

Ask @Mudbill

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mudbill please bring back ballzogsteel server it was fun please respond please make a big reopen ballzofsteel server can you do that please and why was it shut down anyway?

I'm afraid getting it up is more work than I can do alone. I have been contacted by some of our older players who want to start a thing though, so I guess we'll see where that goes.

how can i make if i want to walk player on another pathnodes ? sorry for my english :(

You want to make the player force walk? That's pretty tricky. You can use MovePlayerForward but if you need more directions you'll probably have to use AddPlayerBodyForce.

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Mudbill how can I make the monster in amnesia random spawn?(If it have it script)

Rusyaidi Khalidi
You can use the script TeleportEnemyToArea (I think it was called). Do that along with RandInt to generate random values. See my video on variables for an example.

FATAL ERROR: Could not load script file 'custom_stories/Test/maps/Test.hps'! main(4, 1) : ERR : Expected ';' main(9, 1) : ERR : Expected ';' main(14, 1) : ERR : Expected ';' do you know why i got this error???

Sounds like you forgot some important syntax additions. If you forget a bracket or semi colon, the entire script will probably do something like this.

Hey, I don't know if you still answer questions here but I'm trying to create a script where I pick up a broken key. I didn't want to bother with a new 3D model, so I figured I could just use a normal item key and just change the inventory image. Is there anyway to do this?

Yes. If you take a look at my video for custom inventory items, the first part explains how to make a working icon for the game. You can edit the icon in the entity shown later, then save the new key as your own custom entity of the original key.

Hey there Mudbill , what script I should I use ? If I take this item .. Another Items will be spawn?

Perhaps SetEntityActive? If you just want to make another item appear, like for example a bucket when you pick up a key, you can do so with that.

Hey there, I am experiencing issues with a script. (Remember your video with intros and outros) Yeah that script. I kept on getting "fatal error" and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Please help.

I suggest trying the forum. It's a lot easier to help someone there, and we can give script examples and such. If you're crashing, it's likely a syntax error. Maybe you have two code blocks with the same name? If so, merge them.

Hey Magnus, I'm having trouble successfully downloading the editor tools to create a custom story. After manually installing the tools, the level editor can only be opened once. If I attempt to open it again, I get this Fatal error "core box_ dae." Just what the heck is goin' on here?

Hard to say. Sounds like a strange issue, but I think others have had it too. You should post about it on the forum.

I understand, it does take a lot of time to make. I'm creating one at the moment, but i'm not sure if people still play these.

Marketing is important. Show some people and if they like it they'll show it to their friends. Advertise its release and build some hype. Post it in several places. But keep true to your word.

I tried creating timers but it never works. I'll watch your tutorial again. Btw how's your custom story going?

Been staying off it for a while, that's why there are no videos. Working on a lot of other things atm, but hopefully I'll have something good out soon.

hey man, you should create a tutorial about how to create those In-game sounds that play every few seconds, like those babies crying or people screaming, scratching the walls etc ;)

Well, they can be quite simple. Just do some randomization with looping timers.

Ok I get it now! The names have to be Level1 or Level2 or Level3 etc. THANK YOU SO MUCH MUDBILL. I HAVE BEEN PISSED OFF FOR TWO NIGHTS TRYING EVERYTHING. Kinda bullshit it was that easy though lol.

The names can be pretty much anything, but as long as you have a system that you like it should be fine.

OK THAT WORKED. Thank You! Is there any way to work around this? What should be my process now?

I'm not actually sure. Kinda surprised that worked. It shouldn't be more than a rename of the file and a rename of the setting entry to have it working. Perhaps the rename went wrong. Remember not to use special characters in the name, and no spaces.

Its really strange for me because your map worked fine, but when I brought in my map, it didnt work. I even changed the settings.cfg file to my map name and it wont show up in the menu. But yours showed up! I dont get it. Please help Mudbill, your the pro, and you're my last hope lol.

What if you save your level with my level name? Overwrite it?

How do I make a custom story playable in the game. I tried out your sample "Level1.map" and it worked perfectly. I copied the "Level1.hps" file and turned it into my map name. I deleted your "Level1.map" file and inserted mine. The file wont show up in the game. I tried converting it to exec file.

Keep it the same file type. Just make sure to edit your custom_story_settings.cfg file if you change the name of your start map.

Thank you very much for your great work! I mean you Amnesia tutorials. Its was so nice to me when I found your channel on Youtube. And my question is: could you please make a tutorial of how to make a custom flashlight with your custom models and settings? It will be very nice.

I have this planned as a next-up video. I just need to get around doing it.

So you won't make a tutorial of how to make a jumpscares ?

I didn't really take the question seriously but yeah I might do one. I'll see when I get back into things.

How come whenever I try to use a custom texture on a plane, it works when I first import it, works in amnesia, but when I open up the editor again, the plane is there but has no material chosen?

Open the resources.cfg file and add the custom_stories directory to it. This is because the editors work a bit differently from the game itself.

The files are read-only, and when ever I turn it to read and write, I apply the changes

Sounds like a computer issue though, not Amnesia related. I suggest you try Google. They can probably help.

I learned from a different tutorial. Everytime I try to edit the folder/code it says that I don't have the permissions to.

Are you running Windows or Mac? I guess windows. You're probably lacking permissions because it's in program files.

How do I edit my customs story inside the Amnesia root folder? I'm sick and tired of copy and pasting from the desktop.

Why are you copying from the desktop? I figured most people worked from the amnesia folder.

Is there anyway to disable the music that happens when you meet a grunt/enemy?

Edit the entity with the model editor. Go to user defined variables and remove the music files.

Yes. ^the only section.

I guess you could try asking the forum. Perhaps another setting is messing with it.


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