
David Brox

Ask @OdoggBrox

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None of the players even cared about the "counting shots" thing we were playing along with the joke.. It wasn't a player who said that.

I know.

I really feel bad for the athletes who work their butts off everyday and all the bad behavior fans exhibit takes away from that. The athletes should be the ones who get talked about, not the parents or fans. Respect should be shown all around. It's not that difficult of a concept.

I think a passionate fan base is a good thing. You could have an empty gym and let the kids play it out. If you don't enjoy banter like I do then we are different types of fans. I passionately hate ku and I have been known to share my banter. We have an ultra sensitive group tonight. lets do keep the "n" words to a minimum.

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I guess fanning the flames of hatred by endorsing a lack of class on the part of parties on both sides just to amuse yourself is okay? Let it keep going until someone drops an "N" bomb on someone and we'll stop and have multiple posts and columns on that? Total lack of class.

Fair critism I believe.

I'm not from basehor but I feel like everyone hates because they were dominant in a couple sports over the last couple years and other schools take shots at them whenever they can

If you don't have haters you are not playing hard enough.

If you're going to cry about counting missing shots, then your kid should just quit sports because this is such a severe incident.

Heaven forbid they lose.

Wait.... People really mad we chanted their missed shots in warm ups? lmfao.

Maybe Basehor really does have the best and most effective student section

These questions need to have names attached to them : we are promoting cowardness hate

so says the anonymous questioner.

If you're getting mad about the "counting missed shots" thing. Wow. We might as well not let students say anything if you're gonna get mad about that

I agree. I think the student section is doing their job in that case.

Everyone doesn't dislike a school for no reason. Maybe it has something to do with parents flipping off a student section or the student section counting another teams missed shots during warm-ups. The old saying "You need to give respect to get it" applies big here.

I have heard the missed shots thing. I wonder what they would do if I was warming up though. #idontmiss

I'm not saying that they are going just roll over and not try. They dislike Basehor very much. But then again do does everyone. Id be shocked if bl lost at home

I think we all agree Basehor will be a big favorite.

Is it as obvious to you, as it is everyone else, just who is asking or commenting on most of these questions?

Not all. please share?

No disrespect to Tongie but what was the final score when they played Basehor @ Basehor? If I do remember Basehor did come off a double overtime vs. Piper the night before they played the second time @ Tongie. Just stating that may have had a "slight impact" on that game.

I don't know and would you expect a team to just say we are going to lose? of course to grab the positives. I am sure coach McBride would share this bit of information though.

It seems like lots of people are sleeping on Tongie just like they did Sumner last year. I believe Tongie's coach got the match-up he wanted in substate. I don't believe it's unthinkable that they can beat Basehor, after all, they did take them to double overtime. What do they need to do to win?

I think a majority of people including myself were fast asleep on Tongie a few weeks ago. Great conversation with head coach Shawn Phillips on the radio show where we dive into all of this so you can hear that conversation here. http://www.buzzsprout.com/16389 I talk about the difference he sees between Piper and Basehor and I think he prefers Basehor anyway. Coach provides the answers to this very question during the show.

I believe the experience Downing and Younger got 2 years ago at state will help them lead BLHS to the state tournament. I think the players Piper has are as good as BLHS but I think the coaching is a little better at BLHS. Plus this time of year is when McBride shines. Will you make the rubber game?

I plan to be there. should be a good game. I am not sure I would say Piper is getting out coached.

Speaking of the game of the week, several weeks ago someone told me that not only you donate time and money for SHUKC and GOTW but also the people helping you donate their time. Is this true and why? Do they have kids that play or what? If this is true I thank all of them also for what they do.

Yes there are a few that donate their time and the reason is they support what we are getting done. Vernon Birmingham has been a huge supporter, Moses Wyatt, Bryan Watson. Mark Snyder really supports me with the broadcast and award ceremonies. Jason Frank also supports me. Dennis Murphy, Luis Fasani. I do have some very supportive parents as well. Yes I have invested heavily in SHUKC. I don't have a good explanation other than I have a passion for the city I am from. Hopefully my network keep growing and the whole community gets on board. Sponsors like Gorilla Exteriors contracting, Piper family dental, krossover, Harper's helpers, fastpace athletics, DWE to name a few all help make it possible.

McNabb has a hurt back. Back spasms. I heard he should be able to play next week. If I was to pick a girl off Basehor for the All-star game I would pick the Smith girl over Garver if teams only get one player. I enjoy your Games of the Week and thanks for doing other Piper game tomorrow. We need a W

I think Basehor and Piper will get two each. We are looking forward to tomorrow.

Who do u think has the best student section in the kvl?

Mill Valley had a good one. We will find out at the All Star game where the best student section will be crowned.

Thoughts in 4A substate?

Derek Sykes
I need to break down your substate Derek but the last I checked it was all teams around or below .500. You guys have a shot if you can pull it together.

Why do you like Haley White so much?

I get asked about her a lot. she is among the scoring leaders for the kvl champs.

Some schools are used to having the spotlight and don't want to relinquish that. Talking about someone other than them doesn't necessarily make you biased, it just means you are trying to get more kids noticed. Again, most of us know you are doing well promoting the area, not just one school.

Well said. thanks.


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