
linnéa eiwor mathilda

Ask @MitternachtCosplay

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varför svarar du aldrig när man skriver en kommentar till dig på facebook? :(

tycker jag svarar på det mesta? Jag hinner inte svara på allt tyvärr, missar säkert en hel del också eftersom det händer saker på min fb precis hela tiden. Var det nåt särskilt du ville ha svar på? :)
Liked by: Millie Hedin

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What makes you feel proud of yourself?

I'm proud over the fact that I endured a long and physically exhausting school day and actually went for a long run in the heavy rain as soon as I got home instead of slouching on the couch. I'm proud because I aced my biology test last week. I'm proud because some people said some really kind things about me on my Facebook page. I'm proud that I dare to do whatever the hell I want and be whoever the hell I want to be. I'm proud that I recently started being nicer to myself and acknowledging that I'm actually good at some things and don't suck at everything I do.

Everytime I'm on your facebook I always get really confused when I see homestuck cause I am so used to all popular cosplayers looking down on Homestuck and its fandom.. but thank you for contributing to the fandom with your awesome cosplays!!

No kidding I love myself some Homestuck, have some Karkitty <3
But yeah I know the problem. And I think it's because HS's fandom has a very bad reputation, people don't give the comic a chance, which is a shame because it's actually really good and smart. But hey, every fandom has idiots, it's up to the nice fans to make an even better representation if that's the case!

Tittar du på ishockey?

Nej inte direkt. Är dock från Linköping så om jag måste så håller jag på LHC.

Seven years and you are still not married? Will you ever propose to him?

Nah but you know I just turned 23 last week and I'm not up for marrying ANYONE at this age. I still have so much shit to do :) besides I'm too much of a chicken to ask, if it WOULD happen in the future he would be the one who had to ask lol :p
Liked by: Rebecca Ivemyr

"Bitch I'm already royalty" do you not think you are making women a disservice by using the word "bitch" is a slur. misogynist language affects women

Who said I was referring to a woman? :p
But sure, if it offended someone, I'm sorry :)

Is love complicated? Why?

I think it depends! For some people it is and for some it isnt. For some people love - or more likely getting a partner - is so important they go through almost desperate measures to achieve it. To others it just comes naturally. Some people care a lot and some people don't.
For me personally love is very easy. I have the most perfect partner and he's been by my side for almost seven years now. We function as compliments for each others personalities, what I have less of he has a lot of and vise versa. By now we know each other so well that it's almost like we're the same person sometimes haha <3

If you didn't have any limits, laws of physics, economy or materials, what kind of costume would you like to make then?

This answer will vary depending on my mood and what I'm currently into but RIGHT NOW I'd say Malachite from Steven Universe. She's a freaking quadrapod and that's something that isn't very easy to build and still make it look good.
However I just did a makeup test for her and now I wanna cosplay her SOOOO BADLYYYY ;_______; <33
Liked by: Selma Siggelin

Do you have plans for any Star Wars cosplay? =)

I waaaaaaant to! I have a half finished Amidala at home, but ever since I started playing SWTOR I've been getting Twi'lek urges??? Can't pick one!
Liked by: Millie Hedin

is there a place in your country you would like to visit?

Right now? Uppsala. That city is so close to my heart it's crazy. But tourism-wise I wanna visit Gröna Lund, I've never been there :(

What's your favourite alcoholic drink?

Newcastle beer! But I'm also a sucker for Varmochkall apple wine. And my favorite drink is Blue Hawaii!


Language: English