Ask @Oloni

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Me and my male friend are so close, he has feelings for me and I do as well (at times) at times I do feel like he is the perfect one for me he does everything any girl could ask for and is a proper gentleman but I'm scared I might hurt him so I want to keep it a friendship at times what should I do?

If you're afraid that's completely fine. Things can progress without you realising it, if it does I think you should take that risk. How often do you come across such a catch?

So my boyfriend told me he loves when a girl rides him .. We haven't had sex yet I'm just scared I won't meet upto his expectation and Iv actually never done that sexual position before HELP

You can learn! Don't panic.

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can you start a podcast, i think it would be dope to have you guys answer and discuss these issues. esp heartbreak and moving on

I'd love to & I will be working on it :-) x

I really hope you see this before 9 but is there anyway you can record this phone session your having, I really want too listen but unfortunatly I'm at work :((

Sadly I won't be able to as all convos are private & confidential. Maybe another time if I decide to do it again.

I've been with my boyfriend for 2 and a half years we moved in together after 11 months. I moved to leeds from Birmingham to be with him. I love him he is my bestfriend and much more. But some days I just feel fed up we don't have sex and I feel like I miss the attention from other guys.

I'm guessing you're both really busy and hardly have time to do things as a couple. 2 and a half years clearly means you're more than familiar with each other. Instead of 'missing attention' from other guys find ways to get some new attention from the man you love. Create time for each other, but also try to spend some time a part, this allows your love for each other to grow and you also get to realise WHY you're with him.

My bf lead a girl on when we broke up & it became this big deal coz she thought it was real we dealt with the situ and he apologised & made amends but recently she txt me telling me she wasn't aware of me to get things off her chest and now I'm just always upset even tho it's nothing new

It's just hard for you right now, but she's probably the last person you want talking to you. So i think you should cut all communications with her. It won't help if you're trying to get over a situation that's clearly made you quite upset.

Do your parents care that you write about sex and love

Good question. I don't think they mind as they both supported my last book. I think they're happy too see me do what I love.

My ex say's she has forgiven me for problems that I caused in our relationship but says she can't forget. I love her a lot - what's the best way to win her back? Or should I just move on

You'll just have to be patient. It's one of those 'if it's meant to be, it'll be' things. Try to win her back by simply being there and showing her through actions why you deserve another chance.

Do you ever get fed up with answering questions lol. I feel bad sometimes because I always ask you stuff

Why would you feel bad if I constantly advertise my ask fm? And no it's part of what I do :-)

Is taking a break in a relationship healthy/normal?

I don't like the term 'break' giving each other space however is healthy/normal

Thanks what's a reasonable amount of time before I give up on him? I've been strung along in the past and don't want it to happen again.

There's no set time, but your intuition will let you know. The signs will be clear, plus don't leave all your eggs in one basket.

I met this guy on POF, started chatting and really hit it off online and whatsapp. Went on a date, I felt it went well as we kept chatting and there were no awkward pauses. However I have two issues I don't know whether there's a romantic spark or if he's even interested in me. :(

Give it time!

You told me to block my ex that keeps messaging me but he owes me money and said he'll pay me back in feb, its £100, i feel to leave it and just block him?

It's up to you. If he owes you money you're within your rights to ask for it.

Would you date a person who is a different religion from you, and I think you should do a blog about this a let people share their views too

Thanks for the suggestion :-)

Do have any tips for girls that are "boring"? Like how not to be and things to do to be interactive

Try to become more sociable. Talk more! Ask questions!! When you interact with people ask them a zillion questions about themselves.

I know my and my fwb will never be more but I keep going back. He's sex is just so addictive!!

Sometimes it just be like that.

...i don't even talk a lot, not talkative but i can't hold a convo, how do i bring this up. i mean he still says sweet things, acts like the man and talks about our future

You want just a bit more from the relationship & there's nothing wrong with that!! Talk to him about it, explain what you'd want & communicate how you feel

so my boyfriend replies back with short replies. We've only been together for less than a week now. i don't think we have anything wrong with our relationship, he acts like a boyfriend except sometimes i think he is eager to stop talking to me, even when we were dating. thing is i don't even talk...


May I ask how old you are? Need to be as amazing when I'm your age.

Haha my age is irrelevant! Just be awesome now.

What is the best and safest way to find out if my bf is fertile.He claims he isn't

Go to a sexual health clinic.

My ex broke up with me then begged for me back and I said no, long story short, he still keeps messaging me (i never message him), I'm being polite but its annoying, what should i do?

Block his number.


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