
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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You just invented a new playstyle: tablet+guitar hero controller :D think it will be popular?

Nah, too many issues:
#1 big input delay
#2 the button itself could be way better in build quality and usability
#3 it's stupid to play non-streams with it

I heard peppy is unlikely to unban you if you have a multiaccount

Good that I never created any account other than my original one then.

What program do you use to record your liveplays? XSplit will let me put the videos over each other like that, but it limits me to 25 FPS, which is really horrible.

I record ingame with fraps and the live video with the logitech webcam software, then cut it together with adobe premier.

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I was about to change my nickname in to "tommy" but you became famous :( now that you are banned and using random nickname i should pick it.

"Pancake" is far from random. Just sayin'. Just pick whatever name you want, lol.

Can you still be banned again for multiacc? Why didn't you wait for peppy to unban you?

I don't know. I waited the first month, then another one of getting no response. Frankly I didn't really care about it anymore.

Why is your accuracy so bad now? Many good accuracy players have taken 4+months breaks and have similar or better accuracy when they return. Right now your accuracy is the same as it was in march 2012.

It's because I am not trying. I am playing for fun. Most of the ranks (except of very few) were random plays.
Also it's not like all the ranks have bad accuracy. Feel free to check out http://osustats.ppy.sh/ (with Garanov and Tom69 Fanboy). I'm sure you can find some high accuracy shizzle.

do you know why cookiezi has black borders/ changed resolution on his monitor? This would change hes tablet resolution aswell?

Probably because his monitor got some issues. I wouldn't know any sane reason to put that out of own will.

Wait, someone said you are back? Does that mean you have an Account? I missed something i think :(

I'm not more back than I was all the time. Playing casually... didn't think it'd make such a commotion if I play online for a day.

How fast do you think someone can get at streams? I've pulled from 160ish to 200ish in a month and wondering how much hope I have for stuff that's like 280,

All depends on how long the streams are. Just try your best and hope you don't hit a wall. :p

how to change the resolution of the monitor like Cookiezi... i mean with those black bands on the right and on the left :(

Buy a shitty monitor and there you go.

If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

I'd have awesome food with Milkshake.


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