
David Pecora Junior

Ask @Mystic_Junior

Do you have a beloved person? If yes, how did you get acquainted?

No, I'm single without a friend or care in the world.

What’s the craziest thing you have done out of jealousy?

Nothing. The only girl I ever loved shattered my heart by marrying the bully from our childhood. So I walked away with my head hung low and vowed to never be with a women again.

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In which city you would like to live?

Hard question, possibly Naples? Italian food just loves me as much as I love it :)

Which celebrity would you like to be for one day and what would you do?

I would be John Candy and to do? I would be cast in a set for a movie or film documentary as a memoire to him.

What does street style mean to you?

Street style to means you where your pants down around your knees, shoes untied and shirts so big they might as well be a night shirt. Basically kind of sloppy and unkempt, when I grew up if you tried walking out your house dressed like that no matter your color your momma would kick your butt back inside and give you a whoopin :)

Who has been the most important person in your life?

My Dad he's the anchor that binds me to this world, if he goes I might cry myself until I die.

Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

Past, it's a dark and gloomy road that reminds me to stay good and always be the good guy.

Best job you ever had?

Groundskeeper. Just so long as the property was upkept I could relax and still get paid.

If someone liked you, how would you like them to tell you?

Just say it, and don't blabber about everything else in the world.


Language: English