
Pinai Pinai

Ask @PassionatePinai

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Who was the last person you sent an SMS and what did you tell him/her?

My friend here. We're having a conversation about her Iraqi FUBU

when you're in a rock garden

raffy reyes
Soothing, relaxing. I fell in love with Shikkuen (I hope I spelled it correctly) Garden in Hiroshima. Ang ganda.

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When did you immediately click with someone you just met? Why? What was the long term result? Conversely, are you close with anyone now that you really disliked at first?

BbeautifulLIAR’s Profile PhotoBL
I clicked with someone with my African friend here. He's very smart and very nice. And he was the easiest to speak with me. Midterm result is we are still friends and hopefully I can visit him in his country. I didn't really like this girl (ex ng ex ko) who actually blogged pa about me. Surprisingly though, we're okay now; prolly not going to be best friends but friends just the same.

Ano na ang napala mo sa ask.fm?

nakilala ang mga tunay na tao sa hindi. perverted Q's (interesting to say the least lol).

What do you do to let others know you love them?

a kiss, a hug, a call, an SMS, a tweet, a message, would be some of the things I'd do.

wow ng dahil sa trapik naka make up pa ako sa kotse kulang na lang blow dry and plantsa sa buhok hahahaha wala lang share ko lang na sosyal na ang iloilo ma trapik na

tonie siam
Relax :) chill

Which would you choose: a complicated relationship or a complicated partner? When was the last time you were into that kind of relationship or with a complicated partner?

I like your question but before I give my reply can you please be more specific as to how complicated the relationship is or may be. Thanks


Language: English