
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Is osutp down atm?

Yes. We are setting up a windows virtual machine so we can run automatic updates. Even though it involves a few hours of downtime, it's worth it, since it allows me to do automatic updates. Possibly more often than once every 24h. :)
Liked by: lkwr Hazzy

So if I DT FC a map with 92% and be #80-100ish and I am the only DT you are telling me "not a single tp", well that kind of sux. (if hypothetically you get access to more than just top50)

Are you guys even reading my answers? If the rank is #80-100ish -tp wise of your own ranks-.
Just to make it clear: Where you stand in the official leaderboards compared to other players is -irrelevant- to your tp gain.

But that's exactly the point. It'll only start being neglegible as soon as you can't make higher scores, which means you reached your maximum skill. If you can't beat your own scores nor surpass them with other harder maps, adding tp with each other less difficult maps seems quite meaningless.

Trust me, all your scores below #100 summed up together won't give you a single tp.
Your top20 scores are what makes a difference, your top5 scores are the ones that truly matter.

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http://puu.sh/33OQ2.txt A quite long suggestion that would (i'm my point of view) improve greatly your rating system ~ AdRon Zh3Ro.

Score are already summed up with decreasing weight. That means you best score is worth exactly as much as it's tp value, your 2nd best score is worth a little less than that, your 3rd even less, and so forth.
(With that system your maximum tp indeed increases with every score you make, however it quickly becomes less and less until it's negligible.)

Would it be possible for you to make a script that updates your site every 30 minutes/1 hour? Because some people can't wait 24 hours just to see their tp update. Thanks (:

An update consists of:
- Querying scores from osu! (10-20mins)
- Calculating the new tp values (~5mins)
- Uploading the database to the server (~10-20mins)
In that time either my internet or my processor are on 100% usage... you know, I also want to do other things. Apart from that I'd greatly dislike having my PC run 24/7.
That being said: until I have a dedicated windows server to work with tp updates will remain once a day.

So just to make sure. If cookiezi were to ever quit. He would still have his 3600 tp forever? (until he comes back/you tune tp)

Yes he would.

Is it possible to highlight a new score on the best scores list? So that I can see which new score gave me the most tp. That's all <3

It is. Put it on my todo-list, but doesn't have very high priority though.
EDIT: What gives, I added it. Since it's a small thing it went fast.

when tp ranking will be have real time update?

When it gets implemented into bancho. There is no other way.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/40635087054 It wouldn't change much, but Value of score * 0.9 ^ (#of score - 1) seems more logical (your best score giving you the exact tp it shows then)

That's how it already is done. Forgot to mention that the first score is #0 internally, resulting in 0.9 ^ 0 = 1. Computers usually start counting at 0 for various reasons. ~
Liked by: Synchrostar

Hi tom, do you think the tp system is kind of "unfair" for us average players because I can only get about #100 with hrhd on some insane maps but the scores are not calculated,meanwhile some less pro player who is keen on getting top50 on easy and normal maps will get more tp than me. Obviously I'm

Obviously you are? Anyway, yeah, I think it's unfair, but I can't change it. This is going to be my last answer regarding that subject. I'll notify you guys as soon as I got access to more than only the top50 scores.

any chance that you can add a calculator to see how much tp you can get on "this" song with "this" accuracy and "this" misses and so? really curious to see how much tp one can get with ss on the first tag4 song

That's actually not a bad idea. Might add that at some point... not so sure yet how to best make the interface though.

habe gehört du kannst gut programmieren, hätte ne Idee um richtig geld zu machen sowas wie Bwin nur im Esports bereich gibts noch nicht also wetten auf LoLpros z.b. hättest du interesse?

Rein hypothetisch gesehen... was würde es mir bringen mit Dir zusammen zu arbeiten, wenn ich das doch auch alleine machen könnte? Abgesehen davon habe ich kein Interesse, 'tschuldigung. :>
Liked by: Tshemmp

http://puu.sh/30vGB would it be possible to make it update automatically a bit more often?

It would be if I had a dedicated windows server to run my client on. I neither have the time to re-code everything for linux, nor can I leave my PC powered on 24/7. Not even speaking of frequently uploading a 100mb+ score database.

Currently tp seems to count merely those top 50 records in scoreboard. Will you expand the score data-base? (just like some slider-break scores)

I would if I could. So far the osu!api only gives me access to top50 scores.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/41387020494 i'm suspecting the bonus for long maps will be because they are more stamina draining and it's easy to lose focus towards the end?

Assume you miss a circle with a certain probability. Even if your stamina is infinite and your focus stays the same, you'll still have a harder time FCing a long map compared to a shorter one of same difficulty.
Liked by: Linda Andriy

Would you mind if i create a osutp client for Android?

I don't see the need for one, since you can just open the page... but sure, go ahead, I don't mind. :>

Do you think Peppy would add you to the osu! dev team? Technically you would be able for stuff like that

It would be very cool, but I don't expect it to happen.

Just want to make a remark regarding peppy:

Tom94’s Profile PhotoTom Long Dong
He pm'd me this morning, giving information about the web API, allowing me to query score / beatmap / player information directly instead of from the webpage. For now I still can only query the top 50 scores of an individual map, but according to him he is thinking about increasing that limit at some point.
I'm glad that some kind of communication got into place now. In my opinion a step in the right direction. :)

Hey Tom, welches Buch kannst du empfehlen um C++ zu lernen?

"C++ von A bis Z" von Jürgen Wolf.

How much times does the server take to make updates?

1-2h to query all scores from the osu! website. The calculation itself takes less than 5 minutes.

Will you be adding a better beatmap search in the future? Currently only one map can be found if they have the same names.

The score panel is supposed to let you compare either the best scores of a player or on a certain map. That's why it displays only one (which always is the hardest map matching the entered name). You can look for all maps in the "beatmap difficulty" panel and then click on "scores" if you want to find score tables of duplicates.


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