

Ask @Mogu_s

I hope this question isn't too boring, but which are your most favourite games, be they Bioware or not?

Knights of The Old Republic & Dark Souls

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If it turned out that the world was actually modeled after your thoughts and that you actually wanted everything you condemn to happen subconsciously. What would you do?

Either kill myself or try to figure out how I can control it to become some archwizard

And your attempt also happened, and successfully concordant with your subconscious fantasy. Would you benefit for blocking yourself against your mistakes?

I doubt it

That's why they're not necessarily a source of truth but just your truth. Why do you create such a truth?

It's not an attempt, it just happens

Why do you believe you're tired and bitter and lonely (and you want to change that)?

Because I feel tired and bitter and lonely
I want to change that
It's a work in progress

What's arrogance and what's behind it?

Arrogance is believing you can when you can't
Arrogance is prompted by delusion, which has more reasons than I can count

Is philosophy even interesting? It seems more like something to do in free time rather than studying formally/whatever. That way you can look at what you wish.

Everyone engages in philosophy to some extent, but you can study it and focus on it. I find it interesting, but your mileage may vary


Language: English