Ask @Oloni

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I trust my boyfriend and I want too start having unprotected sex with him but I want him to go too the clinic first. I recently got myself tested but I don't mind going again, I am also on contraception ... How do I go about telling him to go, I feel like he might get offended but it needs too happe

What your asking for is reasonable, just tell him what you told me. You trust him, but it's for both of you. Also, I suggest you stick to using condoms. He could get tested today, but could have anything tomorrow. I'm not saying he would, just be safe.

...Anyway, just as I've managed to (almost) erase thoughts of being with him... nowadays, he speaks to me like he might be interested in something more. Do I go with it or just keep it friends?

Talk to him about it and ask him what he wants. If youre not on the same page, keep it as friends.

I happened to sleep with my best friend some months ago. Straight after which he sort of said he wanted to keep it "no strings attached". It did happen a few more times but I had to end it because of the way my emotions are set up. (I had secret feelings before all of this btw)....


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I broke up with my bf because he hurt me real bad and it hasn't been long but I'm already talking casually to other guys. But now my bf has come back saying he wants another chance. I do love him but it's not the first time he's mugged me over. What do you think I should do?

It's your call. No one changes over night.

two years and still so depressed over a guy i feel like he has a girlfriend now how is he so happy when i feel so depressed.

Everyone handles break up differently. You have to give yourself the chance to meet a new person & maybe a councillor?

I don't think my ex has realised everything he did has hurt me and I have an urge to tell him but we are not on speaking terms & sometimes when we do speak we get into an argument. But I want to let him know how his behavior made me feel. Should I still tell him or not?

Nope, especially as all you do is argue. He hurt you & that's why you're not together, things he'll say if you do talk could just end up doing so again.

I was seeing ds guy for 3months&he was literally giving me hints of a relationship plus I was honest about how I felt and we were on the same page,2months after,he starts withdrawing and after much pressure and questions from me, he finally said he's not sure what he wants&im clingy, help!

He lost interest which he allow to do. Keep your options open.

I'm the guy caller you had for the last calling session, thanks so much things are starting to get better with my girl, she's warming up to me again

Great to hear!! Told you :-)

I feel like my relationship is just about sex now we haven't been dating long. How do I change this

By addressing it. Tell him how you feel and what you want to do to change it

I was talking to this new guy every single day and sometimes he did take a bit long to reply but was so lovely. He didn't reply to me for almost a week so I just said "hey" to him and he told me "I forgot about him", not true but acted normal and sweet. What does this mean?

He's not that interested or he's busy.

I've been talking to this guy for a few weeks now & he has amazing prospects. Honestly my ideal guy. Everytime we talk he talks about a future with me but he is not taking the necessary steps i.e. Dates but he wants to drive by & 'kiss me'. Are his intentions pure or is he trying to sleep with me?

Trying to sleep with you, why is he driving down to kiss you instead if spending a day with you.

I reconnected with this guy I met on Tinder about a week ago, we were talking every day and we sent each other nudes and we wanted to meet up, but all the sudden he's become far less talkative and is being really cold. Should I forget about it and move on?


Does make me weird that I don't masturbate? It just doesn't do anything for me. I enjoy sex and being touched like that but I don't feel like doing that stuff on myself. Is this normal (for ladies)

Of course it's normal lol

i am 19 and will turn 20 this year and i have never had any romantic or sexual relations with a male, this includes kissing. I attract older men but i just want young love . but where do i find this

Old men express an interest in every young woman. Get yourself OUT there and meet guys THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.

(*) .. I don't want to fuck up what I've been building with my woman by doing something stupid, I've had the opportunity plenty times but I've resisted. Yet the urge and the girl stay on my mind. Can you suggest a way to get rid of this 'intense' curiosity? (Sorry it was so long lol)

You my friend should read my 80/20 blog post on

(*) .. I've been with my girlfriend for 2 years now. And I don't want to be unfaithful at all but this urge won't go away. It's been a year since this girl started telling and proving what she feels about me. It is so tempting because she is soo damn fine...


(*) I have a partner whom I really love, I feel 'forever' about her if you get what I mean, but there is this one girl I had been plotting on before I met my gf now. I've always wanted her so bad, and not just sexually. She's finally expressing she wants me too...


So met this guy seen him a couple times some days we chat all day and it's good but then we'd go a couple days without chatting. Don't wanna ask if there's something wrong cos I don't want to appear needy. Should I just cut it off now?

No, don't be silly. Just date other people.

PT2 - I feel like he's my best friend, and we just so happen to have sex. Is it weird that I love him but I'm not in love? Will I ever be in love with him? Is being in love necessary?

'Is being in love necessary' I like that question. However, your partner should be your dearest friend and lover. People fall in and out of love, but still LOVE the person theyre in a rship with. Sometimes people only realise it when they walk away from the wrong one. You probably feel this way because youre familiar with the person you happen to have sex with, or you may have lost interest. It's hard to say since I'm not you. I'll tell you this though, your love for your SO is supposed to grow through time. That is necessary.

Do you believe you can learn to love someone? My boyfriend is the textbook perfect guy, handsome, very smart, genuine, caring etc. literally PERFECT. But I don't feel a spark or anything. It's just nice, just normal. I don't feel like "damn I love this dude" it's been 2 yrs. Should I be worried? PT1


I want to start wearing thongs more but I always have a lot discharge and I hate the wet feeling. What advice would you give? Do you think maybe I should buy the thong panty linners? Is this normal what I'm experiencing? (My doctor said its not a yeast infection btw, just a heavy discharge flow)

Wear a panty liner, but lots of things can cause this.. If you're on antibiotics, the pill etc etc.

I'm talking to a guy well I think I am we talk everyday and everything. But he made a comment about doggying me n I didn't know how to take it. I laughed it off but is this an alright thing for him to say or is he letting me know what he wants ??? Don't wanna waste me Time again tbh

Well that comment clearly shows what he's after, so if you don't want to waste your time dismiss him.

I've started speaking my new interest on the phone, but our first convo was a bit dead and I felt really nervous the whole time. Is convo meant to flow easily the first time, does this mean we're not compatible?

You were nervous & THAT is normal. It was your first phone call so calm down, relax and talk again.

When my boyfriend and I have sex I hardly do any of the work, he's the one putting in all the effort and I just sit back and enjoy it. I wish I could actually ride but when I try it doesn't feel as good for me?

Try other positions & make sure you're experimenting. Try giving him oral pleasure or using lube so it feels more comfortable.


Language: English