Ask @Oloni

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Hi Oloni what do you do when you like a guy, you have great convo but you want it to go further and want him to see you being his girlfriend. How do you try and make this happen?

You show him that you're interested & see what happens.

I'm 18 and gay…and still a virgin…I have never had a boyfriend, the most I have ever done is oral. It's kind of hard for me to admit, because guys in the gay circle are so bitchy and not to be rude but many are quite sex-driven (slutty)…so i guess my Q is, is it a big deal?

It's not a big deal. When you're ready it'll happen. Don't let the comments of your friends drive you to have sex till YOU want to.

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Hi. I turned 21 in dec and the dude I'm seeing is 32 too big of an age gap or? I hate the public stares so much because I look 18 facially and he looks mid 30s. It's not a serious relationship more casual but I do like him a ton

You're 21 freakin years old date who ever you want & enjoy whatever ever makes you happy. Don't think about all the other stuff, as it's not important.

I was having a debate with some people on why its acceptable for guys to have a higher number and not girls and guys were saying as a nigerian girl i shouldn't be talking about sex and how i should be ashamed of myself :/ Do you get that a lot as well?

Nope not at all. Lol weird though

I don't get this thing about not cooking for a guy too soon, if I was to cook I'd just be cooking because I want him to try my food. Can explain this to me please? I don't want to be cooking for guys and sending the wrong messages when I get to uni, thanks x

I explained this on Twitter. Unless you know each other very well. First dates in public spaces are just more safer.

Why does society think sex for women decreases their value and for men increases theirs? It's like promiscuous heterosexual women and gay men are chastised for having sex with men and heterosexual men and lesbian women are praised.

Do you think a woman can have a threesome with two men or is that a train to you?

I don't see why she can't. Does a threesome only count if it's two women & one guy?

Hi, oloni. I am so good at being alone and I enjoy it. But it gets boring time to time. I'm at uni right now, but how I do get to know more people. Do I just approach people and start talking, won't people think that's weird. I mean you get to know me, I'm great at conversation (I think)

Hey love. When I was in my first year of uni I had this issue especially as I never lived in halls. So i decided to join societies ..lots & lots of societies. Do the same thing!

I don't enjoy giving oral because I don't like the way my girl smells/tastes. How can I tell her without hurting her feelings?

Some things can't be told without feelings being hurt no matter how diplomatic you are about it. Let her know by suggesting things that could help make her smell & taste better.

I want to have sex because I'm horny but I feel I can't do that because when I start dating I feel like guys will report back to each other you know (CRB) saying "she did this & that with me bro" kinda thing. What should I do??

I answer this in my book The Number Between Her Legs get it over at

I love this guy but he has trust issues. According to him, the main thing stopping us from being together is his fear that I'll cheat. Apparently there's a certain character he goes for and I don't fit it. Yet he likes everything else. I'm loyal. I've NEVER cheated. I want to be his. What can I do?

Nothing. If he can't trust you that's his problem one you can't fix nor should you try to. If i'm honest it sounds like bs excuses too. Let him go, you'll find better!

What should I do then? Cancel? It was his idea in the first place.. Dunno what to do

Suggest going out to eat instead.

I'm in a long distance relationship and my boyfriend rarely talks to me. he makes me feel like i'm annoying him when I do so we can't even discuss it. is he losing interest do you think?

Talk to him about it & ask. Explain to him everything you've just told me. Pay attention to how he answers.

Hi oloni me and my boyfriend have been together for well over a year, however lately the conversations have just been dead boring. What can i do to make things interesting again or am i just worrying too much. I have known him for three years btw

Experience new things together to give you something to talk about. That will help a bit!

I'm a girl and I feel like I haven't felt sexy & beautiful for a very long time. I haven't felt thoroughly confident in myself since a break up and wan to get back to feeling sexy & good about myself again. What should I do?

Gurlllllllll! Get a new hair cut! A wig or 3 get some new clothes, new underwear. Fill your camera roll up with beautiful photos of yourself & admire! Simply admire. Don't send or share them. Go out more, & as i say a WHOLE lot. ..Meet new people.

Hi Oloni. I like this guy and when he's not busy we have lono full great convo's but sometimes then he suddenly takes ages to reply like even the next day. What does this mean? And what should be done?

When he's not busy he gives you his time, when he is he takes slightly longer. That is normal. Relax.

I've been hurt over a break up for coming up to 2 years now if not 2. Is that normal? I feel like I can't get over it at all and it's depressing me. How do I get through this?

Have you really tried to get over it? People do need a lot of time to get over someone depending on how long the rship was. I think you need to get yourself out there, learn something new, get a hobby.. Things that will keep your mind busy.

Was texting a girl sexually and I felt really bad after as I have a girlfriend, I was scared to tell her but I was going to she found out when she was going through my iPad and she's now lost trust in me and I really want her back, she decided we stay apart for now but what do you think I should do?

Give her space and let her get her mind together. When she does contact you explain why you did it & how sorry you are. Hopefully she forgives you.

I have a really weird fetish for toes and during a conversation with my gf of 4 years, she said that it's weird that people have foot fetishes (she doesn't know about mine), what should I do?!

Theres a misconception that fetishes in general are weird. And that's because theyre not spoken about often. I'm sure your girlfriend has her own fetish other could consider weird. I think you should be bold and tell her. Its not a big deal.

This is so embarrassing but what do you do if your boyfriends penis is too large, like trying to get it in is a struggle on my behalf. Too painful

Don't be embarrassed i suggest you use a whole lot of lube & compromise sexual positions.


Language: English