
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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If someone beat his own DT score with a FL, will his tp decrease?

Yeah... it's stupid, but I can't change it in a fair way, since those old scores just disappear from the scoreboard. Even storing them wouldn't help, because it would be unfair towards people who lost their scores previous to me adding the feature.

Findest du das deutsche Ranking in deinem Calculator angebracht? Es wundert mich, dass ShadowSoul nicht unter den 5 Besten ist...

Abgesehen davon dass ich cptnXn nicht kenne und daher nicht einschätzen kann - ja. Ich könnte mich möglicherweise ein bisschen nach oben schlagen, wenn ich farmen würde, aber davon mal abgesehen sieht das mMn in Ordnung aus.

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Do people lose tp over time if they are inactive? For example, if Rucker doesn't come back, will his tp keep going down, or will it stay at what it is now?

There is no malus for being inactive. That means Rucker's tp stays the same unless he does better ranks or I tune the algorithm.

Hey Tom you have a Steelseries 6GV2 keyboard, plastic quality is good?, the keys have been worn down or have been shiny?, you have had some problems with the keyboard?, the cherry black are too hard?

Never had any serious problems with the keyboard. It really is built like a tank and feels just as solid. After over 1 year of hardcore osu!-ing my 2 streaming buttons started to occasionally spam upon press. But apart from that everything still feels fine. The buttons also didn't change their feel while getting pressed. Letters still perfectly readable. Can only recommend the keyboard.

What if I miss last spinner like Cookiezi does sometimes? Do I lose tp for that miss?

Yes, but it's almost nothing. Expect it to be around 2-3% of the TP the score would give otherwise.

Circlesize List http://puu.sh/2Vjmr.rar Circlesize3+HR>Circlesize4, Circlesize5>Circlesize4+HR, Circlesize2+HR>Circlesize3. I think Circlesize+HR is Circlesize*1.3, Please verify.

I think HR multiplies all difficulty paremeters with 1.4. (Easy with 0.5.)

do you plan on putting more weight on OD and finding some way to calculate trickiness of a map? it seems like some maps are really overrated while some are really underrated

OD is already weighted pretty heavily. "Trickyness" might come if I come of with a formula that satisfies me.

When a score gets moved out of top50 is it removed completely or stays there cached or something like that?

Stays. However I can't guarantee that this will always be the case.
Liked by: Tshemmp

Does the amount of objects in a song affect the gain?

Not yet. I am thinking of adding a little bonus for longer maps though.

Your difficulty calculator works with just the .osu beatmap, right? Why not using the "Grab latest .osu file" link?

That's exactly what I am using.

why http://osu.ppy.sh/b/32570&m=0 isnt addet

Another update on this: I fixed it. All ranked beatmaps (apart from 5-10 buggy ones that the main page won't let me download) should be included in the calculator now. It will go live with the next update this evening.

But in the past you can access up to the top 400 for each map in osu!, so maybe there is a way to get more than the top 50.

Not outside of ingame. I might have found a method though... a nice person showed me how to use the score-api for top400 scores through PM. I have to authenticate with my account for it though, so it's likely that peppy will block my account for using it... But whatever, I can try.
Liked by: Tshemmp

Wow, it's much more difficult to raise tp than pp for that you must at least rank under 50th in difficult maps and get nothing even if you ranked 51st place. I like tp but only this point makes me sad. Do you have any plans to change this in the future?

I really would like to remove that limitation and take more scores into account. But without direct access to the osu! database (or some kind of API) this is impossible.

shotgun dt -> remote controll dt if someone pass?

Since shotgun DT is slightly below remote control DT in terms of difficulty level I doubt it. But it's close! Probably on par with airman HR.

does circle size/overall difficulty/approach rate affect the tp gained from a song?

Circle size affects jump difficulty and spacing treatment in general. Approach rate gives bonuses for >10 and <8. OD determines how valuable the accuracy % are.

Why do ''Magic Girl !!'' and ''Bamboo Dance'' have more tp than ''Bloody Night''? It is only one person that is doing DT of ''Bloody Night''.

How many people DTed a map is irrelevant to the algorithm. I'm always trying to improve the mapweighting and am aware of some maps being off. Don't worry. :>

Why do I have a score on my best scores which gives me 0 tp?

Values are rounded. It gives you 0.XXXX tp.


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