. I'm always open for suggestions though!

can you bottom out blacks easily? how are they for typing?

Yip. And they're as fast as anything else for me. I generally press my keys with a pretty high force which would bottom out pretty much anything. Got used to that from playing piano for a long time.

Something to do with updating is kinda broken. People will randomly drop total tp, then when updated will regain the randomly lost tp. how2fix

Once again: I can't fix bugs that I can't see. You will have to provide me links / screenshots showing the bug in action or a method to reproduce it.

What does implies mean

I'm not a walking english dictionary... but oh well.
A implies B if B is true whenever A is true.
Intuitively: B follows from A.

FL doesnt give any tp and such in osutp BUT what if someone would acctualy take their time to maybe fl like within temptation marathon do you still think it wouldnt be impressive or something? I mean it is only memorisation but flingthatkindofmapshouldntitgiveatleastalittletp?andwillyoureworktpthen?

FL gives a 36% bonus on aim. Last time I checked that was a lot more than nothing. That's 3 times as much as as the official game.
The only reason you barely see high FL scores in osu!tp is that nearly nobody plays FL on actually hard maps.
Liked by: fartownik

thelewa's acc score in http://osu.ppy.sh/b/91037&m=0 is higher than http://osu.ppy.sh/b/53554&m=0. How amount of circles increase acc score?Or is there another variable? (By expected unstable rate based on normal distribution,with 95% confidence,Atomic is 61.17-69.88 UR, World's End is 57.35-67.69).

I'm not using normal distribution yet. It's still the old inferior algorithm. I'll probably switch to normal distribution as soon as I find the time (and motivation) to test and tweak all that.

Sure you get more aim and speed and such but can you explain this? http://osutp.net/scores?bid=90094 its littearly 1% from each and it is fucking hd

98.5% has 3 times as many 100s as 99.5%. The value of accuracy increases faster the closer you get to 100%. There is a -big- difference between 98.5%ing and 99.5%ing a map. High accuracy players will confirm that.

I dont know why but i think accuarcy is giving away too much tp. I mean this sounds very unreal for the time but what if someone would like maybe dt tbb with like 80% accuarcy i bet that wouldnt have been the best score then for an example.

The total tp of a particular score is mostly irrelevant for player-tp anyway. Your best speed scores count most towards your speed, your best acc scores mostly to your acc and same with aim.
Even if tbb DT wouldn't be considered the "best" in score rating, it would still be the highest aim and speed score (and thus giving an insane amount of tp). Apart from all that I believe tbb DT has potential for becoming the best score even without any accuracy rating. :)

Do aim and speed decay at different rates?

Yes. You reach your limit after just a few very hard jumps, but it takes a lot longer to reach your stamina limit while streaming (if the stream isn't CRAZY fast).

If you incorporated a pattern difficulty calculation, how would you deal with subjectivity? For example in those lvl61 maps I think in terms of difficulty it should be: Shotgun > Pacific Rim > Cirno's Bath > O'er the Flood; but some people may think that O'er the Flood is harder than other ones for

There are quite some people who already disagree with the current system. I can never satisfy everyone - but I'd go for the opinion of the majority, like it was the case until now.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/64854150862 Actually I think you can focus on the time between notes to determine streaming or not. For instance two notes with 1.5625ms apart should be recognized as 160BPM 1/4 stream, or simply 640BPM singletapping.

Singletaps usually are 1/2. Thus 160 bpm 1/4 streams resulting in 320 bpm 1/2 singles.
If I simply took the time notes are apart, how do I determine if the player can stream the notes or has to singletap? I mean.. I wouldn't have any information about whether the other note is on the other side of the screen or right on top of the first one.

https://osu.ppy.sh/s/7671 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/51972 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/31119 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/27107 they are all lvl 61 in tp, and they are all vastly different in difficulty (cirno's bath is easy, o'er the flood is correctly rated, shotgun and pacific rim both too low)

That is true. However I can't really do anything about it, since pattern shape is not taken into acccount yet. Spacing of shotgun symphony as well as speed is fairly easy. The only hard part is the extremely weird patterns.

Couldn't you look at the BPM and then the time between notes to determine whether it's actually 1/2 or 1/4. Not be ideal for double BPM maps (No,39 etc) but there are so many sliders in those that make tapping trivial, ScarRose might still give a high speed because 320 tapping is hard regardless.

BPM is not a reliable method. It would for instance totally break the big black, assuming the streams have to be singled.

http://osutp.net/scores?bid=117580 Mapset needs to be deleted + re-entered into database due to mods/diff name change/score wipe. Also some banned players whose scores didn't get removed are still in tp system e.g. lovu + mangomerde

Why would they get removed from tp if their scores didn't get erased? That means they were banned for other reasons than cheating.

So now speed takes into account both spacing and overall speed? Isn't that unfair to players who are very good at both of those to have them in the same category? I feel like playing spaced streams should fall under aim, or at least have its own category or something.

It has always been like that. See my previous answer for reasoning.

The insane spacing should make the aim value higher insteand of speed, no? maid of fire is only 163bpm, being rated 150speed is really high.. would make more sense to make the aim value higher IMO

Yeah, it would make more sense. I will change it, if you provide me a reliable method of determining which notes are singles and which are streams that doesn't rely on spacing. Or do you want spaced singles to be worth nothing in terms of speed? I could argue that any fast single map could be easily alternated and thus should not reward any speed diff while the aim is ridiculously high if I wen't by that reasoning.
It wouldn't work. I tried it.
Of course the transition from streams to singles is smooth and not just an instantanous switch. However the made of fire streams are borderline and thus worth a lot.


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