Ask @Oloni

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hey there, What kind of things would make you write a feature in your blog ? Bless you

Umm anything that inspires me or relates to my blog as a whole.

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Me and my girl we're having a conversation about your girlfriend fluffer blog post and my argument was but how do you know that you're the "fluffer" because if you're getting to know someone you sometimes tend to fall into a "help them" role regardless

There's a a mojor difference between helping and giving you're all to someone within a few months? It's all about looking for a balance especially if there is not commitment. You don't want to treat someone like your husband, only for him to end what was never really there.

Do you ever get conscious about what others may think and how you will be judged when you post your work .. especially those on twitter?

Nope, never. I think i'm more like that with the poetry i've just started writing. But my blogs aren't babies, theyre all grown as in - i've had simply oloni for 6 years. So nothing would surprise me.
What would there be to judge I write about what we've all/known someone to go through.

I was wondering whether you know if going into broadcast journalism us just a waste if time,preferably working with a radio station and reporting stuff. Do you think its a very straightforward field to get into or??

No field in media is straight forward. I doubt it be a waste of your time, but i'd say getting a lot of experience would be a better way to exercise your time.

Is being a magazine columnist in the same field of being a broadcast journalist?

Umm. I'm tryna think. I guess so all media platforms tie in one way.

Do you think it's possible to get back with your ex if she slept with other guys during a brea?

Yiii. The fuck is a 'break' lol ??

What's your favorite blog you've written?

The girlfriend fluffer. Mainly because when i wrote that, i remember a month before I released it i had this feeling inside me that this was one of the best concepts i came up with. . You know when you just have soooooo much faith in your work? Plus it was fun to write.

What made you decide to study journalism?

When I was younger i used to blog for various hip hop sites & from there i knew i loved writing. I spose.

How have you found studying journalism? From 1st year to now?

Honestly, i'm so tired of it lol I just want it to be over. but in general its been awesome, i've learnt a whole bunch of shit i'm never gonna need but valuable to know.


Language: English