
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Pretend you get 100.23 pp from a song you played and your total is now 100.23.It does round off to 100 (right?).But when you get another score that will add 0.5 pp and you get 100.73,does it round up or will you see 100 until you passed 101 pp? I was curious when getting ranks without pp from a song

Internally it isn't rounded. Only the display is. As soon as you have 100.50 or higher it will show 101.
Liked by: DroppedBass

When ppv2 was implemented 2900pp was about rank 4300. Now that amount of pp is about rank 6000. Do you think that big difference is just because players get better overall, or because players get efficient at farming pp?

New players came & ppv2 encouraged them to challenge themselves and play the harder stuff. I also lost quite some ranks (was 120 when I made ppv2 and am at 180 now).
Liked by: DroppedBass

Why do some taiko maps not have an AR shown with the other info (OD, HP,etc)?

Not just some Taiko maps don't have AR shown but all. AR does not have any effect in Taiko.
Liked by: DroppedBass

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I'm kind of new, never seen a PP change like this happen. Says something about accuracy having higher value in standard? Just curious if this means that we will get more PP for accuracy, albeit small or little?

It does.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I saw in the changelog that you changed something in the pp calculation in the last hours, but all of my top ranks are showing the same pp value as it was yesterday but I have a lower amunt of pp now, why?

Wait for everything to finish calculating. Takes a few days.
Liked by: DroppedBass Leonie

Hey Tom!, Do my pre-ppv2 scores affect my rank now? I'm going back to last year and I'm surprised I actually DT'd a few insanes that I can't even do now. IThanks!~

Liked by: DroppedBass

Why does CS only get multiplied by 1.3 in-game when HR is selected? Doesn't HR multiply CS by 1.4 like all the other map settings?

No, it multiplies CS by 1.3 and all other settings by 1.4.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Totally not off-topic. How are you doing :)?

Haha, it's actually a welcome change to get a non-osu! question for once. I'm doing fine, thanks, albeit being a little tired. I should probably go to sleep now. :P
Liked by: DroppedBass

Is there a way to delete maps based on stars? Like delete all 1 and 2 star maps. Also, how can you tell if the star calculations has been completed client side, or is there a way to tell the progress?

dexus420’s Profile PhotoBrandon
There is currently no way to tell the progress. It shouldn't take longer than an hour at _most_ unless your PC is from the stone age and you have 30,000+++ beatmaps.
There is no automated deletion at the moment, so your best bet is to group by difficulty or search for "stars<=2" and then delete all the maps below 2 stars.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://puu.sh/9MQYw/69ab595435.png I refreshed the page and then it was gone ;w; rip in pieces

The website will in all likelihood come back. The updates probably won't, though.
CORRECTION: The guy who hosted the website missed the opportunity to make a backup of the database before the server went down. tp will probably NOT come back up. Most functionality already is in the osu! client / website. Stuff that is missing is also planned (for instance display of jump and speed difficulty).

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/115003061710 well it just shows the hardest maps in game, but i am mostly searching for maps with mods. not possible there :/

Mods will come, too, eventually. By the way, you can also just download all ranked beatmap packs and sort by difficulty ingame. That includes the mods you currently have selected. :P
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/115000102350 that's the only place i can find maps that are hard for me so it would be really good if it did but why not get this to osu? there's obviously alot of people that want it.

Did you ever even try https://osu.ppy.sh/p/beatmaplist?s=3&o=-1&m=0&r=0&g=0&la=0&ra= ? You can even specify to only show unplayed maps if you are a supporter and look for all unranked maps. Not even speaking of all the other nice filter options like music genre.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Problem with pp is there aren't enough maps with high stars. I have every song for osu! and deleted all the easy/normal maps (1-2 stars) and that ended up being half my maps removed. Also how can you expedite the star calculation for the song list client side?

dexus420’s Profile PhotoBrandon
There aren't really any more ways to accelerate the clientside difficulty calculation without switching to another language. Some optimization vodoo might squeeze out a few more % of performance, but that won't be so noticable. Since it already got a lot of optimization and is running in the background it shouldn't be noticable as stutters while still being reasonably quick.
It also only has to be done once, since it gets stored to disk and re-loaded when you open osu! another time.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/114990629070 Does that mean to find the max amount of pp you can get, without beating your best score, you multiply your best score by 20, and add 416.66666666? Or is it more complicated? (I didn't understand the formula on the wiki page ;_;)

Yes, if you had your best score infinitely often you'd have that score's pp times 20 + 416.66666pp. You can only have less when never beating your best score.
Liked by: DroppedBass

If someone had an all mods SS on every diff of every map, how much pp would they have? Would they stop gaining pp completely eventually?

There is no artificial limit on pp, so they would keep gaining pp as the maps became harder. I can't say how much pp such a person would have, though. It would be reeeeeeeally much, though, considering how the hardest ranked (tag4) map in osu! would give over 10,000pp if SSed with all mods.
Yes, you can theoretically become #1 in osu! with just having a single score.

If you had an infinite amount of scores that gave 100 pp, how much pp would you have in total counting in the diminishing weight

2416.66666666....pp. I was very tempted to just answer 1000, but that'd actually be misleading this time. :(
This total is a result of the 416.6666666...pp from all the scores you'd have and of the 2000pp you'd get from all the scores giving 100pp each.
You can also just read up the formula here:

What do you think about this?http://ask.fm/thelewa/answer/113468185590

Accuracy indeed is the lowest ranking stat on average currently. However aim is the most prominent stat rather than speed which sits in the middle. Needs some slight balancing either way... it is just barely off at the moment, but since the top players are playing right at the edge it still makes a noticable difference.
At map difficulty level speed and aim are still almost perfectly in balance, so this is a pp thing.
Liked by: DroppedBass Yano

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/114865233870 Will you be releasing the frontend and/or backend source to github?

Probably not. The backend is a grotesquely extended difficulty calculator where I stopped caring about any programming guidelines because I knew I wouldn't have to do anything afterwards when I am done adding the tp stuff.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Is the amount of pp each play given a double precision floating point number, or is it rounded to an integer at some point? (meaning, for example, that a play can give 100.2 unweighted pp, and be compared as higher than 100.15 pp).

I believe it is "only" single precision, but yes, it is a floating point number. Single is more than plenty for this, by the way - double wouldn't make any difference.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Do you think it's a viable option to make maybe 100~ pro players/mods/staff (aka raters) to go through maps and actually rate the difficulty? It might seem like a big stretch but it might be the only good option if ppv2 doesn't work out. Minimum rater per map could be 5~ or something.

And how would you go about different raters rating different maps (inconsistency) and non-ranked maps (too many to rate)?
Liked by: Kynan DroppedBass

Will the updating of osutp.net return to the past position(updating daily)?

Most likely not. It is more probable that updates will cease completely.
Liked by: DroppedBass


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