

Ask @The8BitMonkey

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Would you ever teach you tube to Senior citizens as a volunteer

Would definitely do this, love helping and teaching :)

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sory to hear about the computer, is there a way to donate?

bit.ly/The8BitMonkey but please don't feel you have to, it might take me a few months but I'll get back somehow :)

what do you have under your mouth? is that a scar? greetings from Chile!

Do you mean my lip ring...or the little patch of facial hair under the bottom lip.

what your favorite card game or board game

Card Game: Black Jack (first card game my Grandee taught me)
Boardgame: Jumanji...shame it's not real.

if you can fly anywhere in the world where would you go

Emeryville California, so I could visit Pixar Studios and beg for a job :)

what your favorite ice cream

Mint chocolate chip, can't get enough of it :)
Or Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ^_^

Where and when do you get your best ideas?

Walking from place to place while talking to myself, I might look crazy but that's because I am :)

What did you dream about last night?

Something to do with @daraobriain, a squirrel and a neutrinos mutating and heating up the earths core...really need to stop falling asleep with the Tv on.

If someone made a statue of you, what position would you choose?

I'll let your minds word that one out, it's safer for all parties that way :)

What slang word or phrase do you love to use?

I love the word claggy, it's only used in and around my home town and although it's a great word it's so hard to explain what it means without using claggy to explain it.

Do you remember your first kiss?

vaguely, I think her name was Kim and me not knowing what to do other then what I'd seen in movies, I went in for the full french kiss.....not smart for a first kiss, to many moving parts, ends up getting complicated lol

If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?

A tiger...they're so cute, even when ripping your head off lol

Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

Behind but for some unknown reason the subs want to see my face....think they like seeing scary things.

What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?

Name that Tree....great have but not in a city.

Do you believe in happy ending?

Only the happy endings you make for yourself, they're the only true happy endings.

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

Squirrels....they're plotting there return, soon it will be the AGE OF THE SQUIRRELS ! ! !

Do you prefer a bath or shower?

Showers all the time, never got the point in baths....laying there in your own filth.


Language: English