
Mohammed Basharahil

Ask @MosBasha1

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If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?

Light purple, maybe

في اي جامعه تدرس؟ و من اي ثانوية تخرجت؟ و هل انتا طالب KGSP? <<< يارب اكون قلتها صح ??

قلتها صح، أدرس في university of Utah، و الثانوي درستها في مدارس دار الذكر في جدة

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What movie can you watch over and over again?

أغلب أفلام أحمد حلمي و ليوناردو دي كابريو

how do I submit my SAT and TOEFL scores if I am taking them after Jan ( deadline month )?

Contact your university, they will tell what you are supposed to do

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

It's been more than a month cutting a bad habit, so proud of myself

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

حسب شرح واحد من أخوياي لمعناها، أنا الاثنين في نفس الوقت

What is the longest you've ever gone without any sleep?

تقريبا ستة أيام ما بين اختبارات نهائية و تسليم سكن و سفر لمدة ٤٠ ساعة بين أربعة مطارات و الانتظار فيها، صحيح كان فيها غفوة ساعتين بس اتعبتني اكثر مما ريحتني.
تقريبا ما أفتكر آخر ٢٤ ساعة منها و يومين بعد ما نمت

I have known that you are completely rude after those two question, RIDICULOUS person... plus, what makes u think that the person who asked u the question is a male and not a female? and I am sure 100% that you are not going to answer the question so your followers won't seewhat is in your mind.

You're are wrong, I'm actually answering this question. Not trying to say I wasn't rude, but just to show you and whoever asked me those questions what to say and don't say to people.
There is a federal law "FERPA" stating that even your quizzes grades are confidential and aren't supposed to be announced to anyone ( and he wanted me to pronounce it publicly). I believe SAT scores are more confidential than quizzes. He was rude to ask that question, and I was wondering why did he asked that.
Last but not least, I believe someone should learn Arabic language all over again to know that "HE" is used if gender isn't important
Liked by: Mloky Bayan Mashat

I just want to know, not all the question should make a particular positive feeling or thought for the questioner. maybe he just want to know more about your life. However, Thanks a lot.

و عشان تتعرف عليا تبغى تعرف كم جبت في اختبار؟!!!

ما هو قصدك بـ"حركات المنتديات"؟ جاوب بكل صراحة. فان الحزب النازي يراقبك.

ايش تبغى انت؟ أعطي جوالك لماما حبيبي، مو لعبة

ما رايك في الاحتلال الثيروازي لبلاد أناضوليا في أواخر القرن الرابع والثلاثون؟ بعد استهلاك موارد البلايستيشن لشعب الارض؟ وماذا رائحة القمر لها دخل في هذا السؤال؟

بطلوها حركات المنتديات ?

Have you ever broken any bones? If so, how many and which ones?

Only once, Playing soccer.
I was a goalkeeper and he had Roberto Carlos legs


Language: English