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I respect the fact that he is in a relationship so I would never do anything to destroy it. I'm just very angry at myself for still feeling this way after the way he treated me. After everything he's done I still feel for him but I will take your advice. Thankyou

You'll be fine! Take it as a lesson and seriously learn from it. And your welcome x

I'm trying to tell myself that I am not in love with this guy but I think about him everyday and even when I'm with someone else it's him that's on my mind. We've had serious issues and now he has a girlfriend and I'm just the baby mum. I tried to block this emotion out but its hard. What do I do?

You need a guy who can keep your attention. You also need to remind yourself that he has a girlfriend, give yourself time.

I've been seeing this guy who's very inconsistent. I've confronted him many times and I've given him so many chances to walk away but he refuses and gets jealous of the thought me going out and mingling. Really don't know how to feel. It's still quite early but I'm just lost.

Leave him & tell him to get a grip please.

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My parents are EXTREMELY against interracial relationships, but only White men have shown interest in me (I'm a Nigerian woman) I've been on dates with Black men but it's never gone further than that, but I've been in a few long-term relationships with WM, I feel like something is wrong with me.

There's nothing wrong with you! It could be down to where you were brought up, your interests etc.
You have to try and talk to your patents about your preference in men, because at the end of the day. It's your happiness that truly matters, not theirs.

I've been on a few dates with this guy and I'm not really feeling him how do I let him down gently?

Just be honest with him.

A guy I've been seeing for a while told me he loved me during sex, I do love him but I'm sort of ok with just how we are.. He's sort of a boyf fluffer.. But he is a lovely guy and I do have feelings for him.. Should I relax or just let him no it is what it is, I mean he only sed it during sex

Tell him how you feel.

2) so I hold back quite a bit and I have trust issues but I don't want him to know the extent in case it scares him off. What do you think i should do? I don't want to mess up a good thing when he seems like a potential

There there! Lots of women have trust issues and tbh, trust isn't handed right over it's earned. Try to relax, you have a good thing going on already so carry on as you are, you'll be fine and you most def wont scare him off.

1) I've been talking to a guy for a while and I really like him, we talk almost everyday and see each other frequently as we go to the same university. We've had intercourse once and things are still really good but due to past experiences I'm worried about getting my heart broken again so I hold


I like someone but have unresolved issues as last August we were talking and he told people he liked me, weeks later turned around saying it was all bants then we stopped talking properly. I never asked why the mind change because he doesn't know I know he said he liked me Now we talk, what to do?

Sounds immature let it go.

Every single guy I've come in contact with, we talk on the phone for hours, we have such a great connection, I start liking them, we link up, we kiss them at the end of the day. Then when it starts leading somewhere i mention I'm a Virgin. Then they stop hollering completly. EVERY SINGLE GUY. Im con


I met this guy in the club on new years eve, we kissed and apoke and seemed to hit it of, hes from another town to mine and we text each other, however i sense abit of distance (if that even makea sense) like he'll read my message and not reply for ages. Am i being too needy despite the fact we dont

It was a kiss! The most you should really expect is a long distance friendship especially if you think he's not that into you.

How do you get over someone you've fallen for but they're not interested anymore and you see them regularly

Keep yourself busy & meet people who do find you interesting!

Part 2. But he told me that he hasn't told his friend (the one that liked me) about us and that he doesn't intend to. Then his ex gf keeps pestering him about me and it's really annoying. To make matters worse, my ex told me that he still loves me, and I do love my ex since he was my first love

darling you have way too much going on. Step back from your situation and analyse it all properly.

Part 1. this boy used to like me but I did not have feelings for him, and I started talking to another boy and I started liking him, couple of weeks later I find out that those 2 boys are best friends. I wanted a relationship with the boy I liked but he said he didn't want to risk hurting me...


Lately i have been feeling sad its like im the girl guys always flirt with,,,but then wife up another it my fault

Nope! You have to find away to make that switch! Flirting is nice, but what else do you offer?

I'm one if the nicest people in life and yet I always seem to attract scumbags Why is that?

You tell me! If you do the same thing over and over you get the same results.

My boyfriends been away since March and he won't be back till August..... And I've been waiting for him.. But off recent I've been feeling really horny and my vibrato is not doing much how do I tell him I want more then that....

Phone sex, facetime sex. Buy a new vibrator. Either way you have to wait.

For some reason I just can't let it go but we've been through south, begginning to like him again and want to give it another try but I don't know what to do. Should I just let it go because it's gone through so any phases, it being our relationship of course

It's up to you! If you feel like it's healthy & something positive can be built. Then why not? If not, let it go.

So to make a long story short. This is all under the space of a year. Myself and this guy, dated, it was intense, broke up. Carried on talking. I stopped speaking to him, long story. Then we started speaking again, then hooked up, were meant to stop, we didn't, now I'm catching feeling again.

Do you not want to be with him?

Yasssss !! A podcast would be amazingg , I really hope you're able too do one im sure it would be a success. Keep it up Oloni I really love what you're doing !

Thanks love xx

Everytime I'm with him I feel something but he's liked me for years and I don't wanna hurt him I'm lnown for doing that so I feel a friendship is best when these feelings overcome

There you go :-)


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