
Sabrina Green

Ask @SabrinaGreen991

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i don't have your number

I'm so confused as to how you see me everyday then , don't have me on Facebook nor have my phone number !!

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By the way. I don't go to ferris

I'm confused now ! You see me everyday but we don't attended the same school ?!

Why? So you know that I see your ass everyday and wish i could do many things

Lol that doesn't bother me ! But not having me on Facebook is also gonna cause you to miss out on the trip of your life time with your fellow graduates next year :) just add me !

Because i've talked to you before and it seems like you only go for the gym guys

How do I not have you on Facebook then ...! Add me

I'm not skinny so I'm not going to message you, i also don't have you on fb

What does being skinny have to do with anything ? That doesn't affect anything :) and it's called a friend request ;)

same grade, But I'm not very strong like the guys at the gym, and I want to bite you ;)

You need to message me lol !!

If two guys asked you out, one whom was extremely good looking but didn't have a good personality and the other whom was unattractive but a great personality, who would you choose?

That's kinda a tough question to answer , it all depends what type of person u are an what ur looking for in a guy

wheel/pass: adam masicioli, matty jeydon, kaleb Boulanger, Austin tonkin, brandon raymond

I don't know any of these guys


Language: English