
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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I don't think you should judge overrated/undeserved pp on how many players has FCed a map. e.g. Two skill sets takes equal time to get, but coincidentally more people focus on first (we don't know for sure). They make few amazing score. You, seeing that, nerfs it. Now 1st skill needs spend more time

I'm betting on the fact that players realize the second skill needs less time, trying to get more pp that way. This way eventually the amount of scores will balance out and I can adjust pp again, removing the pp for the second skill if needed.
This already happened to a certain degree. HR is now a lot more prominent than before due to the good pp it started giving after some slight buffs. If enough people start making tons of crazy scores with HR I'll be convinced to nerf it, but at the moment the pp reward seems fair to me.

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http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/127633542606 You don't necessary have to apply pp. Just a neat feature where all calculations and data storage is done client-side. And it could be optional, for performance issues.

Ah, then I misunderstood! Yes, I already considered something like that myself. Originally I thought the user could just move a slider from -5 to +5 applying an offset to the recommended star rating. This could be extended with another option balancing between speed and aim just like tp did, but this would first require each client to store aim and speed difficulty separately which is currently not the case.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Should I enable Map Absolute Raw Input to the osu! window if I'm in fullscreen?

All it does is affect your tablet area. If you are fine with your area (or if you can adjust your area via tablet drivers) then you should not use it. It's only for input devices that don't allow custom mappings by themselves.

Do you know that CtB is quite broken right now ? For example, take banned forever map, extremely hard pattern around 800 (220 bpm left-right). Only a few players fc'ed it and this pattern only needs to stay at middle without moving on EZ mode. Now laugh : http://puu.sh/hpUzn/2deefa2c32.png

There is definitely something wrong going on there. But I am aware... just didn't get around looking further into it yet.

Would you say the amount of pp is a good way of comparing skill in different mods? Like, has a person with 3000pp in standart about the same skill (lets say 6/10) than e.g. a ctb player with 3000pp? (they dont farm only pp) Rank is not such a good way to compare, since different amount of players D:

AsklBacon’s Profile PhotoTom
The pp algorithms might scale a bit differently depending on the mode. I didn't focus on this aspect, so I wouldn't use it like that.

Tom, if per-hitobject data becomes available, would it be possible to implement being able to get 100s or 50s on sliders? I mean for future scores, but also for already existing ones.

Wouldn't make any difference regarding its feasability compared to now.

How should we know that u already answered x question? We cant look up every question since this would take a long time

Doesn't mean I have the time to answer literally 100 questions a day, multiple of which require quite a long paragraph as an answer.
If I don't answer your question and you are positive the information can't be found in the wiki or in the pp thread, then you'll have to scroll down on my ask.fm page for a while.
Liked by: DroppedBass xenou

https://osu.ppy.sh/s/7671 how in the hell is this map only 5,35 stars not even one rudimentary FC

This is a perfect example of a question that I normally wouldn't answer. Pattern difficulty not implemented. Read the pp feedback thread. Post there about issues or problems you have with star difficulty and pp.
Liked by: Jenny Darukat

Do you know of a way to list all top performances, not just the top100? I used to see them on the site. I don't know if you answered this question already, I've only gone through a couple of pages of your ask.fm, sorry.

Nah, at the moment only top100 is visible.
Liked by: _bloo

yeah, just dont answer the uncomfortable questions ;)

I actually do answer uncomfortable questions. What I don't answer are the following questions:
1. Things I've already answered. Sometimes I answer despite of that, but not always.
2. Things which I think you can figure out by yourself easily by using for instance google or the wiki.
3. Things which don't concern me, such as "OMG WTF WHY IS XXX NOT UNBANNED YET". I'm a dev, I'm not dealing with support.
4. Aggressive questions. Being passive aggressive falls under that category.

http://pastebin.com/nn7hRUbH Translated from old top chinese player.

Getting the 3 different categories out just like tp did it is planned (as I said a few times on this ask.fm already). Other than that the things he mentions are known issues which are not easily resolved sadly. :/
Liked by: KZNikita

Have you tried using fitt's law for computing the aim portion of PP? I think with some tweaks, it could work pretty well.

That's already being done (even though I had no idea it existed back when I made the algorithm).
Liked by: StarrStyx Nelly

I think pp calculation for my account is wrong.how can i reset it?

Getting a new personal best on any ranked map makes your pp completely re-calculate. If afterwards you still think something is wrong post in the help forums with more details.

Too long for this space :) http://shrib.com/tom94lovespenis Sorry about the url I chose, it's a serious question though.

They would have had the very same difficulty a few months ago before the CS buff (which I was reluctant to implement for this very reason). In the end I justified the CS buff by saying most maps with small circles don't just use a small portion of the gamefield, so small CS effectively enlarges the playing field which breaks the equivalence relation.
So as of now, your example map would indeed have slightly more stars with smaller circles and everything scaled accordingly.


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