
ゞ»;❊'SICA❤HIMEั ❊۰•シ

Ask @SicaHime

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What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

Mmmmm...I got no idea...I'm not into doing stupid things but RANDOM things xD

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How often do you go to the movies?

I used to do it ALL the time when I was living in Mexico but here in the U.S is more expensive so I don't go as often as I used to anymore...MORE LESS I used to go [In Mexico] about 2-4 times a month depending on the movies and here I go 2-4 times a year .... yup... lol .____.

What activity do you never get bored with?

I have too many...whether I watch something like anime, dramas, random funny videos, or something quite interesting that I'm curious about

What was the last concert you went to?

Mmm..... Enrique Iglesias' Euphoria tour :P <3 It was my birthday that day xD

What is the most popular lie, people tell to each other?

WOW...there are WAY TOO many lies... *cofcof* let's start with some examples shall we? I love you, No I didn't , you look so skinny, oh no honey wasn't looking to that girl/dude, i wouldn't lie to you, i care for you, nothing is wrong, no i'm not mad, i really like her/him, AND MANY MORE XD

If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?

Well.... there is NOTHING great about my town...so I think the "Mall" LOL [Quite sad sorry random tourist u.u]

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

First I would buy a big house for my mom and us *my brother, sister my niece and me* So we could all live together just to make our life more stable <3 Then save the rest and use it carefully but still enjoy the advantages of being mulch-millionaire n_n''

What inspires you?

1.-The music I listen to
2.-The people that I love
3.-Different cultures

Do you prefer books or movies?

It depends on the movie or book but for the most part the book contains more details than the movie so there you go

What makes you lose your temper?

When I want to say something and no one cares and they expect for me to care on their crap -.-

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

One so called "BFF" of mine ~ I would ask her what the f#ck is wrong with you? You said you hate hypocrite people yet you are becoming one yourself and you can't acknowledge it ? Seriously ~ Why can't you just be honest with me? I am honest with you whether I sound like a bitch but at least I'm not acting two face~ Which I think it's even worst. Why do you even call me BFF if you don't even trust me and go away whenever we have an issue ? I know you might be going through shit right now I don't even know cuz you always go away and never finish whatever you have to tell me and THEN I AM THE MEAN ONE? Gimme me a break~ I mean I love or that's what think or used to think IDK even know anymore which makes me sad ~ But I told you once "nothing last forever". Not even friendships maybe our friendship is over as well~ Either or if you change for the bad I guess good luck but don't come over to bring me your drama cuz I won't be there ~ If just us is broken I'll remember the good times and that's it I wish you the best that's all I can do hopefully you will learn from this mistake and future mistakes instead of acting childish ~

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Where would you like to live?

I have several options Chicago Illinois, Tokyo Japan, or Seoul South Korea <3

What sound annoys you the most?

Mmm my stupid fat neighbor when he moves things at 3 AM like DAFUQ with that ??? -.-#

What are 5 things you love?

My top 5 <3 list : xD
3.-Japanese & Korean Culture

What do you spend most of your money on?

Clothes,Food,Anime related stuffs,Books,Shoes,Make-up,Art supplies, anything that I want to be honest xD...


Language: English