
DG Dela Cruz

Ask @Thyiaaa

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If you could go back to a time this 2013... when would it be?

Charmaine Arat
Exactly when the New Year just came. Because I was just sitting in my room during those times and there was anger in my heart for my mom.

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Mt. Olympus exists. it's on Mars. :)

the 'Mt. Olympus' Mt. Olympus? Why go to Mars, meron naman sa Greece? :)

I know this is a really mainstream question but... What is love?

Charmaine Arat
[Romantic] Love is when you look into his eyes and you realize that you couldn't ask for more because he's more than enough.

if you could revive anyone (person/animal, real/fictional, anyone at all), who would it be?

My father. Not that he's dead. I miss my dad. That dad who ... *cries*

good morning DG. :) hindi kita nakita buong week. :( hahaha :)

onga e. inaantay ko pamandin yung mahiwagang wave hello mo. :) pero nagkasalubong ata tayo sa Freshie Walk nung Friday. 11:30 am. Pero magkaibang side kasi. :)

if you were trapped on an island with a fictional character, who would it be and why?

I hate choosing.

name something you really hate (personality, object, action, etc)

Can't think of anything. Bait ko lol

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

You're sitting side by side with that one you love not needing words to make each other feel special.
Liked by: Oliver Perry

good morning DG. :) narinig ko yung text mo ah. :) di ko alam kung ako yung pinaparinig mo, pero magpapakafeeler ako. haha :)

Hi. Is this about 'Anon'? Yea. Kung ikaw si 'Anon' na yun, ikaw nga. But you failed me, again.

If you had one hug left and you have to give it to someone sa dorm, who would you give it to?

If I had only one hug left ... uh, I most probably have hugged all of those who I want to hug before that one last hug happen.


Language: English