
Sentai Filmworks

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Tomoda all the way, chief. He's the bro-est of bros. No disrespect to Sunakawa, but Tomoda goes above and beyond at all times to make sure you land the girl.
...damn, I want a Tomoda spinoff now. :(

Do you guys plan to make more tee shirts in the future for other anime titles you have? Will this start to become more of a thing for you guys will you look into this more often now?

We have a few designs floating around the office, yes. Whether or not they make it out of the initial stages depends on a number of factors. Right now we have our Log Horizon Chibi shirt and No Game No Life Shiro shirt available for preorder, you can scoop those up here: http://www.rightstuf.com/site/main/news/individual/FT0000007595.html
Liked by: Andrew J Garza

I am a huge fan of Hayate The Combat Butler. I recently saw the announcement for season 1 and I know that seasons 3 & 4 are also being released. I am wondering if there are plans for a US release of Season 2 and the "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" film?

Nicholas Hensley
We are looking into acquiring the entire set, actually! We will update you guys on our progress as we continue negotiations. In the meantime, cross your fingers for more news in the coming weeks.
Liked by: Swagdara Uchiha

Does your taste in anime reflect the type of anime that are licensed by Sentai? Because that would explain a lot.

Not at all. But we're all fans here, after all, so anytime we license something, there are pockets of people that get super excited. For example, I was stoked when we picked up HELLO! Kinmoza and MY love STORY!! for the Spring. The girls sitting next to me were more excited about RIN-NE and UtaPri 3. So, our tastes in shows come out after we've announced stuff, not so much before. :)
Liked by: Palsa

It most certainly is not uncommon for anime to see changes for its Blu-ray and DVD release. When you guys release your videos, do you use the original material found on TV or do you use the home video material?

You are right, a lot of the time stuff changes from the time a show airs on TV and when it is released on home video. This could range anywhere from redoing animations to slightly fixing things here and there. Here at Sentai we use the home video masters that are sent to us from Japan, to make sure we (and you all) get everything, fixes and all. Thanks!
Liked by: Palsa

Why is Vampire Hunter D is getting a new dub? What happened to the original Streamline dub?

This is a question that's been popping up since we announced our upcoming release of Vampire Hunter D. I don't know all the details exactly, so I went to our licensing department to get a clearer picture as to why this is. This is what they had to say:
"For Sentai Filmworks' release of the remastered edition of Vampire Hunter D, the stakeholders in this project, both here and afar, preferred to have something that fans old and new could be excited about. That means a new dub with refreshed English voices to breathe new life (HA!) into Vampire Hunter D’s iconic main character and its rich cast of supporting players. We certainly respect the work of all the talent involved in the original Streamline dub. It will always have a special place. However, there are challenges associated with that version that would have been a distraction. We are now looking forward and intend to bring something new and exciting to the conversation to coincide with and compliment the remastered edition of the film."

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Is it true that you guys filed a trademark called 'Sentai Selects', if that's true, when you gotta announced it soon?

As of this moment, I really can't comment on that particular subject, sorry!

Do you guys watch live-action shows on television while taking a break at the Sentai office?

Anime never takes a break! >.>
Actually, we have a huge TV in our kitchen area that some people watch while on break. Most of the time it's either on CNN, ESPN, CNBC for stock watchers, stuff like that. I usually put on ESPN if I'm alone in there.
Liked by: Swagdara Uchiha

Will you be releasing Space Brothers entirety? I see half of series is for sale but will 2nd half be in the future?

Yes, we definitely will. We are trying to release a new collection of episodes every other month, so eventually we will have the entire series available.

Sentai puts out preliminary box artwork once you announce a release slate for the month. However it's not uncommon for that art to change before release date. Why is that? Do you guys actively look for feedback and make changes based on that? Or is it a purely random internal decision?

This is a really good question! I made my way over to the art department to ask Andrea, who designs a lot of the cover arts for our shows. Here's what she told me:
"When we announce releases, there might be times when we don't have the complete key art for disc use. We usually get the promo art first. Sometimes it takes weeks for us to receive the files, sometimes it doesn’t. Having said that, we make do with whatever we do have available at the time we make announcements. If the artwork works out we decide to keep it, or accordingly change it with art that is more suitable for it. We definitely do look at all the feedback from you guys. We are always interested in listening to what you want to see on the disk covers. After all, you guys are the ones that we want to make happy! Sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes it doesn’t, and the finalized cover will change. In the end, it really comes down to the artwork that we have at the time and what we get in the future. I hope this answered your question!"

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I started watching Love Lab, as per your recommendation, and I love it! Anymore you would recommend?

I would also recommend Sakura Trick, Engaged to the Unidentified, and Noucome (My Mental Choices...). All great little shows, definitely worth a watch. ;)

Do you guys plan on giving seres that were realesed into split parts a complete re release like what you did recently with The Pet Girl of Sakurasou?

Yes, I think we are definitely considering doing that to a few more releases in the future. I can't say which exactly, but we are looking!
Liked by: Aria Shows

When will you be releasing pictures of the extras that come with No Game No Life collectors edition ?

We usually do that closer to the release date of the show, which is July 28, 2015. Watch out for the reveals closer to that date!

How did you guys end up picking Jessica Nigri for the role of Super Sonico? How was she in the booth? Was the process any different than it is for people who have more experience?

I asked Kyle Jones, the director for Super Sonico, for his take on his Jessica Nigri experience. Here's what he had to say:
"Jessica was totally a treat to work with. She was already a Sonico fan, so she was very excited to be a part of it. Of course, it was a somewhat new experience in the booth, so she did arrive with some nerves. Also, as a fan herself, she wanted to make sure she did justice to one of her favorite characters.
So, she worked extremely hard. And it paid off. She was very aware of the difference between becoming the character of Sonico rather than turning Sonico into Jessica Nigri. I think that really shows in the final product.
In the end, we are all super pleased with the results. And Jessica was an absolute delight. We can't wait to share it with the universe – and we hope you all like it as much as we do!"
-Kyle Jones

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I just want to say thank you for being so active with customers/fans :D

You're welcome! We try to be as active as we can with you guys, and we love to answer as many questions as we can so you all can know just what's going on with your anime. Thanks!

Will chu2koi Heart Throb, Kawai Complex, Sakura Trick ever be released on Blu-ray?

I have a very good feeling that they will eventually, yes.


Language: English