

Ask @The8BitMonkey

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What do you use to record your videos? and how do you not get lagg?

I use a program called ScreenFlow, as for the limited lag it's due to that program using a compressed format when recording....also optifine helps lot and a decent CPU and GFX.

What's the best Redstone contraption you've ever made? Also, in your bio thing on ask.fm, there are two dots after youtube.

William Griffin
I would have to say my MEGA Machine Gun...even if it is broken these days.

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If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Blue....then I could be one of the Blue Man Group :)

Swimming in the ocean or swimming in a pool

Swimming in the ocean is fun but the British weather doesn't really bode well for it....so pool :)

If they said coffee was going to cost over a 100£ would you still buy peppermint coffee

I would buy enough to last me 60 years before the price went up ;)

say 1 nice thing about each of your family members

My sister has grown into a very intelligent and beautiful woman who I'm extremely proud of, I know that she'll succeed in whatever she does because she always puts her all into everything she does. I wish we we're as close as we use to be but regardless I'm extremely happy to have her with me.
My father is one of the greatest men I know, he has always been there for us and although we don't show our emotions to one another I love him and I'm extremely grateful to have him in my life.
My mother is one hell of a woman, she's my anchor, she's given me and my sister the best life a child could ask for, she's a very proud woman as well that is extremely protective of her kids and will do anything to help us.
I know all that's more then one word but when I start going I find it hard to stop :)

What is your favorite flower?

Snap Dragons...mainly due to my late grandparents but also due to a funny story, I'll talk about it in a video one day :)

Why did you decide to do youtube?

This is going to be a long one...
So, back in the day I was in a site called DailyBooth (which is now closed down) and got quite a following who where interested in me vlogging do started a vlogging channel, after a while it became clear to me that vlogging just want my thing so I stopped doing it.
After a few months I felt a little lost with myself as making videos had became a part of my routine so after a friend of mine had bought me minecraft I decided to try my hand at a gaming channel which I enjoyed a lot as out allowed me to interact and entertain people which I love doing while at the same time keeping me engaged with what I was doing....2 years later and my only regret is that I didn't start sooner, doing Youtube and meeting all these amazing people has been one of the best things in my life.

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Do you like anime? If you do, what is your favourite?

I do indeed, although not watched it in sometime now...guess some of my faves would be Ghost in the Shell, anything by Studio Ghibli, Akira and a few others....my main problem is I can't watch anything with subtitles and it's hard to find dubbed shows sometimes.

Who is the funniest person you know?

My old housemate Bryon was pretty damn funny, miss him a lot but sadly he moved down south to find work.

What's more no annoying a crying baby in a restaurant or crying cat out your window

The cat....with the child it would be over after you leave, can't just leave the house and not come back, well you could but I'd miss my bed.

Your biggest fear

Not sure, don't have any fears that I worry about really...obviously death wouldn't be fun but not something to fear.

When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

Do the squirrels in my back garden count....love my apartment :)

What's your favorite junk food to eat

PIZZA...love it, Chicken, BBQ Sauce Base, Cheese with a stuffed crust....ok now my mouth it's watering.

What's your favorite thing to do on a Friday night

Attend TVSoc as it allows me to spend time with great friends that I don't get to see to much these days.

If you could be anyone who would you be

Eric Goldberg, you probably don't know of him but he's a god of the animation industry and has worked on so much and seen the industry grow so vastly over the years.

If you got to design a building what style it'll be

Post Modern or Gothic, those are at opposite ends of the spectrum but I love there charm.

what's the nickname your friends call you when you were 10

Monkey......well maybe not but giving the real one would give my real name away :P


Language: English