Ask @Oloni

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3) me and his mum adore him so much, we love and care for him. But i really dont understand why his acting like that. Im gonna have his baby soon, i dont want our son to grow up and do the same thing to his mum to him.

Hey dear, it's nice to hear how supportive you're trying to be & clearly concerned. You're honestly going to have to sit him down and talk to him. Yes, again. Saying everything you told me.
As for him & his mum, you can't force their relationship. This is something that might just have to take time. I hope things get resolved. x

2) me and his mum dislike all his friends. I dont know what to do? I really want to help him get close to his mum but i dont know how to go on about it. Plus he gets angry quick


1) My boyfriend has been quite distant from his mum lately, doesnt eat at home, doesnt speak to her nothing! His mum called me today she's very upset, we dont know why his acting like that. Me and his mum have had dreams about his friends not being good for him but he is so stubborn ...


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Hi oloni, ok ok dating this guy and I've realised that he has a very strong smell on him (from his clothes) and I literally any breathe when I'm around and I don't know if I should let him know or?

In a polite way yes.

Where are we meant too ask you questions lol

Here, till further notice. But it will be moving to

Are we supposed to get an email when we have purchased your book?

Yes you are! Email me & i'll chase your order ASAP

2. When I move anti and then tell him why, he says I moan too much then gets angry, sulks then leaves. But if I don't tell him who will tell him. I know I love and I'm supposed to stick by him even when he's not at his best but I hardly want to be around him now. What do I do?

I'll be honest. He has to go, there are red signs left, right & centre. What you have here is someones natural attributes, that can't be changed, unless they decide to change. Don't you think you deserve better?

1. The lifestyle my bf lives didnt bother me too much at the start, but now I'm seeing more of it & it's starting to make me sick. Hes always fighting, always has drama to tell me about, and now he's neglecting himself (starting to smell, not showering or brushing his teeth b4 he leaves, same boxers


2) I don't know how to tell my parents that I'm pregnant and the pregnancy is progressing rapidly, my sister has condemned me already for getting pregnant and has told me if I know what's best for myself I should abort but I don't want to. This whole pregnancy thing is now making me more depressed

Hey love! Glad to hear things are fine with the bf but you have to come forward & tell your family. They will eventually notice, so it'd best if you just told them. The truth is, they might be mad, but they'll move past it especially when your new bundle of joy arrives.
I understand you're depressed, so make sure you're seeking professional help also. I hope it all works out well for you dear.

1) hey oloni a couple of weeks ago I asked you for advice on what to do because my bf wanted us to get rid of the baby, well I decided to keep it and he's also ready to support both me and the baby the only dilemma now is im supposed to start uni in September, I've already missed a year


I'm the girl with the situation with the girl training with my boyfriend. I see everyone discussing it on twitter. He did kind of cheat he was messaging another girl inappropriately (sexually) and yeah I'm not insecure I just gave him another chance and he's making it impossible for me to trust him


My man never wants to compromise when he's angry he always want space and never ante to speak to me what should I do?

Talk about it with him when you're both fine. Express your feelings & listen to each other.

My friend who is 19 years found out the guy she was dating had a girlfriend. So after she found out the other girl left the guy but my friend carried on going out with him. I've tried to tell her to leave him alone because he uses her for sex (he'll start calling her) being nice. How do I help her??

You can't do anything sadly, you have to let her make her own decisions because sadly nothing you do or say will help.

Hey I recently lost my virginity and I've had sex with 3 guys all within a few months of each other I don't regret it but it is making me feel like maybe I should slow down as I may regret it on the future due to stigma etc do you think I should hold off from being intimate for a while

You should do what makes you comfortable! Grab my book, I helped girls who had a very similar question

I've been seeing this guy on and off for couple of years now but one day he asked me for a proper relationship then I found out he's sleeping with different girls but he tells me it's for bants , I've done everything to try cut him off but nothing's working , I feel hurt I just don't know what to

Hey darling getting my new book will help out more. 100 Questions

(Emotional baggage guy lool) how do I approach him like that or talk to him about certain stuff cause I don't want to seem like I'm throwing him in the deep end

Just be straight forward. You have every right to, you've slept with this person so should be comfortable enough to speak to him.
Do it over the phone & say 'Hey this has been on my mind and I thought it was best I talk to you about it ...'

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. There's times where I feel like he good be the guy I marry but then there's times where I feel the need to leave as he's controlling and insecure. I don't want to give up and lose it all but I don't want to hold onto something that isn't working for me

Hey dear, you're going to have to take a risk & decide on your own!

Hi Oloni, I'm currently in a 3 year relationship, l love my boyfriend but I feel like now I've left uni I only have a couple of friends left including my boyfriend, where and how can I make some new friends?

Hey dear, there are so many social groups out there where you can make new friends. Sport groups, clubs e.g (book clubs), networking events.

I just wanted to let you know that I met a girl at you mingling event and it's going so well. We are not yet official but we are on our way. I was wondering if your relationship coaching is still availble?

Whooooop. Stuff i love to hear. It will be available in July.

I'm currently trying to rebuild trust with my boyfriend as he fucked up not too long ago. I just found out he met a girl at the gym he goes to, they train together and he has her number. I am NOT ok with this and I would like him to cut her off, am I being fair?

A little. They train together & are probably just friends. If he fucked up not too long ago that's a total different argument and you haven't mentioned it. You CAN express being uncomfortable about it.

My best friend's boyfriend is cheating on her... I found out through someone else but they told me not to mention it to her.. But I couldn't not tell her! So I ended up telling her and they broke up and now the person is angry at me for telling her, but she's my best friend. Am I in the wrong?

No you're not. That's your BEST friend. What did that person want you to do with that info? Smile and pretend you know nothing. The person who told you is a bigger idiot. They never told you in secrecy but as gossip. If they didn't want it to get out, you should have been at the bottom of the list to tell. You're a good friend, end of.

I've never been in a serious/ long term relationship before. And I'm scared of how I'll be when I enter on, any advice

YES! Grab 100 Questions the answers are there.

...I've noticed there's a girl that's around him quite a bit she was there before I was though but I'm slightly feeling some strong emotions towards should I go about this?

Hey love it seems like he has some emotional baggage. You have to wonder whether or not YOU can deal with being around. If his mother has just passed & he keeps dippin' it's more than evident he doesn't want anything serious. However, talk to him about how you feel and listen to his response carefully.


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