
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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why cheat? you are good without the use of cheat

no shit sherlock. he was just fooling around because why the fuck not (milkshake)

If a player is banned (but not for hacking, for example Niko being banned for multiaccounting), would you keep the scores on tp (because they didn't cheat) or are all scores for banned accounts removed, regardless of what the ban was for?

At the moment it removes banned accounts in all cases. I can't think of a feasible quick solution to do it differently at the moment. Maybe I'll get a good idea at some point.

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http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/48950213070 It happened exactly like the last time, I did one rank(was my top tp) didnt get any rating from it, but the score was there even saying it is my top tp. Now i did another score, pressed update and rating changed properly. Second time this happened now.

That's because aim, speed and acc are treated seperately. A score might be your best in total value while each individual stat is just mediocre, compared to your best in that category.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/48952789966 Sorry, I worded that badly. For individual players, it seems like aim scores start out higher and fall off faster than speed scores (higher aim scores > higher speed scores; lower aim scores < lower speed scores). That might be a symptom of maps though.

Any concrete examples?

What made you choose "aim", "speed", and "accuracy" as the separate components of osu! skill? Was it experience or experiment?

Got the idea for aim and speed while doing my diffcalc... they just seemed natural to seperate for map difficulty. Got the idea to seperate them from accuracy on the player scores after realizing that acc scaling with aim and speed didn't go very well. jesus1412 gave me the idea of seperating all those values until the very last tp calculation step.

Is it intentional that aim scores scale higher than speed scores, which in general scale slightly higher than accuracy scores?

Actually aim and speed scale pretty much the same. just sort by aim / speed and compare the values of the same spot number. Those are extremely similar both, on page 1, last score and page 20, last score.

why osutp can't show me BleachFTW's rating?! (this player exist)

But he doesn't have any top50 ranks. osu!tp doesn't show those players.

When I update one specific player, it only updates the score there but rating/aim/speed/whatever doesnt go up. It will go up in a day or so(it happened to me before), but is it supposed to be like that? (and the rating should go up, since the new score is a top tp of said player)

It does (or rather: should) update said player's rating. Please make sure, that the player hasn't been updated before already, otherwise you won't see any results. (Gonna check on it again.)

When you get back from your vacations please remove Lazuli (mnto) from osu!tp.

Changed it so player updates now check for bans. So in the future when a player is banned, just click the update button to get him removed from tp. :)
Liked by: Tshemmp

http://puu.sh/3nhrr.png fix dat and dat http://puu.sh/3nhsF.png

cr1m’s Profile Photo-cr1mmy-
Problem found, problem fixed. Seemed like a hardware crash in the middle of the beatmap-diff-cache writing ruined said cache... Now the client re-created it automaticly if it's corrupted, so that problem shouldn't occur anymore. If it still does (outside of the daily update) then don't hestitate to tell me.
I seriously hope other stupid problems like that won't disturb my vacation though. :(

With the recent button on tp, it updates my score but my tp doesn't go up even though it should be 11 points higher due to someone with the same score as me with the same mods and SS. Now it just stays at that number. Is this normal?

As long as you don't give me a link to the osutp scoreboard and your player name I have no way of checking on that.

Does anything in your difficulty calculations take into account stream spacing?

Yes. Gonna specify on that more in the info page as soon as I am not busy with drinking milkshake anymore. (Might take a while~)

I think osu!tp has some sort of bug. It's telling me I got 0 tp for 2 different scores that (based on other scores for those maps) are worth 9 and 12 tp. I don't know if it's just a display bug or not, but my overall ranks and tp didn't increase either, so probably not.

It happens if the daily player update is in process. Is it still like that now?
Liked by: Selinay Duran

What would you do if you showed up in Israel and I was Milkshake all along?

Too bad I'm alreadz in her house and she even wrote the last few answers on this account. <3


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