Ask @Oloni

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Hi girl, I've been seeing this guy but he claims his grandmother died on vday., I don't know whether to believe him or if it was a cop out from seeing me bcos he has a girl on the low ... Help?!

Give it some time, it was only yesterday. If you think he does have a girl. You know what to do!!

Oloni I really want to see this guy but he never asks to see me , we speak all the time... Should I initiate seeing each other?

Nope! He's not interested.

My boyfriend and I have recently just become a couple, but he never takes me out on dates even on a day like Valentine's he didn't want to do anything and didnt even get me roses/card. I'm so used to being spoilt from past relationships and I know I shouldn't settle for less than what I've had

Tell him how you'd like to be treated. Talk to him about & see if you see changes. He might even make it up to you. If nothing changes, then don't settle.

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PT2).. I love my woman very much, but I think I fucked up and fell in love with the woman I cheated with too, I feel very strongly for her. I don't want to cheat again or love two women. Suggestions?

Be honest with both women is all i can really advise. Your selfish ways has hurt more than one person.

PT1) Hello Oloni. Firstly, I accept I fucked up. I made the a poor decision and cheated on my girlfriend a while back. It came purely from a lack in self control and discipline, I kinda got gassed by girls throwing 'it' at me, while me and my girl were having problems...


I split up with my boyfriend after 18months. He dumped me out of the blue. Do you think it's rash I never want to speak to him ever again? He wants to stay in contact but I really don't want to. His family want to remain in contact too but I don't see the point. I want to close that chapter.

Then close it! Theres nothing wrong with that decision.

Me and my boyfriend sometimes physically fight but tbh I don't see it as domestic violence and want to be with him but want way of fighting or arguing differently. Any suggestions? Counselling?

You two need to break up. Fighting constantly and it being physical is not healthy nor can it be justified.

Hey love :) Literally nearly every friend I have has let me down or been disloyal towards me when ice been nothing but loyal to them. A lot of them have laughed at me or bitched or battered about me behind my back. What should I do?

Be careful who you decide to call friends! And look at yourself. What are you doing??? Why is this always happening to you?! Something needs to change

I recently left a relationship of over a year. I was not treated well. Recently I met an amazing guy, who treats me better than I have ever experienced. My previous relationship ended in December, I went on my first date with the new guy this past weekend. Is it too soon? Am I rushing things?

Not all! Always do what feels right dear. If he's amazing then don't waste any time lol!

There is this boy. we met as friends but I have always been attracted to him. He claims he has a "bae" but I know from what he says he doesn't like this girl but he loves to spend time with me (nothing sexual) . my friends say he likes me and it's bait. But what do I do?

Leave it alone, if he says he has a 'bae' respect it & ignore your friends.

I've been introduced to this guy who is really cool and we get along well. He told me a few weeks ago that his in his overdraft but now he's asked me on a date & warned me that he can't pay, I paid for everything with my ex and don't want to go through it again! What should I do?

At least he told you!! The decision is honestly yours. He's being honest with you, but you can choose to decide if something like that will stop you from seeing where things go.

Oloni. This guy spoke for 2-3 years. I cut it off because I wanted a relationship. He didn't. I know I love him but I don't want to compromise on what I want. I'm trying to move on but when he calls I feel myself wanting 'us' all over again plus my friends all can't stand him so I can't speak to the

2-3 years of non commitment?? Come on!! Move on & find someone who would be happy enough to CLAIM you! Don't you want that????

Hi Oloni, so I went on a date with this guy and when the bill came he asked for us to split it. This is the thing, I don't mind splitting bills and that but it was just so unexpected and awkward. He's the one who asked me out, our first ever date together and that. Do you think I'm overreacting and

That's annoying & would put me off. Don't over react, just take note. A mental note. I think when a guy asks a woman out he TAKES her out. Especially the first date, maybe you pay the second?

.... I'm not sexually active so I don't even need to have sex with the guys I see/talk to, I'm almost 22 and I just don't know man. Sometimes I feel a spark and then it just stops. I enjoy relationships and I don't. What should I do? Also I'm scared that I will never have sex :(. HELP!!

Being free with your own sexuality comes at your OWN time. With some it's 16 others 30. You will have sex when your body yearns it and you know youre ready. But ask yourself. What is the rush???

Me and my boyfriend have been together since first year and we are now in our third but now I feel like our relationship might be coming to a stand still. I love him but I am no longer in love with him anymore. Part of me feels like a trapped housewife. Should I stay or should I keep it moving?

Keep it moving!! You can be making progress with yourself. This relationship is a lesson you LEARNED from! Theres nothing wrong with that. You learnt what you loved, what worked what didnt. Dont feel trapped/ trap yourself when you want something else.

I'm doing a levels at the moment and barely have free time to meet new people though. What should I do?

Wait till thats coming to an end, youre not dying & if you plan on going to university that will happen.

Do you believe in no sex before marriage?

I don't 'BELIEVE' in it. But judged by what I write about it's clear i dont see it a problem with it.

Hi Oloni. I'm finding it extremely hard to get over my ex but I really wanna start dating again or meet someone new. What should I do? Xx

Go to new places.

I went from being sexually active to almost a complete standstill. I'm not the friends with benefits type cause I catch feelings and I don't have a bf. I've been sexually frustrated for a while now and I don't know what to do, toys are crap. Help?

Toys arent crap! Invest in some good ones. It's good you know you cant have a FWB. Maybe a part of you misses dating and having sex with someone youre dating. Soooo get yourself back out there!

Sometimes I go too write on here and then I remember your not my therapist ... You've helped me so much and thank you for what you've done and doing.



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