Ask @Oloni

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I slept with a guy I liked on the first date. He's still messaged me every day since however I get so paronoid. He was ill the past few days and I kinda think he said that and cancelled on our 2nd date bco he couldn't be bothered to see me.. Is it just me being paro? Do I talk to him? What do I say?

Stop being so paranoid! You can sleep with a guy on the 1st date or 100th date how he feels about you will come out soon enough. I honestly don't think you need to discuss it, hopefully you're grown enough to take pride in your sexuality. Don't let it define you.

I've been with my bf for 6 months, he asked me for money to go out with his friends, is that acceptable? x

Do you think it's acceptable? As long as he pays it back I think it's fine. If it becomes frequent? He needs to go.

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I can't leave my FWB aloneeeee , I have feelings for him but I just don't want too stop what we're doing

Tell him you have feelings for him. This is why not every woman can have a FWB.

I'm not sure I'm prepared to be the primary bread winner and making all the money. I'm trying to remain hopeful, but it's been like this for 3 years of on & off jobs for him.

..You need to sit down and tell him everythinggggg (im sure there is more) that you told me, to him. A serious conversation. Let it all out. You're still very young, but it's good you have this mind set.

worried because they wants what is best for me. I'm not saying I'm going to leave him or I want to it's just a fear I have. And we have grown up completely different. I have been blessed with so much and he hasn't. He's always getting kicked out at his house and has even spent nights outside.


Before truly knowing he had gotten the new one. And he has only done this once now but it scares me that he isn't taking it as seriously as I am. I care about him so much and if he can't even take care of himself financially how are we supposed to be taken care of together? My parents are even


He has always been able to get interviews & has a few jobs now, but the main problem is that he can never keep a job. He always thinks that "he's found a job that looks better & pays better" so, this time he had a great job and found something he thought looked better so, he left his other job


I have been the one who has had money, a job, & a car. It wasn't a big problem at first, but now we are nineteen & it's pretty much the same. My boyfriend has always struggled with school, getting a job, and etc. I know he has the ability to do better he just makes poor decisions sometimes..


Keep doing what your doing baby girl , I wish you all the best in what you do ... You are my motivation ❤️

Awwww thank you! <3333

My boyfriend & I have been together for 3 years now & we care so much about each other. It's to the point where we can possibly see a long future for us. The only thing I am worried about is financial stability. We are high-school sweethearts so, we first got together very young. From the beginning

.. Waiting for the rest of this dilemma dear!

I'm a virgin I want to have sex but I'm not pretty so never had a bf :(

Don't talk about yourself like that. The right person will come along.

Oloni he drinks and smokes all the time. he's been promising to stop since september and nothings changed. I didn't bargain for a drunkard as a boyfriend. What should I do I have already tried talking clearly its not working and i don't want to be impulsive and leave him

Talk to him again and let him know you're willing to help, but ONLY if he helps himself. Explain that if nothing changes you will leave as you should.

I like a guy a lot. I feel like he likes me. We talk on the phone on for phone for 2-5hours almost everyday but he's not asking me out? How do I get him to do so

Be patient, if he does like you (which we hope) he'll do it.

I'm becoming really obsessive over a guy I'm seeing. I'm starting to feel like I'm not mentally stable I know this isn't normal but I don't know who I can talk to

Take a deeeeeep breath. You're focusing all your energy on to one guy and that's clearly cus you like him a lot. Talk to someone you really trust or feel free to email me

How do you get a guy to make you his girlfriend what exactly are they looking for.

You can't get a guy to do anything. Instead, ask yourself what a guy has to be, before YOU make him your boyfriend.

Your opinion on getting back with an ex even if it's just for sex?

Not the greatest idea, especially if emotions are strong.

I tend to sleep with guys too early not sure why I do and I regret it after. My friends say I'm beautiful and I don't see it in fact I need to learn my self worth.

Yes you do & listen to them!

Do you think it's a problem if ur boyfriend keeps on borrowing money from you?

Yes, it is. He should have a bit of shame. Your his girlfriend, not his sugar mama.

My bf refuses to engage in oral sex. I think this has put a downer on our sex life and to be honest I'm getting bored. What do I do?

Tell him to stop being so damn selfish. And explain that he's putting a downer on your sex life.

friend. Should I bring it up or wait for him to ask, I just dont want to ruin any chances of us being able to work out before it even starts

You asked this yesterday and I said, yeah you should tell him. Especially if they are close, boys talk, so it's better if it comes from you. Either way chances are he will find out.

I met this guy at uni, nothing serious but one night when we were both drunk we ended up having sex, i know he doesn't want a relationship (neither do i) but i found out that one of his best friends really likes me & im attracted to him too but I dont know whether he knows i slept with his close....


My boyfriend of 4 years got his ex and I pregnant at the same. He wants to work things out but is it wise to trust him again? He only told me about the other baby after it was born. I had no idea

To trust someone who cheated & got their ex pregnant is not going to be easy. The question is do you think you'll be able to?

I went with out a girl for 3 years. We broke up 2 years ago quite badly because of me. She popped up a couple of months ago telling me that she still has feelings for me. I know I don't feel the same way but there's something about her. We've been speaking since but she's sending me mixed signals. W

What's mixed about signals? She said she has feelings for you. Seems straight forward unless her actions are proving so. Plus you said you don't feel the same, what's the problem?


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