
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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You did a really good stuff with tp, have you other projects in mind or just improve your system ?

At the moment I have very different things in mind than another project or improving tp. Gonna enjoy my vacation and then focus on the upcoming exam session. Afterwards there may be improvements to tp, but I can't really think of some other good project.

its just i minor problem, but wouldn´t it be nicer, if when there are 2 equal accuracy-scors with the same mods, so the same tp...that th one, who hast the better score would get the better rank instead of the one, who got this score at first? Because the longer you play a map, the harder it gets :)

Hitting correctly in the end of the map is just as difficult as hitting correctly in the beginning. Sure, in the end you'll be more exhausted, but that already is accounted for in map-length scaling. Your proposition is still valid, in my opinion a higher score (that means 100s in the beginning) is worth more, however the difference imho is not big enough to justify making a very complicated score-scaling that would confuse many people about the system.

Do visual hindering mods such as Hidden and Flashlight grant any TP bonuses at all? For example in here: http://puu.sh/3s3CZ.png, ykcarrot's 98.95% HDHRFL play is worth significantly less than Tricoro's HR SS which led me to think HD and FL are worth zero.

HD gives a 16% and FL a 36% bonus on aim. However they both give nothing on speed and 2% each on accuracy. Since the score you linked has next to no aim difficulty HD and FL barely have any effect. The difference between 100% and 98.95% accuracy outweights the 2% bonus per mod (which in my opinion is justified. 100% vs 99% is a BIG difference).

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Is there any way to find out how much tp a score would receive without actually getting that score and ranking top 50?

Not yet. Might put a calculator on the website when I'm home.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/49906531790 Not true, your accuracy will lower if you understream for long enough. The same will happen if you overstream which would require more speed than HR. You don't have access to this replay information so why assume one case and increase speed w/ HR?

I'm always assuming the lowest required speed / aim. I'm not "suddenly" assuming another case. I mean, by your logic I should also consider people trickjumping, doing the "overstream"-analogy of jumping.

http://osutp.net/scores?bid=162363 HR gives speed, what the fuck?

One can always SS a stream by being slightly below the required speed because of timing lenience. That means on higher OD (with HR) is actually requires slightly more speed. Especially on maps with OD7 where HR adds almost 3 whole points of OD, almost halving the timing lenience, this has a relatively high impact.

Tom, wir brauchen dich hier in Deutschland, die Öfen füllen sich doch nicht von alleine...!

the ovens here are good too jaaaaaa nein guten sonethknv fhxyfyvuxyf

For the lost tp QQ question nvm, updated scores and it came back. Might wanna check why that happens though.

Most likely a hardware crash while updating. Don't worry, we will soon get a new server, so the hardware problems should be fixed then.

How does your difficulty algorithm treat sliders? Are they a series of jumps between ticks?

No, that would ridiculously overvalue fast repear sliders, where you can just leave the mouse be. osu!tp computes the actual slider curve and then from that curve the minimal movement required to 300 the slider. That minimal movement distance is treated as a jump.
Liked by: Pi

What amount would be reasonable? Instead of the top 50, would it increase to top 400? or would that cause too much stress.

No clue. For tp it would be very possible to go up to top1000. The limit lies with the official end.

Take the hypothetical example of a map with OD9 with very low HP Drain rate. If a player press all the notes EXACTLY 22ms late (getting 100%accuracy), will it receive more tp than if the map was exactly the same but with OD10?

Yes it would. I could ignore OD and use unstable rate -if- I could access per-hitobject information about such values. Sadly I can't, so the system will be inaccurate like that.

Does OD have any impact on how max combo is factored into tp score on a map?

They both give multipliers, so naturally if both are high they increase each other, too.

When there is a map that has two scores that are the same (ex: two people HD+DT SS and there are no spinners), will both players get the same amount of tp (because they both got SS with the same mods) or will the first one to have done it get more tp due to the higher rank on the leaderboards?

Same amount of tp. The rank on the leaderboards is not even looked at or stored in tp.

TP RANK is cool,But can you consider Top 50 behind, A lot of pro players can't use MOD. Then his'TP will not precise enough or 0 tp.

I can't because the osu! API doesn't show more. As soon as it's possible tp will consider more than top50.


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