
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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[Re: Win8] That's what I did. Turned off press-and-hold ("Gedrückthalten für Rechtsklick") and flicks ("Bewegungen"). The issue is described here too: http://forum.wacom.eu/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11787 and no one can find a solution. If you could get it working somehow, you might be on to something.

Well, it just worked for me somehow. I suggest you try disabling wisptis (check for a process names wisptis.exe). Another possible way would be to go into the registry, decrease the minimum allowed time settings to 0 and change the actual time settings to 0 aswell, then reboot.

Care to go into detail regarding the cursor drag delay in Windows 8? I just can't figure it out. In Windows 7, this was easily fixable by disabling the press-and-hold feature. The same options don't seem to have any effect now though. I tried some older drivers but that didn't help either.

Disable "hold-to-rightclick" and that other feature where you can hold down and move to a direction to issue a command. Not sure how that section of the control panel is called in english. Pen & touch input or something.

http://puu.sh/1DfRy I am a long time banned player now since i hacked on so many accounts. Do you think there is a chance that peppy will unban me if i lifeplay him this? (I am in the 2000s on my new Account, full legit, after 20 days) Nothing big for you. But a great achievemnt for me! :D

peppy doesn't care about liveplays. Rather write him an e-mail where you apologize if you want him to unban you.

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but is windows 8 worth it ?

Generally yes, not for osu! though. The main issues are not the registry things but the fact that you can't disable aero anymore and are thus forced to play with a slight input delay.

How is the 94 obvious? The only think I can imagine is that you were born in '94.

And how come you think there would be more to it? :P

I saw you switched to Windows 8, so you might be able to answer this. I installed it too today. Everything is working as intended, but whenever I touch tablet surface the cursor freezes for a short moment. Really annoying. Any idea how to fix this? I'm using a CTH-470 with the latest Wacom drivers.

Yes, I know how to fix it. Disable some pen and touch functionality in the control panel. There is another stupid issue with doubleclicks that can only be fixed in the registry though.

What does 94 and 69 in your name mean? Well I guess 69 can mean Long Dong...

I think they are both obvious, so I'll let you figure it out by yourself.

"I don't like val0108's style... his maps are like try to not get a random miss at low spaced but fast singles", is that also how you feel about val's maps for: ijou, trillion years, aika, ohigan, talent shredder, crayon, recommended spell, mythologia, homework crisis, mami, bspower, saba, boot?

Sure there are exceptions which I like a lot (especially aika and trillion years) but the majority remains not so fun for me.

Any hint for having a more stable cursors/tap movement ? Any configuration or modification other then just practice ?

Use a big area and only use your fingers + wrist for movement, never your arm.

If you could ban one person (or one kind of person) from earth, who (or which kind) would it be?

What right would I have to play god and ruined someone's life? I would ban nobody.

I used to dislike your skin a lot, but ever since I delete backgrounds it became my favorite of all skins. Did you have that in mind when you picked out the parts for it? Also, what was important for you when you set it together?

Yeah, I did have that in mind. Also, simplicity was my main goal with it. Remove as much clutter as possible and be able to read stacks with HD.

Your calculator is awesome you know? Great work. How about adding the BPM to the calculators GUI ?

Did you download the newest version (link in a recently answered question)? It's in there already.

So the graph is basically calculated like this : The more hits you have in a certain time the higher the speed strain and the further away the higher the jump strain. Correct me if I´m wrong

That's more or less true. Distance plays a role in stream strain to a certain degree though, to value bigger spaced streams higher than compressed ones and to correctly detect singles above a certain spacing.

How are the graphs of your calculator calculated? On which criteria?

Based on the speed/jump strain at that particular moment in the map. Here http://puu.sh/1CHe4 you have a version with map-preview. You can see the strain by the coloring of the hitcircles there. (Press p for autoplay.)

Was denkst du wie viele Fragen die einzelperson hier so stellt?

Wahrscheinlich hat ein Stalker ausnahmslos alle Fragen hier gestellt. Ja, ich rede von Dir!

Hey Tom :) Was hälst du von Taiko, Ctb und Mania Spielern? Respektierst du deren Leistungen? Und: Denkst du, das irgend eines jener Gamemodes deinen Skill in Standard verbessert?

Jep, ich respektiere deren Leistungen... sind halt mMn komplett andere Spiele als osu! standard. Taiko verbessert die one-key Geschwindigkeit und evtl die Accuracy.


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