
Pinai Pinai

Ask @PassionatePinai

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I was not able to read between the lines of your answers and MTC room posts ( sorry, medyo slow ) until I saw your post in the STATUS ng MTC members thread. ( sorry, medyo stalker-ish ) Everything okay? ( sorry, medyo usisero )

I'm all good ;) thanks stalker! Lol

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Would you call yourself sporty and which sport did you or you still play?

Perhaps I am if you imply I like sports. But I'm not too athletic. My sport is swimming.

I was just trying to be funny ha. hope you were also not offended. it's hard to compliment a clock tower building: Nice foliage you got there

I just loved this shot when I took it last spring

Since you speak Japanese, do you know to write its character , too?If so, was it not difficult for you to learn it?

Which characters are you referring to? The Japanese has three writing systems: haragana, katakana, and kanji (like the Chinese characters). I know how to write hiragana, katakana, and a bit of kanji.

If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

To make people more industrious and hard-working

I have discovered that you often say the word " duh", is it something negatory on your part , why? :-(

May I ask where you noticed this?


Language: English